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Daniel Wagner

Senior Cinematography/Emerging Technologies
School of Creative Industries
Location: Building 078, Room 1009

Professional memberships

  • New Zealand Cinematographers Society
  • Screen Industry Guild Aotearoa New Zealand (formerly NZ Techo's Guild)


Daniel Wagner was involved in creating and running a social-change-focused viewer-sponsored TV station in Los Angeles; was a Radio News & Public Affairs Director in Albuquerque, New Mexico; was the Exhibitions Coordinator for the San Francisco International Video Festival; has been directing and shooting music videos since two years before MTV started; and has 25 years of Camera Department experience in the LA film industry as a Focus Puller, a Camera Operator, and a DP.

Today, Daniel is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Creative Industries at Unitec. He lectures in moving image; emerging media; and professional practices.

He has a contemporary arts practice weaving moving image together with his poetry. His research interests relate to the transformations of approach, methodology, functions and sensibilities between the world of Film and that of New Media.

Daniel holds a Master of Creative Technologies from Auckland University of Technology. His thesis proposed a new approach to moving image education in light of exponential change now occurring in every facet of emerging media.

See Daniel's ePortfolio at:


Wagner, D., & Whitham, A. (2022). Dynamic Pre-moderation: Collaboration as an Integral Part of the Assessment Design Process. Luis Gómez Chova, University of Valencia, Spain / Agustín López Martínez, University of Barcelona, Spain / Joanna Lees, CU Cardinal Herrera University, Spain, EDULEARN22 Proceedings - 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.

Wagner, D. (2022). The Multi-Specialist Moving Image Practitioner: Reframing Film School for the 21st Century. Dr. Max Schleser & Xiaoge Xu, London (Vol. 1).

Wagner, Daniel. (2021). Keynote Presentation: Teaching Into a Changing World: Maintaining Curricular Currency in a Continually Evolving Landscape. UP Education Research Conference, Online.

Wagner, D. (2020). Sowing the Seeds of Collaborative Curiosity: Fostering Academic Research Skills in Pre-Bachelor Creative Arts Students. Proceedings of the 14th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference held in Valencia, Spain.

Wagner, D. (2020). Because the Internet: Re-framing Film School for the 21st Century. International Mobile Storytelling Conference, Ningbo, China.

Wagner, Daniel. (2017). Mixing Methods: Creative Collaboration in Mobile Moviemaking. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (Vol. 3 (2)).

Wagner, DL. (2017). "The Harbour" [Video]. New Zealand, Mobile Innovation Network Australasia.

Wagner, D. (2017). Moving Images, Moving Bodies: A Story of Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between Film Students and Contemporary Dance Students. 10th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain.

Wagner, D.L. (2016). Expanding the Menu: Re-Imagining Film School for an Evolving Landscape. Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand.

Wagner, D. (2014). International Collaborations in Student-Centered Mobile Moviemaking: Combining Online Tools for an Innovative Global Pedagogy. The Future of Education, ISBN 978-88-6292-499-3 Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the Future of Education.

Wagner, D. (2014). Adventures in International Collaboration: Facilitating Globally-Created Student-Generated Mobile Movies Using a Blend of Online Tools. Proceedings of EDULEARN14, the 6th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies - Barcelona, Spain, ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3.

Cochrane, T., Antonczak, L., and Wagner, D. (2013). Post-Web 2.0 Pedagogy: From Student-Generated Content to International Co-Production Enabled by Mobile Social Media. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (Vol. 5(4)).

Wagner, D. (2013). Pocket Auteurs: Student Uptake of an International Collaboration in Wireless Moviemaking. In L. Gomez Chova, A. Lopez Martinez, I. Candel Torres (Eds.) International Technology, Education and Development Conference, March 4-5. Valencia, Spain.

Wagner, D. (2013). In Search of the Perfect Collaborative Recipe: Using Online Tools to Facilitate International Mobile Moviemaking. Mobile Innovation Network Ausralasia, AUT, Auckland.

Wagner, D. (2013). 'The ELVSS files: International collaboration in mobile movie-making'. Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive Media (Vol. 2/1).

Cochrane, T., Antonczak, L., and Wagner, D. (2012). Heutagogical Approaches to mLearning: From Student-Generated Content to International Co-Production. mLearn 2012: the 11th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning,

Wagner, D. (2012). Mobile In Global Out: International Collaboration in Wireless Moviemaking. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, Spain: 19-21 November, 2012.

Cochrane, T., Antonczak, L., Sissons, H., Withell, A., Wagner, D., Gordon, A., Buchem, I., Camacho, M., and Keegan, H. (2012). Post Web 2.0 Pedagogy: Mobile Social Media. Ascilite 2012: Future challenges, sustainable futures, Te Papa, Wellington, New Zealand, ISBN: 9780473229894.

Wagner, D. (2012). Mobile In Global Out: International Collaboration in Wireless Moviemaking. ASCILITE, Wellington NZ: 25-28 November, 2012,

Wagner, D.L. (2011). ELVSS 11: Teaching Mobile Movies in the Global Media Arts context. 1st Annual Symposium: Mobile Innovation Network Aotearoa, Massey University, Wellington, NZ.

Wagner, D.L. (2011). ELVSS 11: Pedagogical Innovation Using New Media Tools. International Conference on eLearning Futures, Unitec Institute of Technology - Auckland, New Zealand.

Wagner, D.L. (2011). Entertainment Lab for the Very Small Screen. 1st Annual Screen Futures Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Wagner, D.L. (2010). Online Reflection: Blogs in Peer and Self-Assessment of Creative Professional Practice. 6th Annual Designs on eLearning Conference, Savannah, GA, USA.

Wagner, D. (2009). Back to the future. OnFilm Magazine (Vol. 26 9).