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Dr James Prescott

Senior Lecturer
School of Applied Business
Location: Building 115, Room 3012


PHD, MCom (Hons), BCom


Prescott, J.S., & Goundar, N. (2023). The Changing role of Accounting. 2023 Auckland Region Accounting (ARA) Conference, The University of Auckland Business School, Auckland.

PRESCOTT, JM., SCHMIDT, E., & RAINSBURY, E. (2022). Statement of Service Performance Reporting: A Study of Tier 3 Registered Charities in New Zealand. 2022 Auckland Regional Accounting (ARA) Conference, 28 November 2022 - Massey University Auckland Campus.

Prescott, J., & Goundar, N. (2021). Running a Church Online. MIT-Unitec Research Symposium 2021, Online.

Prescott, S., & Goundar, N. (2020). Covid-19: Experience of online learning from accounting courses at Unitec. ARA 2020 - AUT University, AUT University Auckland.

Prescott, S., & Goundar, N. (2020). An Education Model Post Covid 19. Unitec Research Symposium 2020, Unitec Institute of Technology.

Prescott, S. (2019). Corporate Governance in Tonga. Elewechi Okike, United Kingdom.

Wang, J., Hooper, K., Prescott, S., & Goundar, N. (2019). The Quantification of Migrant Labour from the Pacific: Gender and the F....g Plaza. The 9th Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference (APIRA 2019), AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand.

Arts, A.M., Prescott, S.M., & Luxton, P. (2018). Tongan Agricultural Sector Diagnostic Study. Auckland, The AgriChain Centre.

Prescott, S. M., & Johansson Fua, S. (2016). Enhancing Educational Success Through Talanoa. A. Kautoke, Vaka Pasifiki Education Conference (Vol. 1).

Prescott, J M. (2016). Extending the Balance Scorecard to New Zealand NGOs in the Social Services Sector. NZMA Conference 2016, University of Auckland.

Prescott, J. M. (2016). Accounting for Social Services Outcomes: Extending the Balanced Scorecard to NGOs in New Zealand. Auckland Regional Accounting Conference, AUT University.

Prescott, S., & Hooper, K. (2015). Governance in small Pacific businesses: Tongan business cases. Auckland Regional Accounting Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.

Prescott, S. (2015). Prescott, J. (2015). Koloa - A traditional concept of value. Unitec Research Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand.

Prescott, S., & Amoa-Aiolupotea, M L. (2013). Business Studies as an Education discipline choice - Implications for Pacific Island People. International Conference - Multicultural Classrooms, AIS St Helens - Centre for Research in International Education.

Prescott, J. (2013). Editorial. Pacific Health Dialog - Journal of Pacific Research (Vol. 19(2)).

Prescott, S. (2012). Changing Pacific Family Values - Some Personal Reflections. 3rd International Seminar on Malay Maori and Pacific Language, Arts and Culture, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand.

Prescott, S. (2012). The Changing Tides of the Pacific - The Making of a Kingdom. Public Lecture in Honor of the Last King Siaosi Tupua V, AUT University (Manukau Campus), Auckland, New Zealand.