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Peter de Lange

Professional memberships

Associate Editor: Perspectives in Biosecurity

Associate Editor: PhytoKeys

Associate Editor: Phytotaxa

Associate Editor: New Zealand Journal of Botany

Associate Editor: Ukrainian Botanical Journal

Chair Chatham Islands Conservation Board

Chair Indigenous New Zealand Lichen Threat Listing Panel

Chair Indigenous New Zealand Hornwort and Liverwort Threat Listing Panel

Chair Indigenous New Zealand Vascular Plant Threat Listing Panel

Auckland Botanical Society

International Association of Bryologists

International Association of Plant Taxonomists

IUCN Red Listing Lichen Specialist Group (Panel Member)

Linnean Society (London)

New Zealand Botanical Society

New Zealand Plant Conservation Network




Associate Professor (Botany, Ecology, Plant Conservation, Biosystematics). Research interests include plant biosystematics and biogeography (with a special interest in insular flora), plant conservation and management, threat classification systems, the cytogenetics and ecology of island endemic plants and ethnobotany. I also have an interest in Quaternary Earth Sciences. I have an M.Sc. (Hons) in Palaeoecology and Tephrochronostratigraphy from the University of Waikato, and a PhD in Plant Biosystematics from the University of Auckland. I am an Adjunct Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences, University of Sassari, Sardegna, Italy.

Prior to taking my current position I worked for the former DSIR Botany Division (1984-1985), Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries in the Aquatic Plants Division (1989-1990) and Department of Conservation as a Research Scientist (1990-2017).

I have published over 200 papers in peer-reviewed literature, and 30 books - mostly on threatened plant conservation, management, biosystematics and island flora.


Berry, T-A., Wallis, S., Doyle, E., de Lange, P.J., Steinhorn, G., Vigliaturo, R., Belluso, E., & Blanchon, D. (2024). A Preliminary Investigation into the Degradation of Asbestos Fibres in Soils, Rocks and Building Materials Associated with Naturally Occurring Biofilms. Minerals (Vol. 14(1)).

Schting, U., & de Lange, P.J. (2024). Sirenophila macquariensis (Teloschistaceae) - a new name for the lichen Caloplaca maculata. Perspectives in Biodiversity (Vol. 2(1)).

Marshall, A.J., Aptroot, A., Blanchon, D.J., James, C.J., & de Lange, P.J. (2024). New Zealand Lithothelium (Pyrenulaceae) - description of a new species Lithothelium kiritea sp. nov., with notes on L. australe. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 81(2)).

de Lange, P.J. (2024). Over 100 visits to Rkohu the Chatham Islands - a 'flora' summary. Lucy Cranwell Lecture (Auckland Institute & Museum / Auckland Botanical Society), Auckland Museum.

Blanchon, D.J., de Lange, E., Tang, T., Waipara, N., & Berry, T-A. (2024). Siderophore production in fungi from asbestos biofilms: The first step towards bioremediation of a carcinogenic mineral. Perspectives in Biodiversity (Vol. 2(1)).

Ford, M., Padamsee, M., Schwendenmann, L., Dopheide, A., & de Lange, P.J. (2023). The mycorrhizal communities of Lophomyrtus bullata Burret (Myrtaceae) within three natural forest associations of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology (Vol. 47(1)).

Marshall, A.J., Blanchon, D.J., de Lange, P.J., Wells, S.J., Fryday, A.M., Tang, T., & Knight, A. (2023). Megalaria crispisulcans, a new isidiate species of Megalaria (Ramalinaceae) from Aotearoa / New Zealand. Perspectives in Biodiversity (Vol. 1(1)).

de Lange, P.J., & Hitchon, T. (2023). Azolla rubra R.Br. (Salviniaceae) on Rēkohu / Wharekauri / Chatham Island. Perspectives in Biodiversity (Vol. 1(1)).

Baling, M., McKenzie, D.J.M., Scott, R.K., van Vugt, L.H., Tuanui Chisholm, H., & de Lange, P.J. (2023). Observations of avifauna on Rēkohu / Wharekauri / Chatham Island, Chatham Islands group, in February 2023. Perspectives in Biodiversity (Vol. 1(1)).

de Lange, P.J., & Blanchon, D.J. (2023). New combinations in Helichrysum simpsonii Kottaim. for the taxa described as H. selago var. acutum Cheeseman and H. selago var. tumidum Cheeseman (Asteraceae) from Aotearoa / New Zealand. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 80(4)).

