Dr Lorne Roberts

BSc (Hons)., LondonPhD., Plymouth
GCertHE., Unitec
Professional memberships
- Vice-president of the Zoological Society of Auckland
- Scientific Fellow of the Zoological Society of London
- Member of Australasian Society of Zookeeping
- Associate Member of Zoo and Aquarium Association
- Trustee and Science Advisor to Kea Conservation Trust
- Trustee of Bird Rescue New Zealand Charitable Trust
- Trustee of The Animal Connection Charitable Trust
Lorne started work at Unitec after completing a PhD at Plymouth University, UK, followed by a number of years working in the zoo industry. He has been associated with the Zoological Society of London since he was 4 years old and has been working for or with Auckland Zoo since 1997. He now has professional relationships with all major zoos in New Zealand and the Zoo and Aquarium Association (ZAA) for which he is a zoo accreditation officer. He has taught in a number of areas over the past 30 years and in 2002 and 2010 he won Unitec's Excellence in Teaching Award. Since his arrival at Unitec, Lorne has instigated the only zoo keeper vocational qualification in New Zealand and was part of the development team for the Bachelor of Applied Animal Technology (now Bachelor of Applied Sciences) and its captive wild animal stream.
Lorne is passionate about ensuring best practice standards in zoos and about the positive effects zoos can have on public education, social attitudes and ultimately conservation. His research has included salivary cortisol testing in sealions and he has supervised student projects on zoo animals including servals, meerkats, golden cats and cheetah. Lorne co-founded the Kea Conservation Trust in 2006, and has since climbed up and down the mountains in the South Island researching kea populations. He is involved with an advocacy programme that tours the South Island in order to educate the human inhabitants about the demise of this unique endemic mountain parrot. He has spoken at zoo conferences in Australia, Singapore and New Zealand as well as at educational conferences.
Roberts, L.G. (2023). Global strategies but local action: Multi-stakeholder partnerships for conservation of the endemic kea (Nestor notabilis) of New Zealand. Zoo and Aquarium Association Australasia, Willowbank Wildlife Reserve, Christchruch.
Cameron, K. E., Harvey, L. C., Roberts, L. G., & Blanchon, D. J. (2020). Measuring Staff and Student Experiences of Teaching and Learning During Lockdown of the COVID-19 Pandemic in New Zealand. Unitec Research Symposium, Auckland.
Cameron, K., Roberts, L.G., Kwok-Heon, R., Skyner, L., & Salinski, J. (2019). Pet Lizards Can Tell You What They Want - If You Let Them. Auckland, New Zealand, Pet Life (Vol. Issue 11).
Roberts, L.G. (2018). Plight of the Kea - Clown of the Mountains. NZ Alpine Club, Dominion Road, Mt Eden.
Roberts, L. G. (2017). Integrated Conservation - The Insitu/Exsitu Bridge. 2017 Kea Konvention, Arthur's Pass Village, Canterbury.
Roberts, L. G. (2017). The Clown of the Mountains. North Shore Tramping Club, Takapuna, North Shore.
Roberts, L. G. (2017). Will Serval Work for Their Food in Zoos? Australasian Society of Zoo Keeping, Tidbinbilla.
Roberts, L. G. (2017). Changing hearts and Minds: Telling the Kea Story Using No Alternative Facts. Australasian Society of Zoo Keeping, Tidbinbilla.
Roberts, L. G. (2016). A Network for Conservation. Zoo and Aquarium Association New Zealand, Nelson, New Zealand.
Roberts, L. G. (2016). Students in the Lost World of Borneo. Zoological Society of Auckland Seminar Series, Auckland Zoo.
Roberts, L. G. (2015). A Community MoU with an Endangered Species. Zoological Society of Auckland, Auckland Zoo, Auckland, New Zealand.
Roberts, L. G. (2014). Kea Conservation: Past, Present and Future. Birds New Zealand (Auckland), Unitec. Mt Albert.
Roberts, L. G., Orr-Walker, T., Adams, N. J., and Kemp, J. R. (2013). Nurturing Collaboration:Conservation Outcomes for Kea. Zoo and Aquarium Association NZ Branch Annual Conference, Dunedin.
Orr-Walker, T., and Roberts, L. G. (2013). Changing Attitudes Towards Kea - Conflict to Co-existence. Australasian Ornithological Conference, Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand.
Adams, N., Orr-Walker, T., Roberts, L. G., Kemp, J., and Spurr, E. (2013). Minimising the Impact of Mammalian Pest Management on Non-target Birds. Australasian Ornithological Conference, Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand.
Roberts, LG, Orr-Walker, T., Adams, NA, and Kemp, JR (2013). Population Surveys to Bird Repellents and Beyond: A Continuing Journey for Kea Conservation. Australasian Society of Zoo Keeping Conference, Auckland Zoo, Auckland, New Zealand.
Roberts, L. G. (2012). Education and Advocacy in Conservation - What's the Measure? Nestor Notabilis, Newletter of the Kea Conservation Trust (Vol. Volume 6).
Orr-Walker, T., Adams, N.J., Roberts, L.G., Kemp, J.R., and Spurr, E.B. (2012). Effectiveness of the bird repellents anthraquinone and d-pulegone on an endemic New Zealand parrot, the kea (Nestor notabilis). Applied Animal Behaviour Science.
Roberts, L. G. (2011). NZ Society - Auckland Zoo (Part 4). Radio New Zealand; National (Vol. Friday 22nd July).
Orr-Walker, T., Adams, NJ, Roberts, LG, Kemp, J., Spurr, and EB (2011). Effectiveness of the bird repellents anthraquinone and d-pulegone on an endemic New Zealand parrot, the kea (Nestor notabilis). 25th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Orr-Walker, T., Roberts, L.G., and Fraser, P. (2011). Population - The Elephant in the Room. Zoo and Aquarium Association - New Zealand Conference, Wellington Zoo:Wellington.
