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Karen Haines

Academic Advisor (eLearning)
Te Puna Ako
Location: Building 110, Room LL1


MA, BA, DipTchg, RSA Cert.TEFL


Karen is an Academic Advisor with Te Puna Ako. She enjoys working with teachers to actively develop and reflect on good teaching and learning practices around their use of technologies. Her strengths are in developing opportunities for technology use to support student engagement, especially with outputs involving creation and collaboration.


Heath, S., Williams, P., Jackson, R., Roux, V., Haines, k., Brand, T., Hikuroa, E., Roy, D., & Philips, J. (2020). Learning to speak nursing: Using early adult literacy assessment and targeted intervention to promote student success on the Bachelor of Nursing programme. Unitec Research Symposium, Mount Albert Campus, Unitec.

Heath, S., Williams, P., Jackson, R., Roux, V., Haines, K., Brand, T., Hikuroa, E., Roy, D.E., & Phillips, J. (2020). Learning to speak nursing. ITP research Symposium 2020, Virtual.

Haines, K., Delaporte, C., Perkins, M., Lovell, G., & Oldfield, J. (2019). Shifting practice? Exploring how teaching practice develops in new classroom spaces. Talking Teaching 2019, Diverse Learning: Inclusive Teaching, Unitec Institute of Technology.

Haines, K. J., & Maurice-Takerei, L. (2019). The impact of new collaborative learning spaces on tertiary teacher practice. Journal of Learning Spaces (Vol. 8 (2)).

Haines, K. J. (2018). New spaces - changing practices? #UCeLab Webinar, University of Canterbury, Location:

Haines, K.J. (2018). Professional Development for New Classroom Spaces: Extending the Concerns-Based Adoption Model. Journal of Perspectives on Applied Academic Practice (Vol. 6(2)).

Haines, K. J. (2018). Designed for learning: A literature perspective on supporting academics towards effective teaching in new spaces. Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand Conference: Inception to Infinity.

Haines, Karen J. (2017). Contextualising the learning affordances of technology: An in-depth look at the developing practice of two modern language teachers. Unitec ePress Occasional and Discussion Paper Series (Vol. 2017:6).

Haines, K. J. (2017). More than pushing the right buttons: Professional development for teachers in new collaborative learning spaces. National Tertiary Learning and Teaching Conference, Unitec, Auckland.

Haines, K.J. (2016). Learning for the long haul: Developing perceptions of learning affordances in CALL teachers. Gimeno Sanz,A.M. Levy,M., Blin,F. & Barr, D. London, UK.

Haines, K.J. (2016). Expanding the knowledge base of teachers' use of communication tools for language learning. System (Vol. 62).

Oldfield, J., & Haines, K.J. (2015). Working with staff to provide an active learning environment. Active Learning Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Haines, K.J. (2015). Learning to identify and actualize affordances in a new tool. Language Learning and Technology (Vol. 19(1)).

Terrell, J., Snell, D., Haines, K. J., Schwenger, B., & Smith, M. (2015). Getting it right: Guidelines for online assessment in NZ tertiary contexts. National Tertiary Learning and Teaching Conference, Tauranga, New Zealand.

Haines, K. J., Oldfield, J., Hore, T., & Ridgway, S. (2015). Achieving active learning in experiential learning environments. Echo 360 Webinar Series, online.

Haines, K. J., Schwenger, B., Smith, M., Snell, D., & Terrell, J. (2015). Getting it right: Developing guidelines and tool for online assessment. Tertiary Education Research in New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand.

Haines, K.J. (2014). Asking the Right Questions. CALL Symposium, Macquarie University, Sydney.

Haines, K.J. (2014). Contemporary computer-assisted language learning. TESOLANZ News (Vol. December 2014).

Haines, K. J. (2014). de Chazal, E & Moore, J. (2013) Oxford EAP: A Course in English for Academic Purposes. Advanced/C1. Oxford, Oxford University Press. TESOLANZ Journal (Vol. 1).

Haines, K. J. (2013). Learning for the long haul: Developing perceptions of learning affordances in CALL teachers. Proceedings of WorldCall 2013, Global perspectives on Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Glasgow, Scotland.

Haines, K. J. (2013). Something old, something new: Dealing with the challenge of digital tools. AKTESOL workshop, Auckland, New Zealand.

