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Riffat Shaheed

School of Building Construction


Shaheed, R., Mohtar, W H M W., & El-Shafie, A. (2017). Ensuring water security by utilising roof-harvested rainwater and lake water treated with a low-cost integrated adsorption-filtration system. Water Science and Engineering (Vol. 10 (2)).

Shaheed, R., Azhari, C H., Ahsan, A., & Mohtar, W H M W. (2015). Production and characterisation of low-tech activated carbon from coconut shell. Journal of Hydrology and Environment Research (Vol. 3(1)).

Shaheed, R., & Mohtar, W H M W. (2015). Potential of using rainwater for potable purpose in Malaysia with varying antecedent dry intervals. Jurnal Teknologi (Vol. 72(1)).

Shaheed, R., Mohtar, W H M W., El-Shafie, A., & Hannan, M A. (2014). Rainwater Harvesting As an Alternative to Conventional Water Supply for Potable Uses. Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences (Vol. 8 (19)).