Renata Jadresin-Milic
Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, Filed: Architecture and Urbanism (2013). MSc. Field: History, Architecture and Urbanism (2007). Dip.Ing.Arch. (Graduated Engineer in Architecture, University of Belgrade) NZQA Recognition: A doctoral degree at Level 10, NZQA Recognition Statement 347922 – 1, 7 January 2019; and two master's degrees at Level 9, NZQA Recognition Statement 347922 – 1, 7 January 2019.
Professional memberships
- GAHTC - Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative (since 2018)
- SAH - Society of Architectural Historians (since 2016)
- SAHANZ - Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand (since 2016)
- ICOMOS – International Council on Monument and Sites (since 2014)
- ICOMOS NZ – Executive Board of ICOMOS NZ (since October 2021); Member of Specialist Committees: Legislation and Policy; Advocacy & Communications Committee; Education & Professional Development Committee; leading person for New Zealand for ICOMOS Mentorship Pilot Programme
- INTBAU – International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism (since 2011)
- EAHN - European Architectural History Network - Serbia correspondent (since 2008)
- The Society of Conservators of Serbia (since 1998
Renata Jadresin Milic is an Associate Professor at the School of Architecture at Unitec, New Zealand, where she leads the Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) programme. Renata is also a Conservation and Heritage Research Stream Leader in the Master of Architecture (Professional) (MARCP) programme, and she established the Digital Heritage Research Centre at Unitec in 2022
Renata teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, including Design Studio, Architectural History and Theory – Critical Studies, Research Methods, and various electives. She is a Principal Supervisor for MARCP and MArch Research Projects. Renata’s research is in the field of history and theory of architecture, the theory and practice of cultural heritage, and the conservation and adaptation of historic places both internationally and in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Renata has led applied research projects involving community groups, industry partners, and Unitec staff and students, utilising advanced digital heritage methodologies such as 3D laser scanning, photogrammetry, and HBIM. She works collaboratively across disciplines with professionals from various fields, interweaving history, theory, and digital technologies with insights from cultural studies, sociology, environmentalism, and place identity.
Sadhu, R., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2024). Rejuvenating Culture: Enhancing Cultural Heritage At Rmappa Temple. Jitka Cirklov, Prague - Heritages Past and Present - Built and Social. AMPS Proceedings Series 35.2 (Vol. 2).
Khan, I.R., Jadresin Milic, R., Su, B., & Vadsz, V. (2024). Learning from practice in the digital age: 'Digitalisation of heritage in New Zealand'. Architectural Science Review (Vol. Jul 2024).
Potangaroa, R., Jadresin Milic, R., & Smith, S. (2023). Project Methodology and Workflow for Emergency Drone Recording and Processing: Case study Colonial Ammunition Company Shot Tower, Aotearoa New Zealand. DISEGNARECON Journal (Vol. Vol 16, No 31).
Su, B., McPherson, P., Jadresin Milic, R., Wang, X., Shamout, S., & Liang, Y. (2023). Field Study to Compare and Evaluate Summer Thermal Comfort of School Buildings with Different Moderate Thermal Mass in Their Building Elements. Buildings (Vol. Vol 13, Issue 12, 2913).
Vadász, V., Jadresin Milic, R., & Khan, I. (2023). Is Our Heritage Falling Through the Gaps? Asylum (Vol. Vol.2, December 2023).
Jadresin Milic, R. (2023). Asylum Peer-reviewed Articles Introduction. Auckland, New Zealand, School of Architecture and ePress Unitec | Te Pūkenga (Vol. Vol.2, December 2023).
Song, X., Baragwanath, P., Shamout, S., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2023). The power of communities as a Means of Preserving Heritage - The case of St. David. Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism (RRAU) - 5th Edition, Auckland, New Zealand.
Jadresin Milic, R., Khan, I., & Vadász, V. (2023). Transdisciplinary Digital Heritage Research Centre Development: Applied Research towards a More Resilient Environment. Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism (RRAU) - 5th Edition, Auckland, New Zealand.
Moosa, H., Jadresin Milic, R., & Shamout, S. (2023). Developing the model of reuse of existing heritage buildings in New Zealand: Integrating Political, Social, and Economic objectives into Adaptive Reuse Strategies. Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism (RRAU) - 5th Edition, Auckland, New Zealand.
