Roger Birchmore

MPM., BTech (Hons)., CEng., MCIBSE.Professional memberships
- Chartered Engineer (UK)
- Member Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers
- Committee Member, Auckland Branch CIBSE
I have ten years of building services consulting and contracting experience in the UK and New Zealand before starting at Unitec in 1992. I believe that active building services should only be used when passive measures don't work.
I try to combine traditional educational values of support and empathy, with industry values of personal responsibility and high standards. I try to base my courses and assignments on real content and I'll help students all I can especially when they are really trying themselves.
I'm collaborating with Building Technology, Electrotechnology and Civil Engineering staff and students to research energy use and comfort conditions using houses our carpentry students build.
Socially I'm and active participant and supporter of football and touch with my family.
Industry Experience
- 1990 - 1992 Contracts Manager, Celsius Air conditioning Ltd, Auckland
- 1986 - 1990 Contracts Engineer, Aircool Engineering Ltd, Auckland
- 1982 - 1986 Design Engineer, Building Design Partnership UK
Teaching experience
- 2009- present, Senior Lecturer
- 1999 - 2008 Head, School of the Built Environment.
- 1995 - 1998 Programme Leader BQS/ BCM
- 1992 - 1994 Lecturer, BQS and BCM
Berry, T.A., Low, J., Wallis, S.L., Birchmore, R., Gremillon, H., Rameirez Prado, G., Blanchon, D., Baling, M., Doyle, E., Tang, T., & Hernandez, G. (2022). Assessing the impact of mechanical ventilation on indoor air quality in homes in subtropical New Zealand. MIT-Unitec Reserach Symposium, Online.
Birchmore, R., Blakely, J., Chai, E., Leaver, J., Loo, W., McMullan, R., Phillips, D., Tuleasca, L., & Wilson, H. (2022). Collaboration Across Aotearoa New Zealand ITPs: The Bachelor of Engineering Technology Three-Year Engineering Degree Programme as an Exemplar. Chan, S., Huntington, N. Cham (Vol. Vol 34).
Leaver, J., Blakely, J., Loo, W., Tuleasca, L., Phillips, D., Chai, E., McMullan, R., Wilson, H., & Birchmore, R. (2022). Collaboration Across New Zealand ITPs: The Bachelor of Engineering Technology Three-Year Engineering Degree Programme as an Exemplar. Chan S. NZ (Vol. 1st).
Birchmore, Roger., Wallis, Shannon L., Hernandez, German., Tsai, Steve., & Berry, Terri-Ann. (2022). Thermal Performance and Indoor Air Quality in New,
Medium Density Houses - Auckland, New Zealand. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation (Vol. 1).
Birchmore, R., Berry, T., Wallis, S.L., Hernandez, G., & Tsai, S. (2021). Thermal Performance and Indoor Air Quality in New, Medium Density Houses. MIT-UNITEC Research Symposium 2021, On line.
Hernandez Herra, G.A., Graves, I., Birchmore, R., Wallis, S., Narain, S., & Berry, T. (2020). The Effect of Ventilation on Volatile Organic Compounds Produced in Residential Buildings Under Simulated Occupancy. Atmospheric Environment X (Vol. 6).
Hernandez, G., Low, J., Wallis, S., Birchmore, R., Ramirez Prado, G., de Groot, C., Gremillon, H., Lee Morgan, J., Blanchon, D., Bayling, M., Doyle, E., & Berry, T-A. (2020). The Development of a Transdisciplinary Team to
Investigate Indoor Air Quality Issues in New Zealand. Unitec, Mt Albert, Auckland.
Birchmore, R.C., Wallis, S.L., Hernandez, G., Pivac, A., & Berry, T. (2020). Air Tightness, Friend or Foe? Wajiha Mohsin Shahzad, Eziaku Onyeizu Rasheed, James Olabode Bamidele Rotimi, Proceedings - New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium (Vol. 6).
Hernandez, G., Wallis, S.l., Graves, I., Narain, S., Birchmore, R., & Berry, T.A. (2020). The effect of ventilation on volatile organic compounds produced by new
furnishings in residential buildings. Atmospheric Environment: X (Vol. 6).
Wallis, S., Hernandez, G., Poyner, D., Birchmore, R., & Berry, T. (2019). Infiltration of Particulate Matter into Residential Buildings: Part II. The Impact of Mechanical Ventilation and Simulated Occupancy. Atmoshpheric Environment (Vol. March 2019).
