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Jamie Bell

School of Computing, Electrical and Applied Technology


Taungapeau, M., Fernandez, O., & Bell, J. (2024). Design a Drone Workshop. Ki te pp, Te Wnanga o Raukawa, Otaki.

Bell, J. (2023). Having the Conversations to Improve Predator Detection Technologies. NETS2023, Paihia.

Williams, H.A.M., Bell, J., Nejati, M., Hussein, S., Penhall, N.D., Lim, J.Y., Jones, M.H., Ahn, H.S., Bradley, S., Schaare, P., Martinsen, P., Broussard, M., Seabright, M.J., Duke, M.D., Scarfe, A.J., & MacDonald, B.A. (2021). Evaluating the quality of kiwifruit pollinated with an autonomous robot. Field Robotics (Vol. 1(1)).

Williams, H.A.M., Ting, C., Nejati, M., Jones, M.H., Penhall, N.D., Lim, J.Y., Seabright, M.J., Bell, J., Ahn, H.S., Scarfe, A.J., & MacDonald, B.A. (2020). Improvements to and large-scale evaluation of a robotic kiwifruit harvester. Journal of Field Robotics (Vol. 37(2)).

Williams, H.A.M., Nejati, M., Hussein, N., Lim, J.Y., Jones, M.H., Bell, J., Ahn, H.S., Bradley, S., Schaare, P., Martinsen, P., Alomar, M., Patel, P., Seabright, M.J., Duke, M.D., Scarfe, A.J., & MacDonald, B.A. (2020). Autonomous pollination of individual kiwifruit flowers: Toward a robotic kiwifruit pollinator. Journal of Field Robotics (Vol. 37(2)).

Nejati, M., Penhall, N.D., Williams, H.A.M., Bell, J., Lim, J.Y., Ahn, H.S., & MacDonald, B.A. (2019). Kiwifruit detection in challenging conditions. Australian Robotics and Automation Association (ARAA) Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA) 2019, Adelaide.

Jones, M.H., Bell, J., Dredge, D., Seabright, M.J., Scarfe, A.J., Duke, M.D., & MacDonald, B.A. (2019). Design and testing of a heavy-duty platform for autonomous navigation in kiwifruit orchards. Biosystems Engineering (Vol. 187).

Bell, J. (2019). Robots for Kiwifruit Harvesting and Pollination. The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.

Williams, H.A.M., Jones, M.H., Nejati, M., Seabright, M.J., Bell, J., Penhall, N.D., Barnett, J.J., Duke, M.D., Scarfe, A.J., Ahn, H.S., Lim, J.Y., & MacDonald, B.A. (2019). Robotic kiwifruit harvesting using machine vision, convolutional neural networks, and robotic arms. Biosystems Engineering (Vol. 181).

Lim, J.Y., Ahn, H.S., Nejati, M., Bell, J., Williams, H.A.M., & MacDonald, B.A. (2019). Deep Neural Network Based Real-time Kiwi Fruit Flower Detection in an Orchard Environment. Australian Robotics and Automation Association (ARAA) Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA) 2019, Adelaide.

Bell, J., MacDonald, B.A., & Ahn, H.S. (2018). Diversity in Pedestrian Safety for Industrial Environments Using 3D Lidar Sensors and Neural Networks. 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).

Duke, M.D., Barnett, J., Bell, J., Jones, M.H., Martinson, P., MacDonald, B.A., Nejati, M., Scarfe, A.J., Schaare, P., Seabright, M.J., Williams, H.A.M., Ahn, H.S., & Lim, J.Y. (2017). Automated pollination of kiwifruit flowers. PA17 International Tri-Conference for Precision Agriculture, Hamilton.

Bell, J., MacDonald, B.A., & Ahn, H.S. (2017). Row following in pergola structured orchards by a monocular camera using a fully convolutional neural network. Australian Robotics and Automation Association (ARAA) Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA) 2017, Sydney.

Bell, J., MacDonald, B.A., & Ahn, H.S. (2016). Row following in pergola structured orchards. 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).

Bell, J., & Stol, K.A. (2006). Tuning a GPS/IMU Kalman filter for a robot driver. Australian Robotics and Automation Association (ARAA) Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA) 2006, Auckland, New Zealand.