Su, B., McPherson, P., Jadresin Milic, R., & Feng Liang, Y. (2022). Field Study of Summer Indoor Thermal Environment of School Buildings with Different Building Envelopes, Structures and Partitions. MIT - Unitec Research Symposium 2022. Rangahau: Te Mana o te Mahi Kotahitanga Research: The Power of Collaboration, Auckland, New Zealand.
Mađanović, M., Moore, C., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2022). The Role of Architectural History Research: Auckland's NZI Building as William Gummer's Attempt at Humanity. David Kroll, James Curry and Madeline Nolan, Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand: 38, Ultra: Positions and Polarities Beyond Crisis (Vol. Adelaide: SAHANZ, 2022).
Jadresin Milic, R., McPherson, P., McConchie, G., Reutlinger, T., & Singh, S. (2022). Architectural History and Sustainable Architectural Heritage Education: Digitalisation of Heritage in New Zealand. Sustainability (Vol. 14, 16432).
Su, B., Jadresin Milic, R., McPherson, P., & Wu, L. (2022). Thermal Performance of School Buildings: Impacts beyond Thermal Comfort. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Vol. 19, 5811).
Jadresin Milic, R., McPherson, P., & Su, B. (2022). Learning from Practice in the Digital Age: 'Digitalisation of Heritage in New Zealand'. Architectural Science and User Experience: How can Design Enhance the Quality of Life 55th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association, Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
Francis, K., Ratana, M., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2022). Tau-utuutu: The Development of a Living Vision for the Unitec School of Architecture Te Kura Hoahoanga. Asylum (Vol. 3, December 2022).
Jadresin Milic, R. (2022). Asylum Peer-reviewed Articles Introduction. Auckland, New Zealand, School of Architecture and ePress, Unitec - Te Pūkenga (Vol. Asylum 3, December 2022).
Kaur, J., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2021). Translation and Continuity of Tradition: An Ongoing Dialogue in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism (Vol. No. 2 (2021)).
Jadresin Milic, R., & Mitchell, C. (2021). An Alternative Approach to Teaching Architectural History: Redrawing the Pedagogical Boundaries between Architectural History and Design Studio with Flexible and Blended Methods. FAMagazine (Vol. 2021: ArcheA IO3 - Manual of Best Practices for a Blended Flexible Training Activity in Architectural Higher Education).
Jadresin Milic, R. (2021). Asylum Peer-reviewed Articles Introduction. Auckland, New Zealand, School of Architecture and ePress, Unitec New Zealand (Vol. Asylum 1).
Madanovic, M., Moore, C., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2021). An Untraditional Perspective of Tradition. The Lessons of Gummer and Ford in Architectural Education and Designing for New Zealand. Asylum (Vol. 1).
Mađanović, M., Moore, C., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2021). The Role of Architectural History Research: Auckland's NZI Building As William Gummer's Attempt at Humanity. David Kroll and James Curry, ULTRA: Positions and Polarities Beyond Crisis, SAHANZ 2021.
Mađanović, M., Moore, C., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2021). (Re-)Uses of Historical Knowledge in Architectural Education. The Value of the Client - Reginald Ford on Professional Practice. Asylum (Vol. 2, December 2021).
Jadresin Milic, R. (2021). Asylum Peer-reviewed Articles Introduction. Auckland, New Zealand, School of Architecture and ePress, Unitec New Zealand (Vol. Asylum 2, December 2021).
Su, B., Wu, L., McPherson, P., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2020). New Zealand House Indoor Microclimate and Allergen. A. Ghaffarianhoseini, A. Ghaffarianhoseini and N. Nasmith, Imaginable Futures: Design Thinking, and the Scientific Method, 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2020, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Su, B., Jadresin Milic, R., McPherson, P., & Wu, L. (2020). Thermal Performance of School Building not only Impact Indoor Thermal Comfort. A. Ghaffarianhoseini, A. Ghaffarianhoseini and N. Nasmith, Imaginable Futures: Design Thinking, and the Scientific Method, 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2020, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Hamilton, J., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2020). Preservation issues and controversies: Challenges of underutilised and abandoned places. A. Ghaffarianhoseini, A. Ghaffarianhoseini and N. Nasmith, Imaginable Futures: Design Thinking, and the Scientific Method, 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2020, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Patel, Y., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2020). Transforming the School of Architecture's Asylum Journal Publication. Whaowhia te kete mātauranga - Fill the basket of knowledge. Unitec Research Symposium 2020, Auckland, Unitec New Zealand.
