James Oldfield

MCom Auck., BCom Auck., CertHe UnitecProfessional memberships
Member of the Ako Academy of Excellence Executive
An Apple Distinguished Educator
A Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
James Oldfield is the Digital Learning Lead at Unitec Institute of Technology. James provides leadership and strategic direction to Unitec in matters relating to digital learning and teaching. James has 17 years lecturing experience in business information systems and social learning technologies. James is also currently working towards a PhD in Education at Murdoch University.
Oldfield, J. D. (2022). How technology can enhance learning and engage learners. English Language Partners NZ Sharefest, Online.
Oldfield, J. (2020). Connecting with Learners in Flexible Delivery. Learning and Teaching Symposium: Learning Beyond Lockdown, Manukau Institute of Technology, Auckland.
Brand, T., Oldfield, J., & Kempin, M. (2019). Exploring badging as a means for teacher capability development. Talking Teaching 2019, Diverse Learning: Inclusive Teaching, Unitec Institute of Technology.
Haines, K., Delaporte, C., Perkins, M., Lovell, G., & Oldfield, J. (2019). Shifting practice? Exploring how teaching practice develops in new classroom spaces. Talking Teaching 2019, Diverse Learning: Inclusive Teaching, Unitec Institute of Technology.
Chan, S., Walsh, N., Roo, A., Power, K., Stokes, C., Brensell, D., Dusse, S., Lyster, A., Campbell, S., Hamilton, K., Templeton, J., Pati, K., Lovegrove, C., Baglow, L., Warburton, A., Fifilata, L., Panko, M., Oldfield, J., & Purtal, J. (2018). Guidelines for developing and using e-assessments with vocational learners: Workplace learning, Distance and Flexible Learning, Assessment, Supporting learners. Wellington, Ako Aotearoa.
Oldfield, J. D. (2018). Empowering collaborative learning through technology. Talking Teaching, Christchurch.
Oldfield, J. D. (2018). Echo360's role in supporting active learning at Unitec Institute of Technology. SoTEL, Auckland.
Oldfield, J. (2017). Enhancing teaching through virtual and augmented reality. Talking Teaching 2017, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Oldfield, J. (2017). Empowering learning in different spaces through technology. National Tertiary Learning and Teaching Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Oldfield, J., Purton Jones, J. J., & Liu, K. (2017). Echoing Staff Needs: Developing a model to support teachers using an active learning platform. National Tertiary Learning and Teaching Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Cochrane, T., Narayan, V., & Oldfield, J. (2015). Emerging technologies in New Zealand: A pedagogical framework for mobile social media. V. Bozalek, D. Ng'ambi, D. Wood, J. Herrington, J. Hardman & A. Amory, New York, USA.
Oldfield, J., Perkins, M., Turton, L., McCurdy, D., and Gussey, A. (2014). Unitec Institute of Technology Case Studies. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ascilite) Conference, 23-26 November, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Du Plessis, A., Sumphonphakdy, S., Oldfield, J., and Marriott, J. (2014). People as a source of competitive advantage during recruitment and retention of senior managers in financial services sectors in Laos. World Business and Economics Research Conference, 24-25 February, Auckland, New Zealand.
Oldfield, J., Dassanayake, W., and Kearns, N. (2014). iBus: Perceptions of the rise of mobile learning in a business degree. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ascilite) Conference, 23-26 November, Dunedin. New Zealand.
Oldfield, J., Rainsbury, E., Slessor, A., Dassanayake, W., and Coveny, R. (2014). iBus: Embedding mobile learning in a Bachelor of Business Programme. Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Accounting Education Special Interest Group Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand.
Oldfield, J., McKnight, C., Stewart, J., Goundar, N., and Slessor, A. (2014). Shades of Grey 2.0: Educational Gaming for Ethics. Auckland Region Accounting (ARA) Conference, 4 December, Auckland, New Zealand.
Oldfield, J., McKnight, C., Goundar, N., Stewart, J., and Slessor, A. (2014). Shades of Grey 2.0: Ethics Education Gaming. Whitireia Auckland Research Symposium, 4 September, Auckland, New Zealand.