Wallis, S., Hernandez, G., Poyner, D., Birchmore, R., & Berry, T. (2019). Infiltration of Particulate Matter into Residential Buildings: Part I. The Dynamics of Particle Transport into Unoccupied Spaces. Atmospheric Environment (Vol. March 2019).
Look, M., Holmes, W., & Birchmore, R. (2019). Reliability of wireless sensors using low cost WiFi chipsets for Structural Monitoring. The 18th International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication.
Birchmore, R. (2018). Medium Density Dwellings in Auckland and the Building Regulations. Auckland, New Zealand, Auckland's housing supply challenge: A Unitec response to the Mayoral Housing Taskforce Report (Vol. BRANZ).
Birchmore, R. (2018). Medium Density Dwellings in Auckland and the Building Regulations. New Zealand, Medium Density Dwellings in Auckland and the Building Regulations (Vol. Unitec ePress).
Berry, T., Chiswell, J.H.D., Wallis, S.L., & Birchmore, R. (2017). The Effect of Airtightness on Indoor Air Quality in Timber Houses in New Zealand.Unitec ePress Occasional and Discussion Paper Series (2017:9). Auckland, Unitec ePress (Vol. 2017:9).
Birchmore, R., Davies, K., Etherington, P., Tait, R., & Pivac, A. (2016). Overheating in Auckland homes: testing and interventions in full-scale and simulated houses. Building Research & Information (Vol. 45(1-2)).
Birchmore, R. C., Pivac, A., & Tait, R. (2015). Impacts of an innovative residential construction method on internal conditions. Buildings, ISSN 2075-5309 (Vol. 5(2015)).
Birchmore, R. C., Pivac, A., & Tait, R. (2014). Impacts of an Innovative Construction Method on Internal Conditions. Building a Better New Zealand, Building a Better New Zealand Conference.
Davies, K., Birchmore, R., and Tait, R. (2013). Use of roof space ventilation to address summertime overheating in New Zealand houses. In S. Kajewski, K. Manley & K.Hampson (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International CIB World Building Congress, Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology.
Birchmore, R., Tait, R., and Davies, K. (2012). The impacts of high performance glazing on typical light timber framed houses in a New Zealand winter. Skates, H. (Ed.), 46th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA) 2012 : Building on Knowledge: Theory and Practice.
Andric, J., and Birchmore, R. (2012). The carbon footprint of increased home insulation levels in New Zealand. Skates, H. (Ed.), 46th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA) 2012 : Building on Knowledge: Theory and Practice.
Kestle, L., and Birchmore, R. (2011). Applying the living curriculum approach to undergraduate sustainable design and construction education in NZ. Proceedings of the 36th Conference for Australasian Building Educators Association, Eds Best, R. and Langston, C.
Tait, R., Davies, K., and Birchmore, R. (2011). The impact of changing the glazing on thermal performance of simple timber houses. Proceedings of the World Sustainable Building Conference, ISBN 978-951-758-531-6.
Birchmore, R.C., and Kestle, L. (2011). XYZ of the Living Curriculum. Best, R. and Langston, C, Proceedings of the 36th Conference for Australasian Building Educators Association.
Lai, F.P., Halvitigala, D., Boon, J., and Birchmore, R. (2010). How can BIM technology assist in optimising the Life Cycle Costing of buildings. Proceedings of the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Wellington, NZ. 24-27 January 2010.
Davies, K., and Birchmore, R. (2008). Getting to yes - Agreeing research project marks without tears. Proceedings of 2008 Conference of the Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA) (Vol. CD Rom).
Birchmore, R. (2003). Different by degrees. Progressive Building (39), 52, 55.
Birchmore, R. (2003). Industry needs 'imagineering'. Build (June/July), 36-37.
Birchmore, R. (2002). Managing change in tertiary education, Soaring the Winds of Change (CD ed., pp. 8 p.c.). Auckland: Kerry Thompson Associates. Paper presented at the Project Management Institute of New Zealand conference, 31 October-1 November, Auckland.
Birchmore, R. (2001). Managing by Project in UNITEC Schools. Unpublished Master of Project Management thesis, University of Technology, Sydney.
Birchmore, R. (2000). Practice What You Preach. In D. Baccarini & P. Davis (Eds.), 25th AUBEA Conference (Vol. 1, pp. 21-37). Perth: Curtin University of Technology. Paper presented at the AUBEA 2000, 12-14 July, Perth.
Birchmore, R. (1999). The Development of a Flexible Learning Mode for the Final Year of the Bachelor of Construction, Learning Innovations. Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings (pp. 7-14). Auckland: UNITEC Institute of Technology. Paper presented at the Learning Innovations Conference, 8 October 1998, Auckland.