Jadresin Milic, R., McPherson, P., & McConchie, G. (2020). Teaching Architectural History Starting From Current Events: Digitalisation of Heritage in New Zealand. What if? What next? Speculations on History's Futures. 37th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Perth.
Madanovic, M., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2020). Uncharted architectural theory of critical regionalism in the work of Aleksandar Deroko between the world wars. Journal of Art Historiography (Vol. 22: Jun20).
Jadresin Milic, R., Reutlinger, T., & Singh, S. (2020). Digitalisation of New Zealand Architectural Heritage: Bringing Architectural History and Theory into the Virtual Realm. Whaowhia te kete mātauranga - Fill the basket of knowledge. Unitec Research Symposium 2020, Auckland, Unitec New Zealand.
Madanovic, M., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2019). Distance and the Balkans: Critical Regionalism Between the World Wars in the Work of Aleksandar Deroko. EAHN-SAHANZ 2019 conference "Distance Looks Back", A. Leach & A. Stickells (Ed.), the University of Sydney, Sydney.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2019). Architects on the Verge_Round Table 4: AESTHETICS OF ARCHITECTURE. 21st International Congress of Aesthetics 2019_Possible Worlds of Contemporary Aesthetics: Aesthetics between History, Geography and Media (ICA 2019) International Association for Aesthetics, Belgrade, Serbia.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2019). Aleksandar Deroko: Between Tradition and Modernity. SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal (Vol. volume 11 _2019 No _1).
Jadresin Milic, R., & Mitchell, C. (2019). The Death of Aesthetics in Architectural Education? Possibilities for Contemporary Pedagogy. SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal (Vol. volume 11 _2019 No _3).
Kontic, A., Jadresin Milic, R., & Mrljes, R. (2019). Defining the methodology of integrated research in the process of digital documentation of architectural heritage: case study Lizori, Italy. DISEGNARECON (Vol. 12 (23)).
Howse, W., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2019). Functional Heritage. Reconnecting with the Iron Web. Amoruso, G. & Salerno, R. Basel, Switzerland.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2019). Editorial: Aleksandar Deroko. Serbia, SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal (Vol. volume 11 _2019 No _1).
Jadresin Milic, R., & Mitchell, C. (2019). Architectural History and Design Studio: Redrawing Pedagogical Boundaries. Learning Through Practice: The fifth international peer reviewed conference of the Association of Architectural Educators, The University of Westminster, London.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2019). Aleksandar Deroko. SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal. Volume 11. Belgrade, Serbia, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture (Vol. 2019 No _1).
Kontic, A., Jadresin Milic, R., & Mrljes, R. (2019). "Integrated Research Methodology in the Process of Digitalization of Documents of Architectural Heritage" ("Методологија интегрисаног истраживања у процесу дигиталне документације архитектонског наслеђа"). Arhitektura i urbanizam - Journal for Architecture, Urbanism and Spatial Planning (Vol. 48 (2019)).
Jadresin Milic, R., & Madanovic, M. (2018). Romantic Visions vs. Rejection of Ideal Reconstruction. J. C. Pimentel,. A. Trevisan and A. Cardoso, Regionalism, Nationalism & Modern Architecture International Conference Proceedings. CEAA | Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo Escola Superior Artística do Porto Portugal.
Jadresin Milic, R., & Pretty, A. (2018). Relevance of Renaissance Architectural Theories Today: Together. Cumulus & Césaap (Boulle, Duperré, Estienne, Ensaama), Paris, France.
Pretty, A., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2018). Ephemeral Crossroads: seven lamps, six years, seven lux-pavilions. Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density: 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association, The Architectural Science Association and RMIT University, Australia.
Kontic, A., Jadresin Milic, R., & Mrljes, R. (2018). "International Summer School on Cultural Landscape and Heritage Skills, Lizori, Italy" ("Међународна летња школа о културном пејзажу и очувању наслеђа, Лизори, Италија"). Glasnik Društva Konzervatora Srbije (Vol. 42 (2018)).
Jadresin Milic, R., & Pretty, A. (2018). Relevance of Renaissance Architectural Theories Today: Together? Césaap; Claire Brunet, Cumulus Conference Proceedings Paris 2018 - To get there: designing together (Vol. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series 03/2018 Paris).
