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Peter McPherson

Head of School, Architecture
School of Architecture
Location: Building 048, Room 2011


Su, B., McPherson, P., Jadresin Milic, R., Wang, X., Shamout, S., & Liang, Y. (2023). Field Study to Compare and Evaluate Summer Thermal Comfort of Classrooms with or without Thermal Mass in Their Building Elements. Buildings (Vol. 2023, 13, 2913).

Shamout, S., Cibilich, S., Khan, I., & McPherson, P. (2023). Systematizing Architectural Precedent Analysis for Improved Integration of Sustainable Practices in Design Studio 3 Outcomes - a high-density mixed-use development in Auckland, Semester, 2022. Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism (RRAU) - 5th Edition, Unitec Institution of Technology - Te Pkenga, Auckland, New Zealand.

Su, B., Jadresin-Milic, R., McPherson, P., & Wu, L. (2022). Thermal Performance of School Buildings: Impacts beyond Thermal Comfort. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Vol. 19(10):5811).

Jadresin-Milic, R., McPherson, P., McConchie, G., Reutlinger, T., & Singh, S. (2022). Architectural History and Sustainable Architectural Heritage Education: Digitalisation of Heritage in New Zealand. Sustainability (Vol. 14(24):16432).


Jadresin-Milic, R., McPherson, P., & Su, B. (2022). Learning from Practice in the Digital Age: 'Digitalisation of Heritage in New Zealand'. 55th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), Perth.

Bulkeley, A., Jadresin-Milic, R., Patel, Y., & McPherson, P. (2022). Asylum 2022. Auckland, New Zealand, ePress.

Patel, Y., McPherson, P., Besen, P., & Couchman, A. (2021). Architecture as a Tool for Inclusion and Community Building: Women in Fabrication at Zayed College for Girls. Asylum 2020 (Vol. 1).

Patel, Y., Hung, W., McPherson, P., & Peni, E. (2021). Te Pūtahi Auaha: Avondale Graffiti Pavilion. Asylum 2021 (Vol. 1).

Su, B., McPhersobn, P., Jadresin Milic, R., & Wu, L. (2020). New Zealand House Indoor Microclimate and Allergens. Ali Ghaffarianhoseini, et al, Imaginable Futures: Design Thinking, and the Scientific Method. 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2020.

Jadresin Milic, R., McPherson, P., & McConchie, G. (2020). Teaching Architectural History Starting From Current Events: Digitalisation of Heritage in New Zealand. The 37th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Perth, WA.

Su, B., McPherson, P., Jadresin Milic, R., & We, Lian. (2020). Thermal Performance of School Building not only Impact Indoor Thermal Comfort. Ali Ghaffarianhoseini, et al, Imaginable Futures: Design Thinking, and the Scientific Method. 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2020.

Clark, J., & Ashworth, S. (2019). Architectural Education and the Profession in Australia and New Zealand. Melbourne, Vic, AACA.

Couchman, A., Patel, Y., & McPherson, P. (2018). Women in Fabrication: A platform for inclusive and diverse design. P. Rajagopalan and M.M Andamon, Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density: 52nd.

Mirus, A., Patel, Y., & McPherson, P. (2018). Prefabrication: New Zealand's golden ticket? P. Rajagopalan and M.M Andamon, Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density: 52nd.

Campbell, G., Patel, Y., & McPherson, P. (2018). Intensive Design Building Studio: A Collaboration with Industry. P. Rajagopalan and M.M Andamon, Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density: 52nd.

Pretty, A. C., & McPherson, P. (2017). Encountering the Pedagogy of Live and Interactive architectural projects (within the Australasian context.). D. K. Brown., P. McPherson., M. Manfredini., A. C. Pretty., U. Reiger., M. Southcombe, Italy (Vol. 1st).

McPherson, P. (2017). Inbetween. Klasz, Walter, Unitec ePress (Vol. 1).

Pretty, A. C., & McPherson, P. (2017). Encountering the pedagogy of live and interactive architectural projects. The Journal of Public Space: Critical Thresholds (Special Issue) (Vol. 2(3)).

Pretty, A., & McPherson, P. (2017). Design dialogues. Ambiguity of "Design" within Architectural studio. The Journal of Public Space: Critical Thresholds (Special Issue) (Vol. (2)3).

McPherson, P., & Pretty, A. (2017). Re-solved. Iterating design solutions by understanding failure. The Journal of Public Space: Critical Thresholds (Special Issue) (Vol. 2(3)).

Hitchings, K., Patel, Y., & McPherson, P. (2017). Analogue Automation: The Gateway Pavilion for the Headland Sculpture on the Gulf. Antonio Fioravanti, Stefano Cursi, Salma Elahmar, Silvia Gargaro Gianluigi Loffreda, Gabriele Novembri and Armando Trento, ShoCK - Sharing of Computable Knowledge - Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, Rome, Italy (Vol. 2).

Janus, A., Contractor, R., Patel, Y., & McPherson, P. (2017). Gateway Pavilion: Returning to Conventional Practice. Marc Aurel Schnabel, Back to the Future: The Next 50 Years, 51st International Conference of Architectural Science Association.

McPherson, P., & Pretty, A. C. (2017). Re-solved: iterating design solutions by understanding failure[in press]. D. K. Brown., P. McPherson., M. Manfredini., A. C. Pretty., U. Reiger., M. Southcombe, Italy (Vol. 1st).

Pretty, A. C., & McPherson, P. (2017). Design Dialogues - Ambiguity of "Design" within Architectural Studio. Brown, D. K., McPherson, P., Manfredini, M., Pretty, A.C., Reiger, U. & Southcombe, M. Italy.

McPherson, P., & Riger, U. (2016). Biennale Architettura 2016, Future Islands, LuxCity and CityUps (architectural model). C. Walker, Palazzo Bollani, Castello District, Venice, Italy, 28 May - 27 November 2016.

McPherson, P., & Pretty, A. (2015). Iterating Success: Learning to change through understanding failure. In D.K. Brown, M. Manfredini, P. McPherson, A. Pretty, U. Rieger, M. Southcombe, 8th International Conference and Exhibition of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia.

Pretty, A., & McPherson, P. (2015). "Design" and "Design" the verb, noun, prefix and suffix; Architecture studio teaching as an epitome of design methodologies. In D.K. Brown, M. Manfredini, P. McPherson, A. Pretty, U. Rieger, M. Southcombe, 8th International Conference and Exhibition of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia.

McPherson, P., Mismash, L., Pretty, A., Rennie, J., & Wagner, C. (2015). Large Scale Fabrication Studio - FESTA - LuxCity 2012. Ross T Smith, Daniel K Brown, Mark Southcombe, 130 Tuam Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1-10 October.

McPherson, P., Pretty, A., & Rennie, J. (2015). Large Scale Fabrication Studio - FESTA - Canterbury Tales 2013. Ross T Smith, Daniel K Brown, Mark Southcombe, 130 Tuam Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1-10 October.

McPherson, P., McConchie, G., Pretty, A., & Rennie, J. (2015). Large Scale Fabrication Studio - FESTA - CityUps 2014. Ross T Smith, Daniel K Brown, Mark Southcombe, 130 Tuam Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, 01-10 October.

McPherson, P. (2014). Surface Reality: Geometry, Craft and Shape of the Invisible World. Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.