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Dr Bin Su

School of Architecture
Location: Building 001, Room 2042


Ph.D Arch, MPhil.Arch, BEng in Naval Arch & Ocean Eng.

Professional memberships

ASCE member (American Society of Civil Engineers)
ASHRAE member (American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers)


Khan, I. R., Milic, R. J., Su, B., & Vadsz, V. (2024). Learning from practice in the digital age: 'Digitalisation of heritage in New Zealand'. Architectural Science Review (Vol. Open access).

Su, B., McPherson, P., Milic, R. J., Shamout, S., Wang, X. X., & Patel, Y. (2023). Field Study of Indoor Thermal Environment of School Buildings with Different Building Envelopes, Structures, floors and Partitions. The 5h International Conference on: Resilient and Responsible Architecture & Urbanism (RRAU), Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand.

Su, B., Jadresin Milic, R., McPherson, P., & Wu, L. (2022). Thermal Performance of School Buildings: Impacts beyond Thermal Comfort. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health (Vol. 19).

Su, B., McPherson, P., Milic, R. J., & Liang, Y. F. (2022). Field Study of Summer Indoor Thermal Environment of School Buildings with Different Building Envelopes, Structures and Partitions. MIT - Unitec Research Symposium 2022, Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand.

Milic, R. J., McPherson, P., & Su, B. (2022). Learning from Practice in the Digital Age: 'Digitalisation of Heritage in New Zealand'. 2022 ASA Conference: Architectural Science and User Experience, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.

Su, B., Wu, L., McPherson, P., & Jadresin-Milic, R. (2020). New Zealand House Indoor Microclimate and Allergens. The 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), 25-28 November 2020.

Su, B., Jadresin-Milic, R., McPherson, P., & Wu, L. (2020). Thermal Performance of School Building not only Impact Indoor Thermal Comfort. The 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), 25-28 November 2020.

Su, B., & Liang, Y. F. (2020). Field Study of Summer Thermal Performance of the School Buildings in Avondale College (external funded by Jasmax, Nauhria and New Zealand Minister of Education). Auckland, Jasmax?.

Su, B., & Wu, L. (2020). Occupants' Health and Their Living Conditions of Remote Indigenous Communities in New Zealand. International Journal of Envionmental Research and Public Health (Vol. 17(22)).

Su, B., & Wu, L. (2019). Chapter Two: House Occupants' Health Conditions and Their Living Conditions (pp. 28-46), Toitū te kāinga, toitū te ora, toitū te tangata: Healthy homes, healthy people (Eds. Emery, T. & McLean, I.). Report for Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities Kāinga Tahi, Kāinga Rua, 139pgs. Porirua, New Zealand, Kāinga Tahi, Kāinga Rua Publications.

Wu, L., Baghaei, N., Casey, J., Mercier, J., Hicks, K., Stamp, D., & Su, B. (2019). SmokeFreeNZ: Designing and Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Mobile Application in Reducing Cigarette Consumption. 23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, Rotorua New Zealand.

Su, B. (2018). Impact of building envelope design on Auckland public library energy consumption. P. Rajagopalan and M.M Andamon, Proceedings of 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA).

Su, B. (2017). Field study to compare and evaluate winter indoor thermal and health conditions of school buildings with different envelopes. Architectural Science Review (Vol. 60(1)).

Su, Bin. (2017). Impact of building envelope design on energy consumption of the Auckland library. Advanced Building Skins GmbH, Conference Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Advanced Building Skins.

Zhang, J. J., Su, B., & Zhao, J. L. (2017). A king of rotary three-dimensional green photovoltaic panel. Patent No. ZL 201510426068.0, Authorized Announcement No. CN 105003033 B, 03 March 2017, China.

Su, B. (2017). R-values, humidity and health: Case studies from Auckland Wellington. Eco Design Advisors Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

Su, B. (2017). Winter Indoor Thermal Comfort and Healthy Conditions of Auckland House Associated with Insulation, Heating and Energy. M. Aurel, Proceedings of 51st International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), 29 Nov - 2 Dec 2017, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Bin, S. (2017). Field studies to investigate winter indoor thermal conditions of mechanically ventilated houses with different R-value building envelopes. International Journal of Ventilation (Vol. 16(4)).

Su, B. (2016). Field Studies to Investigate Impact of Increasing R-value of Building Envelope on Winter Indoor Relative Humidity of Auckland Houses. Miller, W. Healthy Housing 2016: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings.