Simpkins, E., Woolley, J., de Lange, P.J., Kilgour, C., Cameron, E.K., & Melzer, S. (2023). Conservation Status of Vascular Plant Species in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland. Auckland, Auckland Council (Vol. TR2022/19).

Doyle, E., Blanchon, D., Wells, S., de Lange, P., Lockhart, P., Waipara, N., Manefield, M., Wallis, S., & Berry, T-A. (2023). Internal Transcribed Spacer and 16S Amplicon Sequencing Identifies Microbial Species Associated with Asbestos in New Zealand. Genes (Vol. 14).

de Lange, P.J., Blanchon, D.J., Marshall, A.J., & Schmid, L.M.H. (2023). Lepra erythrella (Pertusariaceae) - a new addition to the lichenized mycobiota of the Aotearoa / New Zealand archipelago. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 80(1)).

de Lange, P.J. (2023). What's in a species. Auckland Botanical Society, Unitec Institute of Technology / Te Pukenga.

Lewe, N., Young, M., Vorster, J., Paenga, B., Skinner, D., Harcourt, N., de Lange, P., Haira, T., Blockley-Powell, S., Munkacsi, A., & Keysers, R. (2023). Comparison of chemical profiles of K¯anuka (Kunzea robusta de Lange & Toelken, Myrtaceae) essential oils. Phytochemistry Letters (Vol. 56).

Schmid, L.M.H., de Lange, P.J., & Marshall, A.J. (2023). Leptospermum hoipolloi (Myrtaceae), a new species from Aotearoa / New Zealand, segregated from Leptospermum scoparium s. l. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 80(3)).

de Lange, P.J., Atkins, G.J., Renner, M.A.M., Fisher, L.K.M., & Schmid, L.M.H. (2023). Leptospermum tairawhitiense (Myrtaceae), a new species from Aotearoa / New Zealand, segregated from Leptospermum scoparium s. l. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 80(5)).

Maurin, K.J.L., Baling, M., & de Lange, P.J. (2022). Elevation of Pennantia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. section Dermatocarpus Miers. (Pennantiaceae J.Agardh.) to subgenus rank. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 79(4)).

Marshall, A.J., Blanchon, D.J., Aptroot, A., Lücking, R., & de Lange, P.J. (2022). Five new additions to the lichenized mycobiota of the Aotearoa / New Zealand archipelago. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 79(3)).

de Lange, P.J., Pelser, P.B., Liew, C-S., & Marshall, A.J. (2022). Senecio pokohinuensis (Asteraceae), a new combination for an endemic species of Mokohinau Islands, Hauraki Gulf (Tikapa Moana o Hauraki), northern Te Ika a Maui / North Island, Aotearoa / New Zealand. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 79(3)).

Li, X., Prebble, J.G., de Lange, P.J., Raine, J.I., & Newstrom-Lloyd, L. (2022). Discrimination of pollen of New Zealand mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium agg.) and kānuka (Kunzea spp.) (Myrtaceae). PLoS ONE (Vol. 17(6)).

Smissen, R.D., Breitwieser, I., & de Lange, P.J. (2022). Pseudognaphalium (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) diversity in New Zealand revealed by DNA sequences with notes on the phylogenetic relationships of Hawaiian Islands plants referred to Pseudognaphalium sandwicensium. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 60(4)).

de Lange, P.J., Marshall, A.J., Schmid, L.M.H., & Graham, S. (2022). The biota and geology of Ngārango Otainui: A mixed indigenous / naturalised vegetation association of the Māngere Inlet, Manukau Harbour. Perspectives in Biosecurity (Vol. 7).

Prasad, M., Schmid, L.M.H., Marshall, A.J., Blanchon, D.J., Renner, M.A.M., Baba, Y., Padamsee, M., & de Lange, P.J. (2022). Ecological communities of Aotearoa / New Zealand species threatened by myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii (G. Winter) Beenken): The flora and mycobiota of the endemic genus Lophomyrtus Burret. Perspectives in Biosecurity (Vol. 7).

de Lange, P.J. (2022). Darwinism, Creationism, Racism - how these contributed to the publication of the Chatham Islands Flora. Chatham Islands Festival of Science, Waiteki / Waitangi.

de Lange, P.J., & Schmid, L.M.H. (2022). New combinations in Pentapogon for Aotearoa / New Zealand taxa earlier placed in Deyeuxia (Poaceae). Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 79(2)).

