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Dr Nigel Adams

Associate Professor
School of Environmental and Animal Sciences
Location: Building 115, Room 2015


B,Sc (Hons)., Cape Town, Ph.D., Cape Town

Professional memberships

  • Ornithological Society of New Zealand



Nigel completed his PhD in 1991 while employed by the Percy Fitzpatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University of Cape Town. His work at this time included investigations of the feeding biology and bioenergetics of sub-Antarctic penguins and seabird - commercial fish interactions off continental South Africa. Thereafter he took up a postdoctoral fellowship at Ben Gurion University of the Negev addressing aspects of water flux and temperature regulation in arid zone birds. On returning from Israel he taught at a number of South African Universities, including University of Port Elizabeth  (now Nelson Mandela Metropolitan  University), University of Zululand and University of  Natal (now University of Kwazulu Natal). Nigel currently contributes to courses that consider interactions between science and society, animal physiology and anatomy, wildlife management and conservation, behavioural ecology and research methods. These courses are delivered mainly into the Bachelor of Applied Science.

Nigel’s current research programme includes projects on: a) Hormonal responses to environmental stressors in endemic New Zealand birds. This research is informing the development of captive rearing and translocation protocols used to manage a range of threatened New Zealand birds. b) The conservation, ecology and management of the endemic South Island parrot, the Kea . c) Attitudes to animal welfare issues within New Zealand.  This work is being carried out in collaboration with colleagues in the Department of natural Sciences, Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical  Sciences and the Institute of Natural Sciences at Massey University, Department of Conservation, Landcare Research and the Kea Conservation Trust.


Fraser, D., Pugh, A., Jones, C., Gibson, M., Wechsler, S., Aguilar, G., Killock, S., & Adams, N. (2023). Where is it now? Assessing the presence of the granulate ambrosia beetle at a property in Kume, Auckland, New Zealand. 4th International Congress on Biological Invasions, Christchurch.

Mckenzie, D., Fenton, M., Cunningham, L., Tatlonghari, K., Neverman, C., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2023). The perception of a biosecurity awareness poster by Hauraki Gulf recreational Boat users. NZ Biosecurity Institute (NETS) Conference 2023: Toit Te Whenua, Toit Te Moana, Toit Te Tangata, Paihia.

Briden, KA., Adams, NJ., & Cameron, KE. (2023). Hierarchical Structure and Feeding Behaviors of Free-Range Hens (Gallus gallus domesticus). International Journal of Comparative Psychology (Vol. 36(1)).

Fraser, DL., Alach, JM., Adams, NJ., & Aguilar, GD. (2023). Day-time roost patterns of new and previously translocated North Island Brown Kiwi (Apteryx mantelli). Diversity (Vol. 15(2)).

Adams, N., Gaskin, C., Lukies, K., & Whitehead, E. (2022). Segregation of foraging areas by breeding Tākapu/ Australasian Gannets Morus serrator in the Hauraki Gulf. Australasian Ornithological Conference 2022, Auckland.

Bahla, J., Kreger, V., Neverman, C., Ovenden, K., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2022). Assessment of risk goods being transported on vehicle ferries to Te Motu-arai-roa/Waiheke and Aotea/Great Barrier Islands. NETS2022: Changing Landscapes 2022, Christchurch.

Jones, C., Gibson, M., Wechsler, SK., Pugh, A., Killick, s., Aguilar, G., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2022). Assessing the presence of the granulate ambrosia beetle (Xylosandrus crassiusculus) in selected areas in Auckland. NETS2022: Changing Landscapes 2022, Christchurch, NZ.

Emery, A., Fellows, M., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2022). The role of conservation dogs in promoting biosecurity awareness. NETS2022: Changing Landscapes 2022, Christchurch, NZ.

Jawad, LA., & Adams, NJ. (2022). Features of the vertebral column and caudal fin skeleton for identifying Engraulis australis in food of the Australasian gannet Morus serrator, Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. The Anatomical Record (Vol. 306(8)).

Jawad, LA., & Adams, NJ. (2022). Otolith mass asymmetry in the Australian anchovy Engraulis australis (White, 1790) predated by Australasian gannets Morus serrator (Gray, 1843), Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Cahiers de Biologie Marine (Vol. 63-64).

Adams, NJ. (2021). Foraging by breeding tākapu/ Australasian Gannets in Tīkapa Moana/ Hauraki Gulf. MIT-Unitec Research Symposium, Auckland.

Jawad, LA., & Adams, NJ. (2021). Fluctuating asymmetry in the size of the otolith of Engraulis australis (Shaw, 1790) recovered from the food of the Australasian gannet, Morus serrator, Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Marine Pollution Bulletin (Vol. 168).

