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Robina Mall

Lecturer - Healthcare, School of Healthcare and Social Practice
School of Healthcare and Social Practice
Location: Building 510, Room 4007


Heath, S., & Mall, R. (2024). Preparing student nurses to work with older adults: A stocktake of nursing curricula in the polytechnic sector. Kaitiaki Nursing Research (Vol. 15(1)).

Heath, S., Mall, R., & et, al. (2024). Aotearoa New Zealand student nurses' perceptions of working in aged care: August 2024. Unitec ePress Research Report Series . Auckland NZ, Unitec ePress (Vol. 2).

Eleno, M., Heath, S., Mall, R., & et, al. (2022). A stocktake of placement preparation and clinical experience for New Zealand student nurses in aged care settings. November, ITP conference, November, Southland. NZIMRT, Southland.

Soper, F., Heath, S., Mall, R., & et, al. (2022). Student nurses' perceptions of working in aged care: Review of key literature on the impact of clinical experience. November, ITP conference, November, Southland. NZIMRT, Southland.

Heath, S., Williams, P., Graham, G., Johnson, S., & Mall, R. (2021). Future Nursing Workforce. International Congress of Nursing, Virtual.