Du Plessis, A., Sumphonphakdy, S., Oldfield, J., and Botha, C. (2013). Competitive advantage: recruitment and retention of senior managers in financial sectors in Laos. Journal of Community Positive Practices (Vol. 13 (2)).
Cochrane, T., Narayan, V., and Oldfield, J. (2013). iPadagogy: Appropriating the iPad within Pedagogical Contexts. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation. (Vol. 7 (1)).
Oldfield, J., and Herrington, J. (2013). Augmenting learning reality: iPads and software as cognitive tools. Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) Conference, 1-4 December, Sydney, Australia.
Oldfield, J.D., and Duncan, D. (2012). Online ePortfolios: Bringing the learning to the student's own virtual space. New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference, 1-3 October, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Oldfield, J. (2012). Mobilising authentic learning. Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) Conference. 25-28 November, Wellington, New Zealand. ISBN 978-0-473-22989-4. http://www.ascilite2012.org/page.php?31. .
Oldfield, J., and Herrington, J. (2012). Mobilising authentic learning. Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) Conference. 25-28 November, Wellington, New Zealand. ISBN 978-0-473-22989-4.
Cochrane, T., and Oldfield, J. (2011). iPadagogy2.0: Exploring the affordances of the iPad for student-generated media production. Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) Conference, 4-7 December, Tasmania, Australia.
Oldfield, J., Cochrane, T., and Duncan, D. (2011). Making the Case for the iPad. International Conference on eLearning Futures (ICELF), 30 Nov-1 Dec, Unitec, New Zealand.
du Plessis, A., Singh, J., and Oldfield, J. (2011). Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage: The Engaging of Human Resources Management during Restructuring in a Tertiary Institution. Southern Africa Institute of Management Scientists (SAIMS) Conference, 11-14 September, Durban, South Africa.
Cochrane, T., Narayan, V., and Oldfield, J. (2011). iPadagogy: Appropriating the iPad within Pedagogical Contexts. World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn), 18-21 October, Beijing, China.
Oldfield, J. (2011). Please switch your cellphones on for the duration of the class. New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference, 10-12 October, Nelson, New Zealand.
Oldfield, J., and Duncan, D. (2011). iBusiness: Towards a model for the use of the iPad in business education. New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference, 10-12 October, Nelson, New Zealand.
Oldfield, J., and Cochrane, T. (2011). Equipping Lecturers for the iRevolution. Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) Conference, 4-7 December, Tasmania, Australia.
Singh, J., du Plessis, A. J., and Oldfield, J. D. (2010). The impact of stress during restructuring in a tertiary institution. 14th Annual Waikato Management School Student Research Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand. 18 October.
Oldfield, J. D., and Slessor, A. (2010). Shades of Grey: Playing games in the classroom to enhance student learning. Steel, C., Keppell, M. J., & Gerbic, P. (eds), Curriculum, technology & transformation for an unknown future. Proceedings ascilite Sydney 2010.
Cochrane, T., and Oldfield, J. D. (2010). iPedagogy: Exploring pedagogical transformation via mLearning with the iPad (workshop). Australia Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) Conference, Sydney Australia. 5-8 December.
Oldfield, J. D. (2010). Apple iPad in education - Magic Bullet? New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference, 27 September, Napier, New Zealand.
Oldfield, J., and Slessor, A. (2009). Shades of Grey: The Business Ethics Game. Atkinson, R., and McBeath, C. Poster presented at Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ascilite) Conference.
Ling, A., and Oldfield, J. (2008). Learn the basics of MYOB - A workbook for students. (Vol. 2nd).
Oldfield, J. (2008). Reinforcing understanding through learning objects. New Zealand Applied Business Education Conference.
Oldfield, J. (2008). The role of generative learning objects in the field of accounting information systems. Master of Commerce (First Class Honours), University of Auckland.
Oldfield, J. (2008). An implementation of the generative learning object model in accounting. Atkinson, R. Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology? Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008 (Vol. online).
Slessor, A., & Oldfield, J. (2004). Innovative Accounting education. Presented to the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference: Accounting Education Special Interest Group, 6 July, Alice Springs, Australia.