Robyn Gear
Gear, RNA., & West, M. (2024). New Zealand Veterinary Discharge Processes. New Zealand Small Animal Internal Medicine Specialist Conference, Pahia.
Page, A., & Gear, R. (2021). The Involvement, Confidence and Competence of Veterinary Nurses in the Care of Diabetic Patients in New Zealand. Unitec Research Symposium, Unitec, Auckland (Online).
Gear, RNA. (2020). Medical disorders of dogs and cats and their nursing. Cooper, B., Mullineaux, E. & Turner, L. Gloucester, UK (Vol. 6).
Fluen, T., Hardcastle, M., Smith, H. L., & Gear, R .N. A. (2019). Retrospective study of the relative frequency of feline hepatobiliary disease in New Zealand based on 10
years of hepatic biopsy samples. Veterinary Record Open (Vol. 6:e000367).
Prior, L., Harvey, L., Gear, R., Cameron, K., & Naden, K. (2019). Understanding the demography of animals presenting to a volunteer veterinary clinic in Tonga. NZVNA Annual Conference, Auckland.
Harvey, L.C., Gear, R., Prior, L., Cameron, K., & Naden, K. (2019). Investigating the presence of canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) in the Kingdom of Tonga. New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association annual conference, Auckland, New Zealand.