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Shadi Sadat Safavi

Lecturer - Healthcare, School of Healthcare and Social Practice
School of Healthcare and Social Practice


Sadat Safavi, Shadi. (2022). Predicting mental adjustment to the diagnosis of colon cancer: an application of outcome expectations in socio-cognitive theory. Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing (Vol. 23 (1)).

Miladinia, Mojtaba., Jahangiri, Mina., Kennedy, Ann Blair., Fagerström, Cecilia., Tuvesson, Hanna., Sadat Safavi, Shadi., Maniati, Mahmood., Javaherforooshzadeh, Fatemeh., & Karimpourian, Hossein. (2022). Determining massage dose-response to improve cancer-related symptom cluster of pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbance: A 7-arm randomized trial in palliative cancer care. Palliative Medicine (Vol. Online ahead of print).

Sadat Safavi, Shadi. (2021). Relationship between fatalistic beliefs and self-efficacy in coping to the diagnosis of cancer. 2021 MIT/Unitec Research Symposium - Rangahau Horonuku Hou - New Research Landscapes, Online via Zoom.

Safavi, S.S. (2020). GP Practice nurses in a pandemic: how the lock-down impacts on primary healthcare services. Time of great whakaaro (Research dissemination in strange times) Non-conference conference, Collaborative space, Level 1, Waitakere Campus, Unitec Institute of Technology.

Safavi, S. S. (2020). Mental Adjustment to Colon Cancer: A Socio-Cognitive Approach. Time of great whakaaro (Research dissemination in strange times) Non-conference conference, Collaborative space, Level 1, Waitakere Campus, Unitec Institute of Technology.