Pretty, A., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2018). Ephemeral Crossroads: seven lamps, six years, seven lux-pavilions. P. Rajagopalan and M.M Andamon, Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density: 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2018. The Architectural Science Association and RMIT University, Australia.
Jadresin Milic, R., & Nikezic, A. (2017). Enhancing Local Identity through Fostering Research-based Education in Architecture. J. Anderson, Architecture Connects. Association of Architectural Educators 4th International peer reviewed conference. Oxford Brookes University, UK.
Jadresin Milic, R., & Nikezic, A. (2017). Communicating Heritage Through Intertwining Theory and Studio-based Course in Architectural Education. Giuseppe Amoruso, Putting Tradition into Practice: Heritage, Place and Design; Proceedings of 5th INTBAU International Annual Event.
Jadresin Milic, R., & Preety, A. (2017). e-Measures of Success. Online Learning and Teaching in Architectural Education, Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia (AASA), School of Architectural Design and Planning, University of Sydney.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2017). The Role of Architectural History in Education of Architects Today. Symposium 'Educating Architects and Planners in the Twentieth Century', School of Architecture and Planning, The University of Auckland.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2017). 'Self-formed Spaces' - the Exhibition and the Public Talk, in Inbetween. W. Klasz, Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand (Vol. Inbetween).
Jadresin Milic, R., & Nikezic, A. (2017). Enhancing Local Identity through Fostering Research-based Education in Architecture. Association of Architectural Educators aae 2017 Conference 'Architecture Connects', Oxford Brookes School of Architecture, Oxford, UK.
Jadresin Milic, R., & McConchie, G. (2017). Quoting Palladio. In G. Hartoonian & J. Ting, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ 2017).
Jadresin Milic, R. (2015). The past as project forming, cultural heritage and architectural design, International Exhibition Catalogue FIRENZE-BEOGRAD-FIRENZE. Kosancicev venac 1941-2015. F. Collotti & M. Roter-Blagojevic (ed.), Universita degli Studi di Firenze, University of Belgrade.
Jadresin-Milic, R. (2015). Contemporary Classical Architecture - Reconsidering Tradition. T. Jelenski, S. Juchnowicz & E. Wozniak-Szpakiewicz, Krakow, Poland.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2015). Interview with Mario Carpo. Dokic, V. & Bojanic, P. Belgrade, Serbia.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2014). Aktuelnost Vitruvijeve teorije arhitekture (Vitruvius Architectural Theory Timelessness), Introductory text. R. Jadresin Milic, Belgrade, Serbia.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2014). Contemporary Classical Architecture - Reconsidering Tradition. 3rd Annual International INTBAU Scientific Conference "Tradition and Heritage in Contemporary Image of the City", Krakow, Poland.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2014). The Ideology of the Visual in Contemporary Architecture. Mako, V. & Roter Blagojevic, M. & Vukotic Lazar, M. Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2014). Vitruvije. Deset knjiga o arhitekturi. De Architectura Libri Decem. Belgrade, Serbia, Orion Art.
Roter Blagojevic, M., Nikolic, M., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2013). The New Management Approach in Protection and Reactivation of Cultural and Natural Heritage in Resava - Mlava Region. Editore Valmaran - Roma, 6th International Congress on "Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage of the Mediterranean Basin", Cultural Heritage Congress Athens (Vol. III).
Jadresin Milic, R., & Kurtovic Folic, N. (2013). The Idea of Restoration in Renaissance Treatises on Architecture. International Symposium CITIES UNDER RESTORATION, Centre for Built Environment, Kolkata, India.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2013). Vitruvius's Notion of Symmetry in Renaissance Texts on Architecture. Second Colloquium on Architectural Theory, Werner Oechslin Library Foundation "TEXT: TOOL AND SOURCE OF UNDERSTANDING", Einsiedeln, Switzerland.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2013). Interview with Mark Cousins. Djokic, V. & Bojanic, P. Belgrade, Serbia.
Jadresin Milic, R. (2013). Theories of Contemporary Classical Architecture and their Relationship with Theoretical Principles of Renaissance. Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
Roter Blagojevic, M., Milosevic, G., Jadresin Milic, R., & Nikolic, M. (2013). A New Life of the Ottoman Fortress Ram. Journal of Cultural Heritage (Vol. 14(35)).