Rayner, MJ., Dunphy, BJ., Lukies, K., Adams, NJ., Berg, M., Kozmian-Ledward, L., Pinkerton, MH., & Bury, SJ. (2021). Stable isotope record from a resident New Zealand seabird community suggests changes in distribution but not trophic position since 1878. Marine Ecology Progress Series (Vol. 678).

Jawad, LA., Adams, NJ., & Nieuwoudt, MK. (2021). Ingestion of microplastics and mesoplastics by Trachurus declivis (Jenyns, 1841) retrieved from the food of the Australasian gannet Morus serrator: first documented report from New Zealand. Marine Pollution Bulletin (Vol. 170).

Jawad, LA., & Adams, NJ. (2021). The relationship between fish length and otolith size and weight of the Australian anchovy, Engraulis australis (Clupeiformes, Engraulidae), retrieved from the food of the Australasian gannet, Morus serrator (Suliformes, Sulidae), Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Zoodiversity (Vol. 55(4)).

Adams, NJ. (2021). Tākapu/Australasian gannet and partitioning the Gulf. Gaskin C, Auckland, New Zealand.

Adams, N., Gaskin, C., & Whitehead, E. (2020). Marine debris in the nests of tākapu (Australasian gannets, Morus serrator) in the inner Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Notornis (Vol. 67).

Adams, NJ. (2020). Sentinels of the Hauraki Gulf? Feeding and foraging of Tākapu (Australasian gannets). Unitec Research Symposium, Auckland.

Doyle, E., & Adams, N. (2019). DNA extraction and amplification of faecal samples from the White Fronted Terns (Sternula nereis). Report prepared for North New Zealand Seabird Trust. 6 p. Auckland, Not Applicable.

de Castro, L., Furlong, T., Brooks, L., Neverman, C., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2019). The practicalities of surveying ferry passengers to assess awareness of kauri dieback. New Zealand Biosecurity Institute NETS2019 He waka eke noa All hands on deck, Tauranga.

Furlong, T., de Castro, L., Brooks, L., Neverman, C., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2019). The spread of kauri dieback disease: Are ferry passengers to Waiheke Island aware of this serious issue? New Zealand Biosecurity NETS2019 He waka eke noa All hands on deck, Tauranga.

Lefort, M-C., Cruickshank, RH., Descovich, K., Adams, NJ., Barun, A., Emami-Khoyi, A., Ridden, J., Smith, VR., Sprague, R., Waterhouse, BR., & Boyer, S. (2019). Blood, sweat and tears: a review of non-invasive DNA sampling. Peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Ecology. NA, bioRxiv (Vol. 385120).

Whitehead, EA., Adams, N., Baird, KA., Bell, EA., Borelle, SB., Dunphy, BJ., Gaskin, CP., Landers, TJ., Rayner, MJ., & Russell, JC. (2019). Threats to Seabirds of Northern Aotearoa New Zealand. Auckland, Northern New Zealand Seabird Trust (Vol. NA).

Adams, NJ., Lefort, M-C., Gaskin, C., Boyer, S., Landers, T., & Ismar, S. (2019). Tākapu (Australasian gannets) in the Hauraki Gulf. Oceanic Storytellers: Seabird research for the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand Maritime Museum, Huite Ananui A Tangaroana, Auckland.

Doyle, E., & Adams, N. (2018). DNA extraction and amplification of faecal samples from Buller's Shearwater (Puffinis bulleri), Fairy Prion (Pachyptila turtur), & Fluttering Shearwater (Puffinus gavia). Report prepared for North New Zealand Seabird Trust. 7 p. Auckland, Not Applicable.

Doyle, E., & Adams, N. (2018). DNA extraction and amplification of regurgitate and faecal samples from Buller's Shearwater (Puffinis bulleri). Report prepared for Northern New Zealand Seabird Trust . 8 p. Auckland, Not applicable.

Cameron, K. E., Wassenaar, R. J., Panapasa, A., Brown, K. J., Halliday, A. D., Lodge-Osborn, K. R., Robson, E. A., Aley, J. P., Jones, G., Salinsky, J. R., Fraser, D. L., & Adams, N. J. (2018). Measuring the efficacy of repellent on house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Unitec ePress Perspectives in Biosecurity Research series (Vol. 3).

Andrews, P., Rench, K., Shields, B., Brookes, L., Nelson, A., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2018). Biosecurity Advocacy. New Zealand Biosecruity Institute NETS2018 Shining the Light on Innovation, Nelson.

