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Peeti Lamwilai

Academic Programme Manager
School of Creative Industries


Lamwilai, P., (Director and Motion Designer), Botha, D., (Motion Designer), Fepulea'i, M., (Motion Designer), Kane, R., (Motion Designer), Liu, K., (Motion Designer), & Ybanez, T., (Motion Designer) (2024). Creativity Saves The World [Motion Graphic Sequence]. New Zealand, Auckland Art Festival.

Tan, L., (Curator), White, T., Renata, H., Lamwilai, P., de Groot, C., Smith, E., & Craven, M. (2024). Puna Krero. Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, Auckland, New Zealand, 3 July.

Tan, L., White, T., Renata, H., Lamwilai, P., Smith, E., de Groot, C., & Goldsmith, A. (2024). Puna Krero - Marae Based Creative Placemaking in the Wairaka Precinct. ITP Research Symposium 2024, Tmaki Makaurau, Auckland.

White, T., Tan, L., Blanchon, D., Smith, H., Renata, H., Toki, L., Lamwilai, P., & Ripley, D. (2022). Toitū te Whenua - Working together for the wellbeing of people and the land. New Zealand Ecological Society 2022 Conference, University of Otago.

Lamwilai, P. (2021). Episode 1: Peas for Sale. New Zealand, JustMyType.

Lamwilai, P. (2021). JustMyType: An Exploration of Documentary Filmmaking for New Zealand Typographic Education. Unitec Institute of Technology, Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa.