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Emma Smith

Senior Lecturer
School of Creative Industries
Location: Building 206


Tan, L., (Curator), White, T., Lamwilai, P., de Groot, C., Smith, E., & Craven, M. (2024). Puna Krero. Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, Auckland, New Zealand, 3 July.

Smith, E., & Ferguson, G. (2023). Practice: High School Teachers : Art, Design & Technology. Toi o Wairaka, Auckland.

Ripley, D. (2023). In silent turbulence, Emma Smith (artwork). Maree Shannon, New Zealand Aotearoa (Vol. 1).

Smith, E. (2022). Search Party, Oil on canvas, 350 x 400mm. Dorita Hannah with Rebecca Wood, Unitec Gallery One.

Smith, E. (2022). Wednesday, 19 January 2022 ( Smith title) Ngā Uruora / The Groves of Life, 2022 ( Tuck's work title). Cristina Barton, Anna Miles, New Zealand Aotearoa (Vol. 1).

Smith, E., & Roberts, K. (2022). Firmament, 2022, Oil on canvas, 300x 250mm, Fuselage, 2022, Oil on linen, 150x 200mm, First light, Oil on canvas, 400x 360mm, 2022, Filament, 2022, Oil on linen, 300x 250mm. Reece King, Auckland.

Smith, E. (2022). Shits and Giggles. The Art Paper, 04 Soil (Vol. 04).

Smith, E. (2021). Any Second, Oil on Canvas, 300 x 350mm Dispatch, Oil on Canvas, 300 x 350mm The Censor's sightline, Oil on Canvas, 300 x 350mm Terse Morse, Oil on Canvas, 300 x 350mm. Reece King and Danae Ripley, Sanc Gallery, Auckland.

Smith, E., (artist), King, R., (artist), Ripley, D., (artist), Leung, B., (artist), Gabriel, T., (artist), & Walsh, T., (artist) (2020). Untitled, Oil on canvas, 280 x 230mm. Reece King and Danae Ripley, Sanc Gallery, Auckland,.

Smith, E., (Artist) (2020). Fire wall, 360 x 120 x 120mm, Clay,wood, metal, hessian, 2013 Vesuvius and Virtue, 530 x 90 x 200mm, Clay,wood, metal, hessian, 2013. Nicholas Butler, Auckland.

Smith, E., (Artist), Hodgkinson, H., (Artist), & King, R., (Artist) (2020). The Bushes - They were Bells, 1800x 1600m, Oil on canvas, 2020 The censor's flight, 500x 400m, Oil on canvas, 2020 Or even a report of land , 500x 400m, Oil on canvas, 2020 A wooden wait, 500x 400m, Oil on canvas, 2020. R. King and D. Ripley, Sanc Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 October to 14 November.

Smith, E. (2019). A Brief History of Fire, 1800 x 1600mm, 2018. Accrete, Assemble, Apply . Oil on canvas, 1800 x 1600mm, 2019, The common dream II, Oil on canvas, 1800 x 1600mm, 2019. Cordite Crowd, Oil on canvas, 1800 x 1600mm, 2019. Emma Smith, Malcolm Smith Gallery, Uxbridge.

Bardebes, W., & Smith, E. (2019). Animating absence - future disasters in art and architecture. Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ) Conference 2019, The University of Auckland.

Smith, E. (2019). Horse, Plaster, wood, 900 x 80 x 120mm, 2013. Nicholas Butler, Michael Prosee, Pah Homestead, Wallace Arts Trust.

Smith, Emma., & William, Bardebes. (2018). Autodemogogia, Collaborative Animation 10min run time. Allan McDonald, Unitec Gallery One 25th May -13th June.

Smith, E. (2018). Untitled, 350 x 300mm, Oil on canvas, 2018;Finial forgiveness, 380 x 450, Oil on canvas, 2018;Fulmination fixture, 450 x 500, Oil on canvas, 2018;Four Horsemen, 250 x 300mm, Oil on canvas, 2018. Linda Cook, North Tec gallery.

Smith, Emma., & Bardebes, William. (2018). Autoatlantis - Collaborative Animation 5,50 secs run time. Linda Cook, North Tec gallery.

Emma, Smith., (Artist) (2018). The Censor's Garden - a series of 7 posters. Tiger Murdoch, Geoff Wilson Gallery Auckland.

Smith, E., & Gorman, K. (2018). Untitled, 350 x 300mm, Oil on canvas, 2018; Cordite Crowd II, 250 x 300mm, 2018; Finial forgiveness, 380 x 450, Oil on canvas, 2018; Fulmination fixture, 450 x 500, Oil on canvas, 2018; As if through a crystal visor 220 x190mm, Oil on canvas, 2018; Fusillade, 400 x300mm, Oil on canvas, 2018;Halberd and Volley, 300x 250 mm, Oil on canvas, 2018; Four Horsemen, 250 x 300mm, Oil on canvas, 2018. Gina Ferguson, Auckland.

Smith, Emma. (2018). A brief History of Fire, Oil on Canvas, 1800x 1600 mm. Craig Freeborn and Reece King, State Gallery, Auckland, 16th November, 2018.

Smith, Emma., (Artist), & Bardebes, William., (Artist) (2017). The land we know - Collaborative animation work. Allan McDonald, Unitec Snowwhite & Te Po Gallery,.

Smith, Emma. (2017). Promontory. Elizabeth Caldwell, Hamilton.

Smith, E., (artist) (2017). Series of 9 works: Armed to the teeth, (20x25), Buried geometry, school of salt, (30x35), Lean to (20x25), Meltpond(25 x30), Mute rock or the hand of a shadow (30 x30). Z. Hoeberigs, The TSB Wallace Arts Centre, Pah Homestead, Auckland, New Zealand, February 28 - April 9.

Smith, E., (Artist) (2017). Untitled ( Two Trees ), Gouache on paper, 15x 12 cms. Demospace Auckland Team, Demospace Auckland Team March 16-20th.

Smith, E. (2016). The canary in the mine. Pantograph Punch (Vol. 24/9/2016).

Smith, E., (Artist), & King, R., (Curator) (2016). A pound short and a Penny late, Group Show, Allpress Gallery,Auckland, New Zealand Emma Smith, Cypress , 250x 300mm, 2015 Emma Smith Construction 300x 350mm, Oil on canvas, 2016 Emma Smith Washing line and trunks 300x 350mm, Oil on canvas, 2016 Emma Smith Scorcher 300x 350mm, Oil on canvas, 2016 Emma Smith City edge Oil on canvas 300 x 240mm 2015 Emma Smith The stackers Oil on canvas 300 x 240mm 2016 Emma Smith Swamp song Oil on canvas 300 x 240mm 2016. Reece King, Allpress Gallery, 8 Drake St, Auckland, 1010.

Smith, E. (2016). The canary in mine, Essay publication in Programme 1 in conjunction with the exhibition Painting Programme. William Bardebes, Auckland, New Zealand.

Smith, E., (Artist), & William, B., (Artist) (2016). The land we know - A collaborative digital animation work. Whau Arts Festival committee, Whau Arts, Avondale, Auckland.

Smith, E., (Artist) (2016). Construction (300x 400mm Oil on canvas), Quarry(250x 300 mm Oil on canvas), Night Light (250x 300 mm Oil on canvas),The sound of the floor (300x 400mm Oil on canvas). R. King, The TSB Wallace Arts Centre, Pah Homestead, Auckland New Zealand, 28 June-11 September.

Smith, E., (Artist), & Frizzell, D., (Judge) (2015). Grill face (Acrylic on canvas, 800 x 950 mm). D. Frizzell, Museum Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington, New Zealand,.

Smith, Emma., (Artist), & Bardebes, W., (Artist) (2015). The Walk to the sea. Collaborative video animation work with William Bardebes 15mins. Whau Arts Festival committee, Whau Arts, Avondale Auckland.