Wang, J., Guymer, G., & de Lange, P. (2022). Lectotypification of the name Brachyscome neocaledonica = Pytinicarpa neocaledonica (Asteraceae: Astereae). Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 79(2)).

Fuller, I.D., de Lange, P.J., Burgess, E.J., Sansom, C.E., van Klink, J.W., & Perry, N.B. (2022). Chemical diversity of kanuka: Inter- and intraspecific variation of foliage terpenes and flavanones of Kunzea (Myrtaceae) in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Phytochemistry (Vol. 196 (1)).

Gillespie, L.J., Soreng, R.J., Bull, R.D., de Lange, P.J., & Smissen, R.D. (2022). Morphological and phylogenetic evidence for subtribe Cinninae and two new subtribes, Hookerochloinae and Dupontiinae (Poaceae tribe Poeae PPAM clade). Taxon (Vol. 71(1)).

Schönberger, I., Wilton, A.D., Boardman, K.F., Breitwieser, I., de Lange, P.J., de Pauw, B., Ford, K.A., Gibb, E.S., Glenny, D.S., Greer, P.A., Heenan, P.B., Maule, H.G., Novis, P.M., Prebble, J.M., Smissen, R.D., & Tawiri, K. (2022). Checklist of the New Zealand flora - seed plants. Lincoln, New Zealand, Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd. II. Allan Herbarium (Vol. 7th).

Renner, M.A.M., de Lange, P.J., & Glenny, D.S. (2021). A synopsis of Aotearoa / New Zealand Lejeunea (Lejeuneaceae: Jungermanniopsida) and new species in the Lejeunea epiphylla Colenso complex. Arctoa (Vol. 30).

Lücking, R., Moncado, B., Widhelm, T.J., Lumbsch, H.T., Blanchon, D.J., & de Lange, P.J. (2021). The Sticta filix - Sticta lacera conundrum (lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigeraceae subfamily Lobarioideae): unresolved lineage sorting or developmental switch? Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (Vol. 199 (1)).

de Lange, P.J., & Schmid, L.M.H. (2021). Leptospermum repo (Myrtaceae), a new species from northern Aotearoa / New Zealand peat bog habitats, segregated from Leptospermum scoparium s. l. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 78(4)).

Schmid, L.M.H., Large, M.F., Galbraith, M., & de Lange, P.J. (2021). Short Communication: Observation of western honeybee (Apis mellifera) foraging urediniospores from myrtle-rust infected maire tawake (Syzygium maire), Ōwairaka/Mt Albert, Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland, New Zealand,. Perspectives in Biosecurity (Vol. 6).

Liew, C-S., Courtney, S.P., de Lange, P.J., & Pelser, P.B. (2021). Taxonomic realignment of Senecio glaucophyllus (Asteraceae; Senecioneae) necessitates a new name for a widespread New Zealand species. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 59(1)).

de Lange, P.J., & Wang, J. (2021). Lagenophora schmidiae (Asteraceae), a critically threatened new species from Aotearoa / New Zealand. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 78(5)).

Schönberger, I., Wilton, A.D., Boardman, K.F., Breitwieser, I., de Lange, P.J., de Pauw, B., Ford, K.A., Gibb, E.S., Glenny, D.S., Greer, P.A., Heenan, P.B., Korver, M.A., Maule, H.G., Novis, P.M., Prebble, J.M., Smissen, R.D., & Tawiri, K. (2021). Checklist of the New Zealand Flora - Seed Plants. Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand, Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua (Vol. 6th).

de Lange, P.J. (2021). How to Collect Kānuka Herbarium Specimens. Ruatoria, Hikurangi Bioactives Limited Partnership.

de Lange, P.J., & Blanchon, D.J. (2020). The flora and vegetation of Dayrell Island, Herald Islets, northern Kermadec Island group. Records of the Auckland Museum (Vol. 55).

Blanchon, D.J., Ranatunga, D., Marshall, A.J., & de Lange, P.J. (2020). Ecological communities of tree species threatened by myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii (G. Winter) Beenken): The lichenised mycobiota of pōhutukawa (Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn., Myrtaceae). Perspectives of Biosecurity (Vol. 5).