Haines, Karen (2013). Learning for the long haul: Developing perceptions of learning affordances in CALL teachers. WorldCALL 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.

Haines, K.J. (2013). Something Old, Something New: Dealing with the challenge of new digital tools. AKTESOL workshop, Auckland, New Zealand.

Haines, K. J. (2012). Developing perceptions of learning affordances: The practical knowledge acquired by experienced in-service language teachers using technology. Doctor of Philosophy, University of Queensland, Australia.

Haines, K. J. (2012). Perceiving learning affordances: A key to learning about technology. 13th Annual Conference for Community Languages and ESOL, IPC Tertiary Institute, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Danaher, K., and Haines, K. J. (2012). Working with lexical chunks in advanced oral shills classes. 13th Annual Conference for Community Languages and ESOL, IPC Tertiary Institute, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Haines, K. J. (2012). Public lecture: Knowing the Tools. Department of Language Studies Language Teacher Education Public Lecture Series, Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand.

Haines, K. J. (2011). Learning as you go: Participatory activities that support in-service language teachers learning to use new tools. eLearning Futures 2011.

Haines, K. J. (2011). Learning as you go: Participatory activities that support in-service language teachers learning to use new tools. International Conference on e-Learning futures, Unitec, Auckland.

Hobbs, M., and Haines, K. (2010). Bridging the Digital Divide: Students' access to digital technologies in a language department. SITJAR (Vol. 2010).

Haines, K. (2010). Review of Chapelle, C.A., and Jamieson, J. (2008) Tips for Teaching with CALL. Pearson Longman. TESOLANZ Newsletter (Vol. 19/1).

Haines, K. (2009). How to teach English with technology. Dudeney, G., and Hockly, N. TESOLANZ Newsletter (Vol. 18 1).

Haines, K. (2009). CALL for normalisation. TESOLANZ Newsletter (Vol. 18 1).

Haines, K. (2009). Teacher acquisition of pedagogical skills for online teaching. Participation and Acquisition: The Applied Linguistics Assocations of NZ and Australia.

Haines, K., and Hobbs, M. (2008). Digital Comfort Zones: Building Digital Language Learning Communities. CLESOL 2008.

Hobbs, M., and Haines, K. (2008). Digital comfort zones: building digital language learning . Language and Identity: building communities of learning.

Haines, K. (2008). Web2.0 for language teachers. 11th National Conference for Community Languages and ESOL (CLESOL 2008).

Haines, K. (2007). The heat stays on: Supporting ongoing CALL education for teachers. CALL Symposium - Language, literacy and technology Conference.

Hobbs, M., and Haines, K. (2007). Technology putting the 'fun' into 'funambulist': the balancing act of technology and learning for our students. ATLAANZ Conference 2007, 'Walking the tightrope - the balancing act of learning advising'.

Hobbs, M., and Haines, K. (2007). Technology putting the "fun" into "funambulist": the balancing act of technology and learning for our students. ATLAANZ Conference 2007, 'Walking the tightrope - the balancing act of learning advising'.

Haines, K. (2006). Teaching computer literacy. Corbel, C., and Gruba, P. The TESOLANZ Journal (Vol. 13).

Saavedra, E., and Haines, K. (2006). Getting better with blogging. 2006 International Symposium of Computer Assisted Language Learning.

Haines, K. (2006). Proof of the pudding: Best practice in CALL. CLESOL Retold Conference.

Haines, K. (2006). Proof of the pudding: Good practice in e-language learning. CLESOL 2006 Conference 'Origins and connections: Linking theory, research and practice'.

Haines, K. (2006). Teaching English with information technology. Smith, D., and Baber, E. NZ Studies in Applied Linguistics (Vol. 12 1).

Haines, K., and Saavedra, E. (2006). Blogging basics. AKTESOL e-learning workshops.

Saavedra, E., & Haines, K. (2005). Taking control: How can blogs support language learning. Presented to the 2nd Independent Learning Association Oceania Conference, 9-12 September, Auckland.

Haines, K. (2004). Electronic discussion using Blackboard with EAL students. Presented to the CALL Symposium: Technology futures and language education, 18-19 June, Auckland, New Zealand.

Haines, K. (2004). Giving learners an online 'voice': Supporting EAL learners in online discussion. Presented to the Ninth National Conference for Community Languages and ESOL: Language, community, diversity: Hearing every voice, 24-27 September, Christchurch, New Zealand.