Song, X. Q., & Su, B. (2016). Raw Concepts of Sustainability in Vernacular Dwellings-A Case Study of Kangbaiwan Mansion in China. International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research (Vol. 5(3)).

Su, B. (2016). Field studies to investigate winter indoor thermal conditions of mechanical ventilated houses with different R-value of building envelopes. International Journal of Ventilation (Vol. November 2016).

Su, B. (2016). Impact of Building Design on Energy Usage of Auckland Public Library. R. Komurlu, A. P. Gurgun, A. Singh and S. Yazdani, Proceedings of The First European and Mediterranean Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Istanbul, May 24-29, 2016.

Su, B. (2016). Impact of Building Envelope Design on Energy Consumption of Light Structure School Building. In R. Komurlu, A. P. Gurgun, A. Singh and S. Yazdani, Proceedings of The First European and Mediterranean Structural Engineering and Construction Conference.

Su, B. (2016). A semiconductor refrigeration air conditioning indoor limited occupied space. Patent No. ZL 201620332915.7, Authorized Announcement No. CN 205747261 U, 30 November 2016, China.

Su, B. (2016). A wind tunnel CO2 trace gas testing device for building model external ventilation and air change rate. Patent No. ZL 201620338154.6, Authorized Announcement No. CN 205620105 U, 05 October 2016, China.

Su, B. (2016). A device for measuring the static pressure and wind pressure coefficient on the surface of a building model in a wind tunnel. Patent No. ZL 201620351435.5, Authorized Announcement No. CN 205655980 U, 19 November 2016, China.

Zhang, J. L., Su, B., & Zhao, J. J. (2015). A mechanical ventilation window with the photo-voltaic power. Patent No. ZL 201410045610.3, Authorized Announcement No. CN103867086 B, 30 September 2015, China.

Su, B. (2015). Urban environmental design and green building. Zhao, J. L. and Kong, Y. W. Proceedings of 2014 Taishan Academic Forum - Green Building Design and Theory.

Su, B. (2015). Field Study for Evaluating Winter Thermal Performance of Auckland School Buildings. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Civil, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering (Vol. (9)2).

Su, B. (2015). Field Study for Evaluating Winter Thermal Performance of Auckland School Buildings. (CD Rom), Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Civil and Geological Engineering.

Su, B. (2014). Future Housing Energy Efficiency Associated with the Auckland Unitary Plan. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Civil, Architectural, Structural and Construction Engineering (Vol. 8(7)).

Su, B. (2014). Future Housing Energy Efficiency Associated with the Auckland Unitary Plan (CD Rom). International Conference on Municipal Engineering, Proceedings of the ICME 2014.

Su, B. (2013). Indoor moisture control of Auckland houses with different ventilation systems, Proceedings of ICCBE 2013: International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering (CD Rom), Dubai, October 22-23, 2013. .

Su, B. (2013). Impacts of building design factors on Auckland school energy consumptions. Proceedings of ICBSE 2013: International Conference on Building Science and Engineering (CD Rom), Melbourne, December, 16-17, 2013. .

Su, B. (2013). Indoor moisture control of Auckland houses with different ventilation systems, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Civil, Architectural Science and Engineering (Vol. 7(10)).

Su, B. (2013). Impacts of Building Design Factors on Auckland School Energy Consumptions, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Civil, Architectural Science and Engineering (Vol. 7(12)).

Su, B. (2012). Hotel Design and Energy Consumption. Proceedings of ICCAE 2012: International Conference on Civil and Architectural Engineering (CD Rom), Bangkok, Thailand. December 22-23, 2012.

Su, B. (2012). House Indoor Thermal and Health Conditions with Different Passive Designs. House indoor thermal and health conditions with different passive designs. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 66 (1), pp. 22-25. pISSN 2010-376X, eISSN 2010-3778.

Su, B. (2012). Hotel Design and Energy Consumption. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (Vol. 72 (8)).

Su, B. (2012). House indoor thermal and health conditions with different passive designs. Proceedings of ICECE 2012: International Conference on Environmental and Civil Engineering (CD Rom), Copenhagen, June 11-12, 2012.

Su, B. (2011). The impact strength of building passive design on housing energy efficiency. Architectural Science Review (Vol. 54 (4)).