Ogle, C.C., de Lange, P.J., Cameron, E.K., Parris, B.S., & Champion, P.D. (2020). Checklist of dicotyledons, gymnosperms and pteridophytes Naturalised or Casual in New Zealand: Additional records 2007-2019. Perspectives in Biosecurity (Vol. 5).

Dawson, M., Buys, M., Ecroyd, C., Miller, E., Ogle, C., & de Lange, P.J. (2020). Key to the Myrtaceae of New Zealand. Christchurch, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research.

Brownsey, P.J., Shepherd, L.D., de Lange, P.J., & Perrie, L.R. (2020). Pyrrosia serpens (G.Forst.) Ching a new record for the fern flora of the Kermadec Islands. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 58(4)).

de Lange, P.J., & Ford, M. (2020). Nomenclatural novelties: Gabura fascicularis var. colensoi and G. fascicularis var. microcarpa. Index Fungorum (Vol. 446).

de Lange, P.J., Glenny, D., Frogley, K., Renner, M.A.M., von Konrat, M., Engel, J.J., Reeb, C., & Rolfe, J.R. (2020). Conservation status of New Zealand hornworts and liverworts, 2020. Wellington, Department of Conservation.

de Lange, P.J., Mosyakin, S.L., Courtney, S.P., & Rei, T.A. (2020). (2789) Proposal to conserve the name Pomaderris kumarahou (Rhamnaceae) with that spelling. Taxon (Vol. 69(6)).

Buys, M.H., Winkworth, R.C., de Lange, P.J., Wilson, P.G., Mitchell, N., Lemmon, A.R., Moriarty Lemmon, E., Holland, S., Cherry, J.R., & Klapste, J. (2019). The phylogenomics of diversification on an island: applying anchored hybrid enrichment to New Zealand Leptospermum scoparium (Myrtaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (Vol. 190).

Shepherd, L.D., de Lange, P.J., Townsend, A., & Perrie, L.R. (2019). A biological and ecological review of the endemic New Zealand genus Alseuosmia (toropapa; Alseuosmiaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 57(4)).

de Lange, P.J., & Mosyakin, S.L. (2019). Trithuria brevistyla (Hydatellaceae), a new combination for the New Zealand endemic species from the South Island. Ukrainian Journal of Botany (Vol. 79(2)).

Mosyakin, S.L., & de Lange, P.J. (2019). Notes on typification and nomenclature of four taxa of Geraniaceae described by Turczaninow from New Zealand and Australia. Phytotaxa (Vol. 419(2)).

Schönberger, I., Wilton, A.D., Boardman, K.F., Breitwieser, I., de Lange, P.J., de Pauw, B., Ford, K.A., Gibb, E.S., Glenny, D.S., Korver, M.A., Novis, P.M., Prebble, J.M., Redmond, D.M., Smissen, R.D., & Tawiri, K. (2019). Checklist of the New Zealand Flora - Seed Plants. Christchurch, New Zealand, Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd. II. Allan Herbarium (Vol. 4th).

Marshall, A.J., Blanchon, D.J., Lücking, R., de Lange, T.J.P., & de Lange, P.J. (2019). A new Ocellularia (lichenized Ascomycota: Graphidaceae) from New Zealand indicates small-scale differentiation of an Australasian species complex. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 58(1)).

de Lange, P.J. (2019). Alectryon (Sapindaceae). Dawson, J. & Lucas, R. Nelson (Vol. Second Edition).

de Lange, P.J. (2019). Ackama (Cunoniaceae). Dawson, J. & Lucas, R. Nelson (Vol. Second Edition).

de Lange, P.J., Large, M.F., Shepherd, L., Rolfe, J.R., & Gardner, R.O. (2019). The endemic that never was - resolving the status of Coprosma solandri (Rubiaceae). Gardens' Bulletin Singapore (Vol. 71(Suppl, 2)).

de Lange, P.J., & Parris, B. (2019). New combinations in Cranfillia (Blechnaceae: Polypodiopsida) for recent segregates of the Blechnum vulcanicum complex. Telopea (Vol. 22).

Marshall, A.J., Blanchon, D.J., Aptroot, A., & de Lange, P.J. (2019). Five new records of Pyrenula (Pyrenulaceae) for New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 57(4)).