Rench, K., Andrews, P., Shields, B., Brooks, L., Nelson, A., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2018). Dissemination of biosecurity information and compliance of ferry passengers travelling to selected islands in the Hauraki Gulf. New Zealand Biosecruity Institute NETS2018 Shinning the Light on Innovation, Nelson.

Gaskin, C., & Adams, NJ. (2018). Indirect effects on seabirds in northern North Island POP2017-06 Summary of activities carried out to collect samples from seabirds 2017-2018 (Milestone 3). Wellington, New Zealand, Department of Conservation (Vol. 3).

Adams, N. J., Boyer, S., Lefort, M. C., Doyle, E., Wilson, M., O'Rouke, C., Landers, T., & Ismar, S. (2018). Using DNA barcoding to analyse a seabird food chain in the Hauraki Gulf. Across All Realms - Sea, Land & Air-Our Seabird Taonga, New Zealand Maritime Museum, Huite Ananui A Tangaroana.

Thomas, J. B., Adams, N. J., & Farnworth, M. J. (2017). Thomas, J. B., Adams, N. J., & Farnworth, M. J. (2017). Characteristics of ex-racing greyhounds in New Zealand and their impact on re-homing. Animal Welfare, 26(3), 345-354. Animal Welfare (Vol. 26).

Waters, J., Fraser, D., Adams, N. J., Blackie, H., & MacKay, J. (2017). Increasing possum interaction rates with chew cards using new formulation lures. New Zealand Journal of Zoology (Vol. 44(2)).

Lardner, J., Neverman, C., Shields, B., Waipara, N., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2017). Biosecurity advocacy: the gentle approach. New Zealand Biosecruity Institute Conference, Wellington.

Neverman, C., Lardner, J., Shields, B., Waipara, N., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2017). Biosecurity awareness of ferry passengers travelling to selected islands in the Huaraki Gulf. New Zealand Biosecurity Institute (NETS) Conference, Wellington.

Graham, C., Dabb, H., Cook, J., Waipara, N., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2016). Getting the message out: Managing & promoting biosecurity awareness in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. New Zealand Biosecurity Institute NETS Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.

O'Sullivan, R., Smith, H., Cook, J., Waipara, N., Adams, N., Aguilar, G., & Fraser, D. (2016). An assessment of the risk of spread of plague skink and Argentine ants by commercial businesses providing services or goods to selected inhabited islands of the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. New Zealand Biosecurity Institute NETS Conference, Auckland.

Hall, C. M., Adams, N. J., Bradley, J. S., Bryant, K. A., Davis, A. A., Dickman, C. R., Fujita, T., Kobayashi, S., Lepczyk, C. A., McBride, E. A., Pollock, K. H., Styles, I. M., van Heezik, Y., Wang, F., & Calver, M. C. (2016). Community attitudes and practices of urban residents regarding predation by pet cats on wildlife: an international comparison. PLOS ONE (Vol. 11(4)).

Cameron, K. E., Adams, N. J., Wassenaar, R. J., Bistricer, A., Brown, K. J., Halliday, A. D., Lodge-Osbourne, K. R., Robson, E. A., Jones, G., Salinsky, J. R., & Fraser, D. L. (2016). Behavioural methodologies for measuring the efficacy of repellent in sparrows (Passer domesticus). Annual Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Cameron, K. E., Adams, N. J., Wassenaar, R. J., Bistricer, A., Brown, K. J., Halliday, A. D., Lodge-Osborn, K., Robson, E. A., Jones, G., Salinsky, J. R., & Fraser, D. L. (2016). The effectiveness of a commercially available bird repellent on house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Annual Science Week Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists, Gold Coast, Australia.

Aley, JP, Adams, NJ, Ladyman, R., and Fraser, DL (2015). The efficacy of Capsaicin as an equine repellent for chewing wood. Journal of Veterinary Behavior (Vol. 10).

Farnworth, M. J., Barrett, L. A., Adams, N. J., Beausoleil, N. J., Weldgraaf, K., Hekmann, M., Chambers, J. P., Thomas, D. G., Waran, N. K., & Stafford, K. J. (2015). Assessment of a carbon dioxide laser for the measurement of thermal nociceptive thresholds following intra-muscular administration of analgesic drugs to pain-free female cats. Journal of Veterinary Analgesia (Vol. 42).

Dabb, H., Gibbons, R., Cook, J., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2015). An assessment of businesses as risk pathways for the spread of Argentine ants and rainbow skinks. New Zealand Biosecruity Institute Conference, Dunedin.

