Dr Cesar Wagner

PhD in Urban and Regional Planning (UFRGS), Porto Alegre; MA (AA-Hsg&Urb), London; BArch (UFRGS-Arch&Urb), Porto Alegre.Professional memberships
- Register Architect and Urban Designer at the Council of Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil (Conselho de Arquitetura e Urbanismo do Brasil);
- Senior Member of the Advisory Board on Public Space for the City Space Architecture (CSA) Global Community, Italy;
- Architect Member of the Brazilian Institute of Architects (IAB);
- Academic Member of the New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA);
- Academic Membership at the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF);
- Academic Membership at the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP).
Cesar Wagner is an architect and urban designer with professional experience in Brazil, Argentina, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand. He completed his BArch studies in Argentine and Brazil (1993), a Master’s degree in Housing and Urbanism from the Architectural Association School of Architecture, London (2003) - British Council Chevening Scholarship recipient -, and a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (2019).
Cesar has been a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in the School of Architecture, UNITEC, New Zealand, since 2004, and former Director of their MArch by Project programme (2010-2012). He has taught in Brazil, and China, and lectured at several universities in Latin America, Europe, and New Zealand.
His research focuses on the study of public spaces (morphology and sensorial experience), housing intensification (design and policies), issues of sustainability in urban development projects (policies and plans), and the urbanisation of Latin American cities (history and planning).
Cesar Wagner has written several courses in the fields of housing intensification and urban design, ensuring close relationships and collaborations with community groups, local development agencies (Auckland Council; Eke Panuku; Kāinga Ora), and professionals in the field of architecture and urban planning.
Cesar's expertise as an educator and researcher has led to regular invitations as a guest critic and examiner of master’s and doctoral theses for several New Zealand institutions: the Architectural Studies Programme at Ara Institute of Canterbury; the Department of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland; and the Wellington School of Architecture at Victoria University of Wellington.
Senior Member of the Advisory Board on Public Space for the City Space Architecture (CSA) Global Community, Italy.
Member of ISOCARP (International Society of City and Regional Planners), and ISUF (International Seminar on Urban Form).
Registered Architect and Urbanist (Brazil).
Wagner, C. (2023). Modelo de referência para avaliação da sustentabilidade urbana, baseado nas representações e práticas sustentáveis de cidades identificadas por Cyria Emelianoff e Henri Acselrad (Reference model for assessing urban sustainability, based on the representations and sustainable practices of cities identified by Cyria Emelianoff and Henri Acselrad). D'Avila, M.R.; F. P. Hessel. Congresso Internacional de Sustentabilidade: a cidade e sociedade (Vol. I, Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS.).
Wagner, C., & Melchiors, L. (2022). 4º Distrito de Porto Alegre: um panorama histórico-temático dos planos e ações governamentais das últimas três décadas (1991 - 2021). Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geografico do Rio Grande do Sul - Dossiê Urbanismo e Porto Alegre (Vol. 163).
Haley, A., & Wagner, C. (2021). Diverse Morphology: A Study of Chancery Square. Asylum: Architecture Design Research (Vol. 1).
Rathod, Dhruti., & Wagner, Cesar. (2021). The condition of public space: the role of sensory experience design. Glasgow: University of Strathclyde, XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form: Urban Form and the Sustainable Prosperous City.
Wagner, C. (2020). Techno-material and Socio-environmental Model for Assessing Urban Sustainability. Piotr Lorens; Hangwelani Hope Magidimisha, Post-Oil City: Planning for Urban Green Deals, 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress 2020 - Virtual Congress, Nov 08, 2020 - Feb 04, 2021 [ISBN/EAN 978-90-75524-67-3].
Wagner, C. (2019). A Questão da Sustentabilidade nas Políticas de Desenvolvimento Urbano: A Reestruturação Urbana do Baixo 4° Distrito de Porto Alegre (1995-2016). Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Arquitetura, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento Urbano e Regional, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Wagner, C., & Melchiors, L. C. (2018). A construção social da cidade frente aos grandes projetos urbanos: reflexões sobre o processo de reestruturação das áreas portuárias de Auckland e Porto Alegre. Migliorini, Jeanine Mafra, Ponta Grossa, Spain.