Veale, A.J., de Lange, P.J., Buckley, T.R., Cracknell, M., Hohaia, H., Parry, K., Raharaha-Nehemia, K., Reihana, K., Seldon, D., Tawiri, K., & Walker, L. (2019). Using te reo Māori and ta re Moriori in taxonomy. New Zealand Journal of Ecology (Vol. 43(3)).

Ford, M., Blanchon, D.J., Veale, A., Doyle, E.J., & Rolfe, P.J. (2019). Hidden in plain sight-a new Strigula species segregated from Strigula novaezelandiae (Lichenized Ascomycota: Strigulaceae). Phytotaxa (Vol. 424 (5)).

de Lange, P.J., & Sneddon, B.V. (2019). Kunzea (Myrtaceae). Dawson, J. & Lucas, R. Nelson (Vol. Second Edition).

de Lange, P.J. (2019). Piper (Piperaceae). Dawson, J. & Lucas, R. Nelson (Vol. Second Edition).

Shepherd, L.D., Frericks, J., Biggs, P.J., & de Lange, P.J. (2019). Phylogeography of the endemic New Zealand treeEntelea arborescens (whau; Malvaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 57(1)).

Rebergen, A., Glenny, D.S., Frogley, K., Rolfe, J.R., & de Lange, P.J. (2018). Riccia cavernosa (Ricciaceae): a new addition to the liverwort flora of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 56(1)).

Ranft, H., Moncada, B., de Lange, P. J., Lumbsch, H. T., & Lücking, R. (2018). The Sticta filix morphodeme (Ascomycota: Lobariaceae) in New Zealand with the newly recognized species S. dendroides and S. menziesii: Indicators of forest health in a threatened island biota? The Lichenologist (Vol. 50(2)).

Mosyakin, S. L., de Lange, P. J., & Bulakh, O. V. (2018). Infrageneric placement of the Southern Hemisphere taxa of Anemonastrum and Knowltonia earlier included in Anemone sensu lato (Ranunculaceae). Ukrainian Journal of Botany (Vol. 75(6)).

Farris, E., Carta, M., Circosta, S., Falchi, S., Papuga, G., & de Lange, P. J. (2018). The indigenous vascular flora of the domain of Anela (Sardinia, Italy). Phytokeys (Vol. 113).

Sultan, A., Tate, J. A., de Lange, P. J., Glenny, D., Ladley, J. L., Heenan, P. B., & Robertson, A. W. (2018). Host range, host specificity, regional host preferences and genetic variability of Korthalsella Tiegh. (Viscaceae) mistletoes in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 56(1)).

Shepherd, L. D., Bulgarella, M., & de Lange, P. J. (2018). Genetic structuring of the coastal herb Arthropodium cirratum (Asparagaceae) is shaped by low gene flow, hybridization and prehistoric translocation. Plos One (Vol. 13(10)).

Mosyakin, S. L., & de Lange, P. J. (2018). New combinations for three taxa of the Oxybasis glauca aggregate (Chenopodiaceae) from Australasia, East Asia, and South America. PhytoTaxa (Vol. 350(3)).

Heenan, P. B., & de Lange, P. J. (2018). Cardamine panatohea (Brassicaceae), a new, threatened, alpine species from New Zealand. Phytotaxa (Vol. 379 (3)).

von Konrat, M.J., Campbell, T., Carter, B., Greif, M., Bryson, M., Larraín, J., Trouille, L., Cohen, S., Gaus, E., Qazi, A., Ribbens, E., Livschultz, T., Suwa, T., Peterson, T., Rodriguez, Y., Caitlyn, V., Yang, C., Aburahmen, S., Carstensen, B., de Lange, P.J., Delavoi, C., Strauss, K., Drag, J., Aguera, B., Snyder, C., Martinec, J., & Smith, A. (2018). Using citizen science to bridge taxonomic discovery with education and outreach. Applications in Plant Sciences (Vol. 6).

Mosyakin, S. L., & de Lange, P. J. (2018). Anemonastrum tenuicaule and A. antucense (Ranunculaceae), new combinations for a New Zealand endemic species and its South American relative. PhytoKeys (Vol. 99).

de Lange, P. J., Rolfe, J. R., Barkla, J. W., Courtney, S. P., Champion, P. D., Perrie, L. R., Beadel, S. M., Ford, K. A., Breitwieser, I., Schönberger, I., Hindmarsh-Walls, R., Heenan, P. B., & Ladley, K. (2018). Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous vascular plants, 2017. Wellington, New Zealand, New Zealand Department of Conservation (Vol. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 22).