Wairepo, J., Wilson, M., Morgan, S., Adams, N., Fraser, D., Cook, J., & Waipara, N. (2015). Intensive surveillance confirms restricted distribution of plague skinks (Lampropholis delicate) on Great Barrier Island. New Zealand Biosecruity Institute Conference, Dunedin.

Alach, J., Adams, N., Aguilar, G., Galbraith, M., & Fraser, D. (2015). Dispersal pattern of translocated northern brown kiwi, compared with established male kiwi at Mataia Restoration project, Kaipara, New Zealand. New Zealand Ornithological Annual Conference, Blenheim.

Fraser, D. L., Blanchon, D. J., Adams, N., and Galbraith, M. (2014). The spread of the Spur-winged Plover (Vanellus miles novaehollandiae) in New Zealand. 26th International Ornithological Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 18-24 August 2014.

Farnworth, M.J., Watson, H., and Adams, N.J. (2014). Understanding Attitudes Toward the Control of Nonnative Wild and Feral Mammals: Similarities and Differences in the Opinions of the General Public, Animal Protectionists, and Conservationists in New Zealand (Aotearoa). Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science (Vol. 17).

Farnworth, M.J., Adams, N.J., Keown, A.J., Waran, N.K., and Stafford, K.J. (2014). Veterinary provision of analgesia for domestic cats (Felis catus) undergoing gonadectomy: a comparison of samples from New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. New Zealand Veterinary Journal (Vol. 62).

Fraser, D. L., Galbraith, M., Adams, N. J., and Blanchon, D. J. (2014). Range expansion of the spur-winged plover (Vanellus miles novaehollandiae) in New Zealand. Notornis (Vol. 61).

Waters, J., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2014). Novel lures to increase possum detections and reduce rat interference at Chew Cards. New Zealand Biosecruity Institute Conference, New Plymouth.

Morgan, S., Marshall, A., Cook, J., Waipara, N., Ward, D., McNatty, A., Adams, N., & Fraser, D. (2014). Risk pathways of Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) and the plague skink (Lampropholis delicata) from Rodney district businesses to the islands of the Hauraki Gulf. New Zealand Ecological Society Conference, New Plymouth.

Farnworth, MJ, Barrett, LA, Adams, NJ, Beausoleil, NJ, Hekman, M., Thomas, DG, Waran, NK, Stafford, and KJ (2013). Body weight affects behavioural indication of thermal nociceptive threshold in adult domestic cats (Felis catus). Applied Animal Behaviour Science (Vol. 149).

Roberts, L. G., Orr-Walker, T., Adams, N. J., and Kemp, J. R. (2013). Nurturing Collaboration:Conservation Outcomes for Kea. Zoo and Aquarium Association NZ Branch Annual Conference. Dunedin.

Muir, R., Keown, AJ, Adams, NJ, and Farnworth, MJ (2013). Attitudes towards catch-and-release recreational angling, angling practices and perceptions of pain and welfare in fish in New Zealand. Animal Welfare (Vol. 22).

Adams, N.J., Parker, K.A., Cockrem, J.F., Brunton, D.H., and Candy, E.J. (2013). Inter-island differences in the corticosterone responses of North Island Saddlebacks (Philesturnus rufusater) in New Zealand do not suggest selective effects of translocation. Emu (Vol. 113).

Farnworth, M.J., Beausoliel, N.J., Adams, N.J., Barrett, L.A., Stevenson, M., Thomas, D.G., Waterland, M.R., Waran, N.K., and Stafford, K.J. (2013). Validating the use of carbon dioxide laser for assessing nociceptive thresholds in adult domestic cats (Felis catus). Applied Animal Behaviour Science (Vol. 143).

Farnworth, MJ, Adams, NJ, Seksel, K., Waran, NK, Beausoleil, NJ, and Stafford, KF (2013). Veterinary attitudes towards pre-pubertal gonadectomy of cats: a comparison of samples from New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. New Zealand Veterinary Journal (Vol. 61).

Adams, N., Orr-Walker, T., Roberts, L., Kemp, J., and Spurr, E. (2013). Minimising the impact of mammalian pest management on non-target birds. Australasian Ornithological Conference Auckland 2013.

Fraser, D., Galbraith, M., Adams, N., & Blanchon, D. (2013). Range expansion of spur-winged plover in New Zealand. New Zealand Biosecurity Institute Conference, Greymouth.

Farnworth, M.J., Adams, N.J., Seksel, K., Waran, N.K., Beausoleil, N.J., and Stafford, K.J. (2012). Veterinary attitudes towards pre-pubertal gonadectomy of cats: a comparison of samples from New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. New Zealand Veterinary Journal.

