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Sadegh Aliakbarlou

Senior Lecturer
School of Building Construction
Location: Building 112, Room 4018


Mukunthan, R., Aliakbarlou, S., Massod, R., Shaheed, R., & Matafeo, R. (2023). Improving Prefabrication Supply Chain to Alleviate the Housing Shortage. Presented at OPSITARA 2023 (Te Pkenga Region 4 Research Symposium), 30 Nov - 1 Dec, Southern Institute of Technology Invercargill Campus. Invercargill.

Xu, Y., Aliakbarlou, S., Massod, R., Chan, L., & Kinaro, A. (2023). Skill Requirements for Low-Prefabricated Timber Building Technologies. Presented at OPSITARA 2023 (Te Pkenga Region 4 Research Symposium), 30 Nov - 1 Dec, Southern Institute of Technology Invercargill Campus. Invercargill.

Masood, R., Flanders, J., Raina, P., Aliakbarlou, S., & Afzal, M. (2023). Root causes of Request for Information (RFI) on commercial construction projects. Presented at OPSITARA 2023 (Te Pkenga Region 4 Research Symposium), 30 Nov - 1 Dec, Southern Institute of Technology Invercargill Campus. Invercargill.

Masood, R., Raina, P., Menike, S., Aliakbarlou, S., Bistouni, M., Mazharuddin, SA., Adam, AJ., Finnie, D., Ali, R., Landage, N., Altaf, O., Piri, I., Flanders, J., & Wilson, N. (2023). RCoP Meeting: Construction & Infrastructure. Presented at OPSITARA 2023 (Te Pkenga Region 4 Research Symposium), 30 Nov - 1 Dec, Southern Institute of Technology Invercargill Campus. Invercargill.

Masood, R., Aliakbarlou, S., Chan, L., & Teo, J. (2022). Uptake of Offsite Construction in NZ -A Non-Supplier viewpoint. OPSITARA Research Conference, Otago Polytechnic.

Masood, R., & Aliakbarlou, S. (2022). Skill Matrix for Prefabricated Construction. ITP Research Symposium, Invercargill, Southern Institute of Technology.

Sreymom, Um., Aliakbarlou, S., Masood, R., & Chan, L. (2022). Skills Shortage in New Zealand prefabricated construction. ITP Research Symposium, Invercargill, Southern Institute of Technology.

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., Costello, S.B., & Jang, H. (2021). Comparing Client Values between Business-as-Usual Construction and Postdisaster Reconstruction. Natural Hazards Review (Vol. 22(3)).

Karia, Nnakina., Sadegh, Aliakbarlou., & Rashika, Sharma. (2021). Improving Productivity of Construction Labour in the Republic of Kiribati. AUBEA 2021 Melbourne: Construction Education - Live the Future'.

Massod, R., Samarsinghe, D., Moradibistouni, M., & Aliakbarlou, S. (2021). Identification of Offsite Construction Skills and Profiles. OPSITARA Research Conference.

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh., Wilkinson, Suzanne., Costello, Seosamh., Jang, Hyounseung., & Aliakbarlou, Hamid. (2020). Producing Work-Ready Graduate for the Construction Industry. Roggema, Rob, Roggema, Anouk (Eds.), Switzerland.

Rehan, Masood., Don, Samarsinghe., & Sadegh, Aliakbarlou. (2020). MAKING A CASE FOR UPSKILLING THE NEW ZEALAND WORKFORCE FOR OFFSITE CONSTRUCTION. IPT Research Symposium, Online.

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh. (2019). Modular Construction and Prefabrication for Post Disaster Reconstruction Projects: Case Studies and Clients' Perspectives Search Results Web results 4th NZ Modular Construction and Pre-Fabrication Forum 2019, New Zealand.

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh., Nishan, Fernando., Bakhshi, Javad., & Hosseini, Reza. (2019). Investigating Construction Workers Health and Safety Risks in Sustainable Building Projects. CIB World Building Congress 2019.

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh. (2018). Determinants of Client Values and Satisfaction in Post-Disaster Reconstruction Projects. Ads The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., & Costello, S. B. (2018). Rethinking client value within construction contracting services. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business (Vol. Earlycite).

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh., Wilkinson, Suzanne., Costello, Seosamh., Jang, Hyounseung., & Aliakbarlou, Hamid. (2018). Producing Work-Ready Graduate for the Construction Industry. SASBE 2018 Sydney: 6th CIB International Conference Proceedings, 4th - 6th December 2018, Sydney, Australia.

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., Costello, S.B., & Jang, H. (2017). Client values within post-disaster reconstruction contracting services. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal (Vol. 26(3)).

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., Costello, S.B., & Jang, H. (2017). Conceptual client value index for post disaster reconstruction contracting services. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (Vol. 22(4)).

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., Costello, S. B., & Jang, H. (2017). Achieving postdisaster reconstruction success based on satisfactory delivery of client values within contractors' services. Journal of Management in Engineering (Vol. 34(2)).

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., Costello, S. B., & Jang, H. (2017). Comparative analysis of public and private client values for post disaster reconstruction services. L. Ruddock, H. Van-Dijk and C. A. M. Houghton, Proceedings of the International Research Conference 2017: Shaping Tomorrow's Built Environment.

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh. (2017). Capturing construction client values. THE 5TH ANNUAL NZBERS 2017 Advancing collaborative built environment research and practice in New Zealand.

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh., Wilkinson, Suzanne., & Costello, Seosamh B. (2017). Exploring construction client values and qualities: Are these two distinct concepts in construction studies? Built Environment Project and Asset Management (Vol. 7(3)).

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., Costello, S. B., & Rotimi, J. O. B. (2014). Client value in procured construction services: New Zealand participants' perspectives. J. Mbachu, Proceedings of the 4th New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium. (NZBERS).

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., & Costello, S. B. (2013). Creating a whole life value pathway in construction decision making. S. Wilkinson, Proceedings of the Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA 2013) Conference.