Schönberger, I., Wilton, A. D., Boardman, K. F., Breitwieser, I., Cochrane, M., de Lange, P. J., de Pauw, B., Fife, A. J., Ford, K. A., Gibb, E. S., Glenny, D. S., Korver, M. A., Mosyakin, S. L., Novis, P. M., Prebble, J. M., Redmond, D. M., Smissen, R. D., & Tawiri, K. (2018). Checklist of the New Zealand Flora - Seed Plants. Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand, Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research (Vol. 3rd).

de Lange, P. J., Blanchon, D. J., Knight, A., Elix, J., Lücking, R., Frogley, K., Harris, A., Cooper, J. A., & Rolfe, J. R. (2018). Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous lichens and lichenicolous fungi, 2018. Wellington, New Zealand, Department of Conservation (Vol. 27).

de Lange, P. J. (2018). What's in a name - the politics of plant systematics. University of Otago John Smaillie Tennant Lecture 2018, University of Otago.

Liew, C-S., Memory, A.E., Ortiz-Barrientos, D., de Lange, P.J., & Pelser, P.B. (2018). The delimitation and evolutionary history of the Australasian Lautusoid group of Senecio (Asteraceae: Senecioneae). Taxon (Vol. 67).

Lowe, D.J., Shane, P.R., de Lange, P.J., & Clarkson, B.D. (2017). Guidebook for Rangitoto Island Field Trip, Auckland, 2017. Auckland, New Zealand, Geoscience Society of New Zealand (Vol. 1st).

Dale, E., de Lange, P., & Burns, B. (2017). Seed dispersal but not seed germination facilitated by seabirds: seed ecology of Cook's scurvy grass. New Zealand Journal of Ecology (Vol. 41).

Shepherd, L.D., de Lange, P.J., Perrie, L.R., & Heenan, P.B. (2017). Chloroplast phylogeography of New Zealand Sophora trees (Fabaceae): extensive hybridization and widespread Last Glacial Maximum survival. Journal of Biogeography (Vol. 44).

Bulgarella, M., Biggs, P., de Lange, P.J., & Shepherd, L. (2017). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from Arthropodium cirratum (Asparagaceae). Applications of Plant Sciences (Vol. 5).

Elix, J.A., & de Lange, P.J. (2017). A new species and new records of Buelloid lichens (Physciaceae, Ascomycota) from the Kermadec Islands. Australasian Lichenology (Vol. 80).

de Lange, P.J. (2017). Nomenclatural Novelties: Arctomia fascicularis variety combinations. Index Fungorum (Vol. 343).

Chagné, D., Trimawithan, A., Bowatte, D., Hilario, E., Crowhurst, R., Smallfield, B., Boase, M., Lewis, D.H., de Lange, P., & Schwinn, K. (2017). Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for New Zealand mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium) and transferability to kānuka (Kunzea spp.). New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science (Vol. 45).

Heenan, P.B., Courtney, S.P., de Lange, P.J., & Molloy, B.P.J. (2017). Three new Melicytus species from central New Zealand and a revised circumscription of Melicytus obovatus (Violaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 55(4)).

Printzen, C., Blanchon, D.J., Fryday, A.M., de Lange, P.J., Houston, D.M., & Rolfe, J.R. (2017). Lecanora kohu, a new species of Lecanora (lichenised Ascomycota: Lecanoraceae) from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 55(4)).

de Lange, P.J. (2017). Taxonomy and Conservation - not just stamp collecting but exercising plain common sense (Key Note Address). New Zealand Plant Conservation Network Biennial Conference, Hokitika.

Galloway, D.J., & de Lange, P.J. (2017). Nomenclatural Novelties: New Combinations in Podostictina. Index Fungorum (Vol. 340).

de Lange, P.J., & Rolfe, J.R. (2017). Kunzea Identification. Wellington, New Zealand, Department of Conservation.