Su, B. (2011). Impacts of the Courtyard with Glazed Roof on House Winter Thermal Conditions. C. Ardil (Ed.). Proceedings of ICESSE 2011: International Conference on Environmental Systems Science and Engineering. Venice. (Vol. CD Rom).

Su, B. (2011). A Pilot Study on the Indoor Thermal Comfort of the 'Wind-Rain' House. International Journal of Ventilation (Vol. 10 1).

Su, B. (2011). Impacts of the Courtyard with Glazed Roof on House Winter Thermal Conditions. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (Vol. 76 7).

Su, B. (2011). School design and energy efficiency. CD Rom N 109. Proceedings of ICSBIE: International Conference on Sustainable Building and Infrastructure Engineering.

Su, B. (2011). School design and energy efficiency. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (Vol. 60 4: 585-589).

Su, B. (2010). Dense housing and urban sustainable development. Brebbis, C.A., Hernandez, S. and Tiezzi, E. (Eds), The Sustainable City VI. Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability.

Su, B. (2010). A Field Study of "Wind - Rain" House. Rashed, A.Y.M., Othman, A.A.E. (Eds), Future Intermediate Sustainable Cities. Proceedings of First International Conference on Sustainability and the Future (Vol. Chapter 4).

Su, B. (2009). Energy Efficiency Design for a House with Temporary Heating and Winter Daytime Cross Ventilation. International Journal of Ventilation1473-3315 (Vol. 8 2).

Su, B. (2009). Energy consumption related to winter housing thermal performance. Ghatoori, N. Challenges, Opprotunities and Solutions in Structural Engineering and Construction5th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference978-0-415-56809-8.

Su, B. (2009). Impact of neighbouring buildings on estimating indoor and outdoor ventilation. Conference Proceedings: iNTA-SEGA 2009iNTA-SEGA 2009: Holistic approaches to (rapid) sustainable architecture & environment.

Su, B., and Aynsley, R. (2009). Roof thermal designs for naturally ventilated houses in a hot-humid climate. The International Journal of Ventilation (Vol. 7 4).

Su, B., and Wang, Q. (2009). Building passive design and hotel energy efficienty. Ghatoori, N. Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions in Structural Engineering and Construction5th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference978-0-415-56809-8.

Su, B. (2008). Building passive design and housing energy efficiency. Architectural Science Review (Vol. 51 3).

Su, B. (2008). Building passive design for preventing winter mould growth. Str-Tejsen, P., Olesen, B., Wargocki, P., Zukowska, D., and Toftum, J. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Vol. CD Rom).

Su, B. (2008). The third skin: Architecture, technology and environment. Drake, S. Architectural Science Review (Vol. 51 1).

Su, B. (2007). Passive design and thermal performance of houses for local climate. Xie, Y., and Patnaikuni, I. Innovations in Structural Engineering and Construction. Proceedings of the Fourth International Structural Engineering and Construction ConferenceISEC-4 Conference (Vol. 2 2).

Su, B., and Aynsley, R. (2006). Natural ventilation in residential subdivisions. Malla, R., Binienda, W., and Maji, A. Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth & Space 2006)Earth & Space 2006 Conference.

Su, B., and Aynsley, R. (2006). A case study of roof thermal performance in naturally ventilated houses in hot-humid climates under summer conditions. Architectural Science Review (Vol. 49 4).

Su, B. (2006). Active thermal control for traditional naturally ventilated buildings. The International Journal of Ventilation (Vol. 5 2).

Su, B. (2006). Prevention of winter mould growth in housing. Architectural Science Review (Vol. 49 (4)).

Su, B., Turner, D., Hewitt, J., & Wagner, C. (2005). Case study of medium and high density housing development in Auckland region. In S. Pratt & C. E. Davies (Eds.), The 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technologies, proceedings (pp. 74-79). Palmerston North: Massy University. Paper presented at the APCSEET 2005 Conference, 8-11 May, Wellington.

Su, B., Turner, D., Hewitt, J., & Wagner, C. (2005). Study of sustainable medium and high density housing development. In T. Hara (Ed.), 'Collaboration and harmonisation in creative systems', Proceedings of the 3rd International Structural Engineering and Construction conference (Vol. 1, pp. 453-459). London: Taylor & Francis Group. Paper presented at the 3rd International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-03), 20-23 September, Shunan, Japan.