Wagner, C. (2017). A nova construção de um fenômeno global: O processo da gentrificação generalizada no contexto atual das políticas públicas urbanas. EFDG-ANPEGE, XII ENANPEGE, Encontro Nacional da Associação Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa em Geografia.
Melchiors, L. C., & Wagner, C. (2016). O flanar na cidade das velas. Um passeio pelas ruas de Auckland, Nova Zelandia. Spain, Arquiteturismo:Vitruvius (Vol. ano 10, n. 113.06).
Melchiors, L. C., & Wagner, C. (2016). The Brazilian metropolitan regions in the context of the statute of metropolis: the importance of collaborative governance. Metropolitan Przeglad Naukowy, Instytut Metropolitalny (Vol. 5(1)).
Melchiors, L. C., & Wagner, C. (2016). Projetos urbanos e a construcao social da cidade: intervencoes nas areas portuarias de Porto Alegre e Auckland. PROPAR/UFRGS, Estado da Arte, IV ENANPARQ, Encontro da Associacao Nacional de Pesquisa e Pos-Graduacao em Arquitetura e Urbanismo. [ISSN 2358-6214].
McPherson, P., Mismash, L., Pretty, A., Rennie, J., & Wagner, C. (2015). Large scale fabrication studio - FESTA LuxCity 2012. 8th International Conference and Exhibition of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Wagner, C., & Konrad, O. (2015). Planejamento de Carreira e Intercâmbio. Semana do Intercâmbio, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa, Extensão e Pós-Graduação - PROPEX, Centro Universitário UNIVATES, Lajeado, Brazil.
Wagner, C., & Melchiors, L. C. (2015). Urban design policies in new world cities: Achieving sustainable development as part of a broader planning policy for urban intensification. Urban Affairs Association 45th Annual Conference - Transnationalism from Above and Below: The Dynamics of Place-making in the Global City, Miami, Florida, USA.
Melchiors, L. C., & Wagner, L. C. (2014). Efeitos da expansao territorial do programa habitacional brasileiro Minha Casa, Minha Vida: o caso da Regiao Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, Brasil. C. A. Abate, J. L. Karol (et al.), UPE 11 - 11º Symposium of International Urban Planning and Environment Association, La Plata. UPE 11 Conducir las Transformaciones Urbanas: un debate sobre direcciones, orientaciones, estrategias y políticas que modelan la ciudad futura (Vol. 1a).
Wagner, C. (2014). Relato sobre lntercâmbio e lnternacionalização: A produção e o ensino de arquitetura na Nova Zelândia. 8th Congresso de Ciência e Tecnologia do Vale do Taquari - CCTEC, Centro Universitário UNIVATES, Lajeado, Brazil.
Melchiors, L. C., & Wagner, C. (2014). Consideracoes sobre a distribuicao espacial e territorial do Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida na Regiao Metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 3 Congresso Sustentabilidade e Habitacao de Interesse Social, 2014, Porto Alegre. Congresso Internacional: Sustentabilidade e Habitacao de Interesse Social.
Licht, F., Wagner, C., Marchioro, E., & Pedone, C. (2013). Mobilidade e Cidade Acessível: Debate sobre acessibilidade urbana e integração com transporte e circulação na cidade. Caravana da Arquitetura 2013, Cidade Acessível: Mobilidade Urbana - Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil, Caxias do Sul, Brazil.
Bogunovich, D., and Wagner, C. (2010). Showcasing Green Urbanism on Waterfronts: A Comparative Study of Porto Alegre and Auckland. Proceedings of the 54th International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP) World Congress.
Wagner, C., and Archbold, R. (2010). Design Process: Transfer and Transformation. Forsyth, G. (Ed), Proceedings of ConnectED 2010, the 2nd International Conference on Design Education. http://connected2010.eproceedings.com.au/abstracts.html. (Vol. Online).