Shepherd, L., de Lange, P., Bulgarella, M., Atherton, R., & Lockhart, P. (2017). Tracing recent domestication in endemic New Zealand plants. T5-29 Genetics and metablomics studies of higher plants, Botanical Congress, Shenzhen, China.

de Lange, P.J. (2017). The New Zealand eFlora - delivering what's needed in the electronic age to the people of New Zealand. XIX International Botanical Congress - T2-09: Electronic Floras-integrating the best of the past with the possibilities of the future, Shenzhen, China.

de Lange, P.J., Smissen, R.D., Rolfe, J.R., & Ogle, C.C. (2016). Systematics of Simplicia Kirk (Poaceae, Agrostidinae) - an endemic, threatened New Zealand grass genus. PhytoKeys (Vol. 75).

Thorsen, M.J., & de Lange, P.J. (2016). Carex applanata (Cyperaceae), a new species from southern New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 54).

Lowe, D.J., de Lange, P.J., & Clarkson, B.D. (2016). Guidebook for Rangitoto Island AQUA field trip, Auckland, 2016. Hamilton, New Zealand, Australasian Quaternary Association (AQUA) (Vol. 2nd).

Shepherd, L.D., de Lange, P.J., Cox, S., McLenachan, P.A., Roskruge, N.R., & Lockhart, P.J. (2016). Evidence of a Strong Domestication Bottleneck in the Recently Cultivated New Zealand Endemic Root Crop, Arthropodium cirratum (Asparagaceae). PLOS one (Vol. 11).

Carter, B.E., Larraín, J., Manukjanová, A., Shaw, B., Shaw, A.J., Heinrichs, J., de Lange, P., Suleiman, M., Thouvenot, L., & von Konrat, M. (2016). Species delimitation and biogeography of a southern hemisphere liverwort clade, Frullania subgenus Microfrullania (Frullaniaceae, Marchantiophyta). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (Vol. 107).

Trnski, T., & de Lange, P.J. (2015). Introduction to the Kermadec Biodiscovery Expedition 2011. Bulletin of the Auckland Museum (Vol. 20).

de Lange, P.J., & Blanchon, D.J. (2015). Lichen notes from the Kermadec Islands. II. Ramalina. Bulletin of the Auckland Museum (Vol. 20).

de Lange, P.J., & Beever, J.E. (2015). A Checklist of the Mosses of the Kermadec Islands. Bulletin of the Auckland Museum (Vol. 20).

de Lange, P.J., & Galloway, D.J. (2015). Lichen notes from the Kermadec Islands. I. Lobariaceae. Bulletin of the Auckland Museum (Vol. 20).

de Lange, P.J., Liew, C.S., Rolfe, J.R., & Pelser, P.B. (2015). Senecio esperensis (Asteraceae: Senecioneae)-a new combination for the L'Esperance Rock groundsel, Kermadec Islands. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 53).

Atherton, R.A., Lockhart, P.J., McLenachan, P.A., de Lange, P.J., Wagstaff, S.J., & Shepherd, L.D. (2015). A molecular investigation into the origin and relationships of karaka/kōpi (Corynocarpus laevigatus) in New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand (Vol. 45).

de Lange, P.J., Glenny, D., Braggins, J., Renner, M., von Konrat, M., Engel, J., & Reeb, C. (2015). Conservation status of New Zealand hornworts and liverworts, 2014. Wellington, New Zealand, Department of Conservation (Vol. 1st).

Blanchon, D.J., de Lange, P.J., & Galloway, D.J. (2015). New records of Ramalina (Ramalinaceae, Ascomycota) for mainland New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 53).

de Lange, P.J. (2015). The Flora and Vegetation of L'Esperance Rock, Southern Kermadec Islands. Bulletin of the Auckland Museum (Vol. 20).

de Lange, P.J. (2015). The Flora and Vegetation of Cheeseman Island, Southern Kermadec Islands. Bulletin of the Auckland Museum (Vol. 20).

de Lange, P.J. (2015). Recent Vegetation Succession and Flora of Macauley Island, Southern Kermadec Islands. Bulletin of the Auckland Museum (Vol. 20).

de Lange, P.J., Rolfe, J.R., Liew, C.S., & Pelser, P.B. (2014). Senecio australis Willd. (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) - a new and uncommon addition to the indigenous vascular flora of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 52).

Sancho, G., de Lange, P.J., Donato, M., Barkla, J., & Wagstaff, S.J. (2014). Late Cenozoic diversification of the austral genus Lagenophora (Astereae, Asteraceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (Vol. 177).

