Dr Nigel Yee
MTech (Hon) Massey, PhD Auck.Professional memberships
- Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
- SPPEEX (indigenous concepts engineering group)
Work experience
- Fraser Thomas Consulting (Auckland) 1996-1997 - Asset Management
- Casa Herrera Inc. (Los Angeles, Ca) 1997-1998 - Engineering
- Impac Machinery Co. Ltd. (Auckland) 1998-2003 - Engineering
- Freelance Consultant 2003-2004 - Engineering
- Unitec 2004-present - Lecturer
Areas of expertise
- Instrumentation and Control
- Robotics
- Food machinery design
- Remote sensing
- Non-invasive determination of material properties
- Automation
Current research interests
- Spectroscopy - material properties determination
- Image processing - multi-variate image analysis
- Pacific rock art restoration - Lapita design and cultural expression in pacific rock art
- Fabric maintenance automation - embedded control and automation of fabric maintenance system
Yee, N., Look, M., Sidhu, D., & Loveridge, S. (2022). Development of a Virtual Automation Laboratory for Teaching Programmable Logic Controllers. Unitec/MIT Research symposium, Unitec.
Yee, N., Zarreh, H., Kar, A., Oke, P., & Sidhu, D. (2022). Low cost Codesys Raspberry Pi based virtual simulations and development of motion control implementation. Unitec/MIT Research symposium, Unitec.
Yee, N., & Yan, A. (2021). Codesys used for remote learning of programmable logic controller programming. Unitec/MIT Research symposium, Unitec.
yan, A., Lai, A., & Yee, N. (2020). Alternative Practice Lab Methodology for Remote Teaching. Unitec Research Symposium 2020, Unitec Institution of Technology.
de Groot, C., & Yee, N. (2019). Autonomous Hive-Mounted Miticide Delivery Device. Pheromite Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand.
Yan, A., Yee, N. G., & Huang, L. (2017). Preliminary research on modelling and control of two line kites for power generation. 4th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2017), Fiji.
Yee, N., Chand, P., & Foehst, S. (2017). Student designed CANBus simulator used as teaching aid in autotronics course. 4th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE 2017), Fiji.
Yee, N. (2016). Principal Component Selection for Neural Network Classification of Active Ingredients from Near Infrared Spectra. The Review of Socionetwork Strategies (Vol. 10(2)).
Yee, N. G., & Yan, A. (2015). Neural Network Classification of Pharmaceutical Active Ingredient from Near Infrared Spectra. In IEEE, Paper presented at 2nd Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering.
Yee, N. (2014). NIR Spectrometer used for Material Modeling with Neural Networks. IEEE Computer Science, Proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering 2014.
Yee, N., Potgieter, P., and Liggett, S. (2013). Potato Crisp moisture determination using NIR data and a Back Propagation Neural Network. Research Notes in Information Science (Vol. 14).
Yee, N., & Bussell, W.T. (2009). Potato IV. Food 3 (Special Issue 2). Islesworth, United Kingdom, Global Science Books.
Yee, N. (2009). Technology Incubator Performance in New Zealand. Wang, B and Luo, Q. (Eds), Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Innovation Management.
Yee, N., & Bussell, W.T. (2009). Potato III. Food 3 (Special Issue 1). Islesworth, United Kingdom, Global Science Books.
Yee, N., and Bussell, W. (2007). Good potatoes for good potato crisps, a review of current potato crisp quality control and manufacture. Food (Vol. 1 2).
Yee, N., Bussell, W., and Coghill, G. (2006). Use of infrared spectra to identify cultivar in potato (Solanum tuberosum) crisps. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticulture Science (Vol. 34).
Yee, N. (2005). From certificate to baccalaureate degree and beyond at UATI. Presented to the South Pacific Professional Engineering Excellence Wananga 2005 'Education for sustainability in the South Pacific', 24 September, Auckland.
Yee, N., & Qi, Z. (2004). Selection of spectral predictors using signal to noise ratios. Paper presented at the Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2004, 21-23 November, Akaroa, New Zealand.