Smith, E., (Artist) (2015). Swan Song, Acrylic on Card , 750 x500 mm 2015.. Judges Award. Martin Browne ( Judge ), Whakatane Art Gallery, New Zealand.

Smith, E., (Artist) (2014). Indecent haste (Acrylic on canvas, 280x 225mm). C. Johnston, Waikato Society of Arts, Hamilton, New Zealand, 15 -27 February.

Smith, E. (2013). 6x Untitled works - Watercolour on paper, 210x300 mm. E. Smith, Snowwhite Gallery, Unitec, Auckland, March.

Smith, E. (2013). Untitled - Watercolour and gouache on paper, 300x210 mm, x 14 Works. E. Smith, TAV Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.

Ross, J., & Smith, E. (2012). Celanie: Poems & Drawings After Paul Celan. Auckland, New Zealand, Pania Press (Vol. 1).

Smith, E. (2012). Gully 2012 (oil on canvas 305mm H x 245mm), Light valley roof2012 (oil on canvas 305mm H x 245mm), Pebble 2012 (oil on canvas 305mm H x 245mm), Low believing stars 2012 (oil on canvas 305mm H x 245mm), Shark song 2012 (oil on canvas 305mm H x 245mm), Tuck 2012 (oil on canvas 305mm H x 245mm), Salt Formed/ Freeze/ Simple Sun/Midday Shadow/Blue Club 2012 (All acrylic on card 470mm H x 360mm). T. Melville, Tim Melville Gallery, Newmarket, Auckland.

Smith, Emma (2011). Two Thorns and a Rose, Group Show 90 Gallery, Artist Run Space Auckland New Zealand. Auckland.

Smith, Emma (2011). Auratica Fantastica, Window Gallery, University of Auckland, Curated by Dr Graham Fletcher. University of Auckland.

Smith, Emma (2011). Smith Emma University of Waikato New Romantics. Curated by Karl Chitham. Group Show with Sam Mitchell, Dr Graham Fletcher, Kathryn Tsui, Nikki Hastings McFall and Zina Swanson. University of Waikato.

Smith, Emma (2011). If not Winter, Oil on Canvas 1200 x 1200mm. Waikato Contemporary Art Award.

Smith, Emma (2010). Day book Fragments by Michael Steven, Published by Kilmog Press, Dunedin, Artwork Various. Auckland City Libraries, 9780986461651.

Smith, Emma (2010). Skin, Group Show with Matt Dowman and Glen Hutchins. Manthel Van Reijn Studio, Auckland New Zealand. Manthel Van Reijn Artist Run Space, Mount Eden, Auckland.

Smith, Emma (2010). The Dark Row of the Roofs, Pitch Black Gallery,Unitec, Auckland. Invitation by Jane Henzell. Unitec Institute of Technology , Auckland.

Smith, Emma (2009). COCA Art Awards, Finalist, Judged by Hamish Keith. Christchurch.

Smith, Emma (2009). Far, Far, Away. Group show, Curated by Karl Chittam, Rawene, Hokianga Art Gallery. Rawene, Hokianga Art Gallery , New Zealand.

Smith, Emma (2008). Over Subscribed, Group Show, Lorem Ipsum Gallery, Vyner St, East London, Curated Graham Carrick. East London ,England.

Smith, Emma (2008). Prime, Group Show, Nowhere North Gallery, ( Pop up Gallery ) High Barnett, London. Show curated by Paul Mckenna. North London.

Smith, Emma (2007). Finalist. 'Discerning Eye', Competition, Mall Gallery, London. Work selected by Charles Saumarez Smith, Director National Gallery, London. London.

Smith, Emma (2007). Mein Leibes Waldkrankenhaus,Solo Show, The Foundry ,East London. East London.

Smith, Emma (2006). Local, Group Studio, Whitecliffe College of Art, Randolph St Gallery, Randolph St, Newton Auckland, New Zealand . Curated by Matt Dowman. Auckland New Zealand.

Smith, Emma (2006). Little Lyca. The Foundry, Main Gallery, Great Eastern St, East London. Exhibition with Kelly Pretty. East London.