Sparkes, J.H., de Lange, P.J., & Blanchon, D.J. (2014). Notes on Caloplaca allanii Zahlbr. (Teloschistaceae) a poorly known West Auckland, North Island, New Zealand endemic. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 52).

de Lange, P.J. (2014). A revision of the New Zealand Kunzea ericoides (Myrtaceae) complex. PhytoKeys (Vol. 40).

Braggins, J.E., Renner, M.A.M., & de Lange, P.J. (2014). Additions to the liverwort flora of the Kermadec Islands, New Zealand Botanical Region. Telopea (Vol. 17).

Nylinder, S., Cronholm, B., de Lange, P.J., Walsh, N., & Anderberg, A.A. (2013). Species tree phylogeny and character evolution in the genus Centipeda (Asteraceae): Evidence from DNA sequences from coding and non-coding loci from the plastid and nuclear genomes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (Vol. 68).

Murray, B.G., de Lange, P.J., & Molloy, B.G. (2013). Chromosome studies in New Zealand species of Brachyscome (Asteraceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 51).

Murray, B.G., & de Lange, P.J. (2013). Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora 40. Miscellaneous counts for 36 families. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 51).

von Konrat, M., de Lange, P., Larraín, J., Hentschel, J., Carter, B., Shaw, J., & Shaw, B. (2013). A small world: Uncovering hidden diversity in Frullania - a new species from Aotearoa-New Zealand. Polish Botanical Journal (Vol. 58).

de Lange, P.J., Heenan, P.B., Houliston, G.J., Rolfe, J.R., & Mitchell, A.D. (2013). New Lepidium (Brassicaceae) from New Zealand. PhytoKeys (Vol. 24).

de Lange, P.J., Rolfe, J.R., Champion, P.D., Courtney, S.P., Heenan, P.B., Barkla, J.W., Cameron, E.K., Norton, D.A., & Hitchmough, R.A. (2013). Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous vascular plants, 2012. Wellington, New Zealand, Department of Conservation (Vol. 1st).

de Lange, P.J., Heenan, P.B., & Rolfe, J.R. (2013). Uncinia auceps (Cyperaceae): a new endemic hooked sedge for the Chatham Islands. Phytotaxa (Vol. 104).

Perrie, L.R., Shepherd, L.D., de Lange, P.J., Batty, E.L., Ohlsen, D.J., Bayly, M.J., & Brownsey, P.J. (2013). Hymenophyllum pluviatile, a new and uncommon fern from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 51).

Murray, B.G., Heenan, P.B., & de Lange, P.J. (2012). New chromosome counts in New Zealand species of Hydrocotyle (Apiaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 50).

de Lange, P.J., Galloway, D.J., Blanchon, D.J., Knight, A., Rolfe, J.R., Crowcroft, G.M., & Hitchmough, R. (2012). Conservation status of New Zealand lichens. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 50).

Blanchon, D., de Lange, P., & Bannister, J. (2012). Confirmation of Ramalina microspora Kremp. (Ramalinaceae, Ascomycota) for the Kermadec Islands. Australasian Lichenology (Vol. 70).

Houliston, G.J., Dawson, M.J., de Lange, P.J., & Heenan, P.B. (2012). Using AFLP markers to inform population management of the endemic Chatham Island toetoe, Austroderia turbaria (Poaceae). Pacific Conservation Biology (Vol. 18).

von Konrat, M., de Lange, P.J., Greif, M., Stroizer, L., Hentschel, J., & Heinrichs, J. (2012). Frullania knightbridgei, a new liverwort (Frullaniaceae, Marchantiophyta) species from the deep south of Aotearoa-New Zealand based on an integrated evidence-based approach. PhytoKeys (Vol. 8).

Telford, I.R.H., Sebastian, P., de Lange, P.J., Bruhl, J.J., & Renner, S.S. (2012). Morphological and molecular data reveal three rather than one species of Sicyos (Cucurbitaceae) in Australia, New Zealand and Islands of the South West Pacific. Australian Systematic Botany (Vol. 25).

de Lange, P.J. (2012). Taxonomic notes on the New Zealand flora: new names in Piper (Piperaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 50).

de Lange, P.J., Heenan, P.B., Norton, D.A., Rolfe, J.R., & Sawyer, J.W.D. (2010). Threatened Plants of New Zealand. Christchurch, New Zealand, Canterbury University Press.