Su, B. (2005). Mould control strategy in Auckland houses without permanent active control. In H. Skates, L. Christie, A. Rogerson, A. Melling, & A. Tonks (Eds.), Unofficial proceedings of the 39th Annual Architectural Science Association Conference 'Fabricating sustainability' (CD Rom ed., pp. 11). Wellington: Victoria University. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association 'Fabricating sustainability', 17-19 November, Wellington.

Su, B. (2005). A feasibility study of an indoor air-conditioning tent for hot climates. In S. Pratt & C. E. Davies (Eds.), The 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technologies, proceedings (pp. 7-12). Palmerston North: Massey University. Paper presented at the APCSEET 2005 Conference, 8-11 May, Wellington.

Turner, D., & Su, B. (2005). A classification methodology for medium density housing based on site layout analysis. In H. Skates, L. Christie, A. Rogerson, A. Melling, & A. Tonks (Eds.), Unofficial proceedings of the 39th Annual Architectural Science Association Conference 'Fabricating sustainability' (CD Rom ed., pp. 13). Wellington: Victoria University. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association 'Fabricating sustainability', 17-19 November, Wellington.

Aynsley, R., & Su, B. (2005). Insulation of roof in warm climates. In K. Sullivan & D. T. Kashiwagi (Eds.), Proceedings of the CIB W92/T23/W107 International Symposium on Procurement Systems 'The impact of cultural differences and systems on construction performance' (Vol. 2, pp. 617-625). Las Vegas, USA: Arizona State University. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Procurement Systems, 8-10 February, Las Vegas.

Su, B. (2004). Wind tunnel study for estimating outdoor ventilation in a dense low-rise building area. The International Journal of Ventilation, 3 (3), 245-253.

Su, B. (2004). Architectural design of large hotel and energy used for internal space thermal control, International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science. Auckland, New Zealand: New Zealand Society for Sustainability Engineering and Science, 6-9 July, Auckland, New Zealand.

Su, B. (2004). Mean energy used for central air-conditioning system related to hotel building design. In Z. Bromberek (Ed.), Contexts of architecture. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association ANZAScA and International Building Performance Simulation Association - Australasia Conference (pp. 38-42). Launceston, Australia: School of Architecture, University of Tasmania, 10-12 November, Launceston, Australia.

Su, B. (2003). Estimating wind frequency limits for natural ventilation at remote site. In S. A. Rahman, K. Sopian, A. Z. Ahmed, & M. Y. Othman (Eds.), Proceedings at the international symposium on renewable energy 'Enviroment protection and energy solution for sustainable development' (pp. 323-330), 14-17 Setember, Kuala Lumpur.

Su, B. (2003). Developments in wind tunnel studies for estimating the cross ventilation potential for a low-rise building in a built-up area. International Journal of Ventilation, 2(1), 77-86.

Aynsley, R., & Su, B. (2003). A field study of indoor wind speed coefficients. In L. N. Lowes & G. R. Miller (Eds.), 2003 Structures congress and exposition (CD Rom ed., pp. 12 p.c.). Washington: American Society of Civil Engineers. Paper presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers conference, 29-31 May, Seattle.

Aynsley, R., & Su, B. (2003). CFD modelling at airflow for indoor comfort in the tropics. In S. A. Rahman, K. Sopian, A. Z. Ahmed, & M. Y. Othman (Eds.), Environment protection and energy solution for sustainable development (pp. 315-322). Kuala Lumpur, 14-17 September.

Su, B. (2002). A field study of mould growth and indoor health conditions in Auckland dwellings. Architectural Science Review, 45 (4), 275-284.

Aynsley, R., & Su, B. (2002). Estimating wind frequency for natural ventilation at remote sites. International Journal of Ventilation, 1 (2), 157-164.

Su, B. (2001). Estimation of Natural Cross-Ventilation Potentials of Medium-Density Housing in the Humid Tropics. Architectural Science Review, 44, 405-418.

Su, B. (2001). Estimation of Natural Ventilation Around Medium Density Housing in the Humid Tropics. Architectural Science Review, 44, 241-249.

Aynsley, R., & Su, B. (2000). Final Report on Field Study of Summer Thermal Conditions in Roofs. (Report to the Office of Sustainable Energy of the Department of Mines and Energy, Australia). Auckland: Unitec.