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Vimlesh Shukla

Nursing - Healthcare, School of Healthcare and Social Practice
School of Healthcare and Social Practice


Shukla, V N. (2022). Sailing into uncharted waters: An educator's online teaching experience during the COVID-19 lock-down and forging a path into the future. Pacific Online Learning & Teaching Network, Online.

Shukla, V N. (2021). Allaying fears of Covid 19 Vaccines: Feedback on a 'VAX A NATION ' Question and Answer Session. E tū tāngata Stand together, Third Non-conference Conference Department of Healthcare, Unitec.

Shukla, V N. (2019). Exploring Factors affecting Access to Healthcare Amongst Older Fijian Indians Immigrants in New Zealand. PGR 9, DHSc. Presentation, AUT, South Campus.

Shukla, V N. (2019). CT Coronary Angiogram Education. Pakiki, Ranahau, Whakaaro: Curiosity, Resewarch, Ideas. Sharing our work. Awhina Conference Centre, Waitakere Hospital.