Orr-Walker, T., Adams, N.J., Roberts, L., Kemp, J. R., and Spurr, E.B. (2012). Effectiveness of the bird repellents anthraquinone and d-pulegone on an endemic New Zealand parrot, the kea (Nestor notabilis). Applied Animal Behaviour Science (Vol. 137).

Orr-Walker, T., Adams, N.J., Roberts, L.G., and Kemp, J.R. (2011). Effectiveness of the bird repellents on an endemic New Zealand parrot, the kea (Nestor notabilis). Society for Conservation Biology, 25th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-9 December 2011.

Adams, N.J., Orr-Walker, T., and Roberts, L. (2011). Blunting the double edged sword: Kea, pests and 1080. 3rd Annual Unitec Research Symposium, 20 October 2011.

Keown, A.J., Farnworth, M.J., and Adams, N.J. (2011). Attitudes towards perception and management of pain in rabbits and guinea pigs by a sample of veterinarians in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal (Vol. 59).

Adams, N.J., Farnworth, M.J., Rickett, J., Parker, K.A., and Cockrem, J.F. (2011). Behavioural and corticosterone responses to capture and confinement of wild blackbirds (Turdus merula). Applied Animal Behaviour Science (Vol. 134).

Adams, N.J., Kemp, J., Orr-Walker, T., and Roberts, L. (2011). Surveying the Southern Alps: Substantial differences in indices of kea (Nestor notabilis) abundance across its range may reflect response to pest management. Australasian Ornithological Conference, James Cook University, Cairns.

Young, M., and Adams, N.J. (2010). Plastic debris and seabird presence in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research (Vol. 44).

Adams, N.J., Parker, K.A., Cockrem, J.F., Brunton, D.H., and Candy, E.J. (2010). Corticosterone responses and post-release survival in translocated North Island saddlebacks (Philesturnus rufusater) in New Zealand. Emu Journal of Austral Ornithology (Vol. 110).

Farnworth, M.J., Campbell, J., and Adams, N.J. (2010). What's in a name? Perceptions of stray and feral cat welfare and control in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science (Vol. 14).

Farnworth, M.F., Campbell, J., and Adams, N.J. (2010). Public awareness in New Zealand of animal welfare legislation relating to cats. New Zealand Veterinary Journal (Vol. 58 (4)).

Campbell, J., Farnworth, M., and Adams, N. (2009). Attitudes toward, and implications for cats in New Zealand: Provision of care an awareness of legislation governing cat welfare. SPCA New Zealand 76th Annual Conference and AGM.

Farnworth, M., Campbell, J., and Adams, N. (2009). Public Attitudes Towards the Control of Stray and Feral Cats in New Zealand. Minding Animals Conference.

Adams, N.J., Parker, K.A., Cockrem, J.F., Farnworth, M.J., and Rickett, J. (2008). Hormonal stress responses to capture and confinement of wild birds: Implications for translocations. New Zealand Ecological Society Conference.

Adams, N.J., Cockrem, J.F., Candy, E.J., and Taylor, G.A. (2008). Non-precocial grey-faced petrel chicks (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi) show no age-related variation in corticosterone responses to capture and handling. General and Comparative Endocrinology (Vol. 157).

Adams, N., Ricketts, J., and Farnworth, M. (2008). Behavioural changes associated with short term captivity of wild birds: Implications for translocation. UFAW Animal Welfare Conference.

Adams, N. J., & Navarro, R. A. (2005). Foraging of a coastal seabird: Flight patterns and movements of breeding Cape gannets Morus capensis. African Journal of Marine Science, 27 (1), 239-248.

Adams, N. J., Cockrem, J. F., Taylor, C., Candy, E. J., & Bridges, J. (2005). Corticosterone responses of hand-reared and parent-reared grey-faced petrel chicks (Pterodroma macropter gouldi). Zoo Biology, 24, 283-290.

Adams, N., Cockrem, J. F., Taylor, G. A., Candy, E. J., & Bridges, J. (2005). Corticosterone responses of Grey-Faced Petrels (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi) are higher during incubation than during other breeding stages. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 78 (1), 69-77.

Adams, N., & Cockrem, J. (2005). Translocations and stress responses: Implications of immunosuppresion and reintroduction success. Presented to the First National Symposium on Conservation Medicine, 7-8 July, Auckland.

Adams, N. (2005). Physiology: Hormones, stress and translocations. Presented to the Auckland Science Teacher Association Biology Support Group 'Biology in context' Conference, 24 November, Auckland.

Soobramoney, S., Downs, C.T. & Adams, N.J.(2003). Physiological variability in the fiscal shrike Lanius collaris along an altitudinal gradient in South Africa. Thermal Biology, 28: 581-594.