Orr-Walker, T., and Roberts, L.G. (2011). Collaboration for Kea Conservation. Zoo and Aquarium Association - New Zealand Conference, Wellington Zoo:Wellington.
Adams, NJ, Kemp, J., Orr-Walker, T., and Roberts, LG (2011). Surveying the Southern Alps: Substantial differences in indices of kea (Nestor notabilis) abundance across its range may reflect response to pest management. Australasian Ornithological Conference, Cairns.
Robson, J., and Roberts, L.G. (2011). Causes of Lead Poisoning in Kea. Royal Society of New Zealand, Teacher Fellowship Report.
Orr-Walker, T., and Roberts, L. G. (2010). Creative use of captive populations for wildlife conservation. 2010 Conservation Management Group ARAZPA NZ Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand, 8-10 June.
Roberts, L.G. (2010). A forum for discussion with zoos - Sun, sharks and the KCT. Nestor notabilis, ISSN 1177-8571: Auckland (Vol. June Vol 4).
Roberts, L.G. (2009). Enrichment in Zoological Parks. Zoological Society of Auckland Seminar Series, Auckland Zoo: Auckland (Vol. 21 May).
Orr-Walker, T., and Roberts, L. (2009). Engaging XYZ - a conservation Trust's Perspective. 2009 Proceedings of the Australian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria Conference The Australian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria Conference 2009.
Roberts, L., and Fraser, D. (2009). Multigenerational Education. 2009 Proceedings of the Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria Conference The Australian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria Conference 2009.
Roberts, L. G., and Crawford, J. (2008). The Art of Signage. 2008 Australasian Regional Assiociatuion of Zoological Parks and Aquaria Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Orr-Walker, T., and Roberts, L. G. (2008). Integrating and Centralising Resources for Kea Conservation and Advocacy. 2008 Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Orr-Walker, T., and Roberts, L. (2008). Population estimations of the wild Kea (Nestor notabilis). Ornithological Society of New Zealand Scientific Day.
Roberts, L., Parker, L., Orr-Walker, T., and Waran, N. (2007). How effective are New Zealand zoos at educating the public and providing advocacy for the Kea (nestor notabilis)? 2007 Proceedings of the Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria ConferenceARAZPA 2007 Conference.
Fraser, P., Bower-Warner, E., Orr-Walker, T., and Roberts, L. (2007). A zoo's conservation journey: Consumer to contributor. Biodiversity Extinction Crisis Conference - A Pacific response.
Booth, L., and Roberts, L. (2007). The use of simulated predator presence to increase performance of sentry behavior in captive meerkats (suricata suricatta) and the implications for public display. 2007 Proceedings of the Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria ConferenceARAZPA 2007 Conference.
Rix-Trott, M., Roberts, L., Morrow, C., Waran, N., Dixon, A., and Fraser, P. (2007). Ovarian activity in captive Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) determined by behavioural changes and faecal oestradiol. 2007 Proceedings of the Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria ConferenceARAZPA 2007 Conference.
Orr-Walker, T., and Roberts, L. G. (2006). The Kea Conservation Trust - in-situ/ex-situ challenges. 2006 Conservation Management Group ARAZPA NZ Annual Conference, Invercargill, New Zealand.
Huggins, C., Roberts, L., Barcley, T., Dixon, A., and Waran, N. (2006). Behavioural effects of auditory enrichment associated with feeding in captive serval (Leptailurus serval) in New Zealand. 2nd International Congress of Zookeeping, Brisbane.
Jameson, A., Roberts, L., Barcley, T., Dixon, A., and Waran, N. (2006). Contra-freeloading in captive serval cats (Leptailurus serval) within zoos in New Zealand. 2nd International Congress of Zookeeping; Brisbane.
Roberts, L. G. (2005). Teaching the theory and practice of captive wild animal husbandry - a coalescence of pedagogical approaches. 2005 New Zealand Association for Cooperative Education Annual Conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Roberts, L. G. (2005). Teaching both the art and science of zookeeping - essential elements of any zoo professional. 2005 Australasian Regioonal Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Roberts, L. G., and Fraser, D. (2003). Education for zookeeping professionals - a three step process. 2003 Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria Conference, Adelaide, Australia.
Roberts, L. G., and Fraser, D. (2002). Measurement of salivory cortisol as an indicator of stress in Californian Sealions. 2002 Joint Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria/South East Asian Zoos Association Confernce, Singapore Zoo, Singapore.
Roberts, L. (2005). Zookeeping: Old profession, new approach. Presented to the BioLive Conference 'Cutting edge', 13 July, Nelson.
Roberts, L. (2005). Teaching theory and practice of captive wild animal husbandry: A coalescence of pedagogical approaches, Proceedings of the Ninth New Zealand Association for Cooperative Education Annual Conference. Paper presented at the Ninth New Zealand Association for Cooperative Education Annual Conference, 28-29 April, Palmerston North.
Roberts, L. G., & Fraser, D. (2002). Education for zookeeping professionals: A three step process. Presented to the Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria, Adelaide.
Roberts, L. G. (2002). Animal management meets research: A match made at Auckland Zoo. Presented to the Training and Conditioning Conference, 22 August, Auckland.
Fraser, D. L., & Roberts, L. (2002). Education for conservationists: A new era. Presented to the Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria, and South East Asian Zoos Association conference, 24-28 June, Singapore.
Fraser, D. L., & Roberts, L. (2002). Measurement of salivary cortisol levels as an indication of stress in Californian sealions. Presented to the Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria, and South East Asian Zoos Association conference, 24-28 June, Singapore.