Hoskins, R., Wagner, C., and Wilson, C. (2009). Te Whaiti: Rebuilding a Rural Maori Community. Ho, G., Mathew, K., and Anda, M. Sustainability of Indigenous Communities in Australia. ISBN:978-0-86905-917-3.
Wagner, C. (2009). Brazil Studio 07-09. Latin American Architecture and Cities Workshop.
Wagner, C., and Archbold, R. (2009). Araptive Growth. Asylum 091177-5572.
Wagner, C., and Archbold, R. (2009). Brazil Studio 07-09 (Curator). .
Kaza, K., and Wagner, C. (2009). Reportogamming suburban Sunnynook as a metropolitian transport centre. Sixteenth International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF 2009): Urban Morphology and Urgan Transformation.
Pelling, N., Hoskins, R., and Wagner, C. (2009). Te Hononga: Enhancing Learner Knowledge of Maori Architecture. Good Practice Publication Grants e-books (Vol. e-book).
Wagner, C., and Naidu, P. (2008). Re-shaping the vernacular approach to the domestic architecture in New Zealand. Proceedings of the IV International Seminar on Vernacular Settlement (ISVS4).
Wagner, C., Hoskins, R., and Wilson, C. (2007). Design collaboration with a Maori community. Zehner, R., and Reidsema, C. Proceedings of ConnectED 2007 International Conference on Design Education (Vol. CD Rom).
Wagner, C. (2007). Art Degustation. .
Wagner, C. (2007). Arquitetura e o da profissao na Nova Zelandia. School of Architecture Lecture Series, University of FUMEC.
Wagner, C. (2007). Responsive landscape: The work of Robert Burle Marx. ScALA seminar series, Unitec.
Wagner, C. (2007). Responsive landscape: Robert Burle Marx. New Zealand Bromeliad Society.
Puntoni, A., Eugenia, A., Abulafia, A., Schlee, A., Hopkins, A., Wagner, C., Laub, D., Austin, M., Diniz, J., Naidu, P., Gower, R., Marques, S., de Podesta, S., and Preston, W. (2006). Lecture. Wagner, C., and Laub, D. Fotografia do Brasil.
Puntoni, A., Eugenia, A., Abulafia, A., Schlee, A., Hopkins, A., Wagner, C., Laub, D., Austin, M., Diniz, J., Naidu, P., Gower, R., Marques, S., de Podesta, S., and Preston, W. (2006). Lecture. Wagner, C., and Laub, D. Fotografia do Brasil.
Wagner, C., and Laub, D. (2006). Fotografia do Brasil - A publication. .
Wagner, C., and Laub, D. (2006). Fotografia do Brasil_uma exposicao. .
Wagner, C., and Laub, D. (2006). New Zealand experience. UniRitter University, School of Architecture International Exchange Lecture Series.
Wagner, C. (2006). 20 steps to understand Brazilian modernism. Wagner, C., and Laub, D. Fotografia do Brasil - A publication.
Wagner, C. (2006). 20 steps to understand Brazilian modernism. Wagner, C., and Laub, D. Fotografia do Brasil - A publication.
Wagner, C. (2006). O Privilegio da Solidao. Bloco (Vol. 1).
Wagner, C. (2006). Maori studio. Arquitexto/UFRGS. Faculdade de Arquitetura, PROPAR (Vol. VI 2).
Wagner, C. (2006). Na viagem do arquiteto. Feevale University, School of Architecture Inaugural Year's Lecture Series.
Wagner, C., & Laub, D. (2005). Towards the Sao Paulo Bienal. Presented to the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology, School of Architectural Studies Research seminar series, 14 October, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Wagner, C. (2005, 5 March). A viagem do arquiteto. FM Culture Radio, Brazil.
Wagner, C. (2005). Mobility and connecti-city: Gateways to London. Presented to the XXII World Congress of Architecture: International Union of Architects (UIA)'Cities: Grand bazaar of architectures', 3-7 July, Istanbul, Turkey.