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Caroline Malthus

Learning Advisor, Note Taker
Learning and Achievement
Location: Building 180, Room 2060


BA Otago, Dip Tchg, DELE Salamanca, PGDip SLT Waik., MA (Applied) Waik.

Professional memberships





Senior Lecturer / Coordinator of Learning Development for Postgraduate students, Student Learning and Achievement.

Provision of academic skills and language development to postgraduate students, via workshops, group study and one-to-one; liaison, professional development workshops and advice to UNITEC academic staff on working with PG and students of English as an additional language; course specific workshops; specific liaison with lecturers of PG students, all departments, and the International Office.

Caroline has worked in the field of English Language Teaching and Language teacher education, both in New Zealand and overseas, since 1980. She has taught in these fields at Unitec and currently works at Student Learning and Achievement with a focus on the development of academic reading and writing, study skills and spoken language in academic and workplace settings.

Since being at Unitec she has won two awards – the Carrington Polytechnic Staff Award in 1992 and a Quality of Service award in 2003.

Caroline’s current research focus is on sociocultural perspectives on the teaching of  English for Academic Purposes. She has collaborated with Professor Janet Holmes and George Major, both of Victoria University of Wellington, on the extension of their research in Language in the Workplace into teaching materials and strategies.


Malthus, C. M., & Widin, J. (2018). EAP: Imagining a new tertiary community. Journal of Academic Language & Learning (Vol. 12(2)).

Choudhary, R., & Malthus, C. (2017). The impact of targeted mathematics/numeracy tutorials on maths anxiety, numeracy and basic drug calculation exam marks. Journal of Academic Language and Learning (Vol. 11(1)).

Widin, J., & Malthus, C. (2017). Off-shore and out of reach: Student voice in pre-departure EAP pedagogies. Language Education in Asia (Vol. 8(2)).

Malthus, C. M., & Widin, J. W. (2015). Beyond English: Tensions in pre-departure EAP pedagogies. Language Education & Diversity, University of Auckland.

Malthus, C. M. (2015). Changing spaces: Writing centres and access to higher education. A. Archer & R. Richards, Higher Education Research and Development (Vol. 34 (2)).

Widin, J., and Malthus, C. (2014). Imagining a new tertiary community: Exploring pre-departure EAP pedagogies. ACTA _ ATESOL 2014, Melbourne.

Malthus, C. M. (2013). Reflecting on one-to-one teaching: what strategies might shed light on our practice? In C. Gera (Ed). Working together: Planting the seed. Kia pihi ai te mahi ngatahi. ATLAANZ: Hamilton, New Zealand (Vol. Vol 8).

Malthus, C. M., and Dunham, N. (2013). Staff-student partnerships in higher education. Higher Education Research & Development Society of Australasia, (Vol. 32 (4)).

Malthus, C. M. (2013). Study skills for international Postgraduates, by M. Davies. Higher Education Research & Development, (Vol. 32(1)).

Lu, H., and Malthus, C. M. (2012). Experiences of clinical tutors with English as an additional language (EAL) students. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand (Vol. 28 (3)).

Malthus, C. M. (2012). Reflecting on one-to-one teaching: What strategies might shed light on our practice? Working Together, Planting the seed, Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors, Aotearoa New Zealand (ATLAANZ). Hamilton, New Zealand. November 21-23.

Malthus, C. M., and Lu, H. (2012). Not a Mission Impossible: The perceptions of successful graduates on the development of spoken English for the workplace. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication. DOI: 10.1075/japc.22.1.07mal (Vol. 22 (1)).

Malthus, C. M., and Lu, H. (2011). 'I don't pretend I'm a Kiwi': Insights from nursing graduates on language and identities in new cultures. Forging New Directions in Academic Language and Learning, 10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Academic Language and Learning, University of South Australia, 24-25 November 2011, Adelaide.

Malthus, C. M. (2010). Review of: Spoken English, TESOL and Applied Linguistics: Challenges for theory and practice. Ed. Rebecca Hughes. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. (Vol. 9).

Malthus, C. M., and Mitchell, C. J. (2010). Building strong writing foundations: An investigation into materials for teaching paraphrasing. In V. van der Ham, L. Sevillano, & L. George (Eds.), Shifting sands, firm foundations: Proceedings of the 2009 Annual International Conference of the Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa/New Zealand (ATLAANZ). Auckland: ATLAANZ.

Malthus, C., and Mitchell, C. (2008). Finding other words: Pathways to paraphrasing skills. From here to there: TWN Biennial Colloquium. Auckland, New Zealand, 2-3 December.

Malthus, C., and Lu, H. (2008). It takes two: Sharing language skills and cultural insights with EAL students preparing for work placements. ITP New Zealand Research Forum Conference.

Osborne, J., and Malthus, C. (2007). Meeting the English language requirements of professionals worldwide. Assessing Authorities Conference.

Malthus, C. (2007). Talk it up? What's the role of language and learning advisors in the development of spoken 'literacy' ? ATLAANZ Conference 2007, 'Walking the tightrope - the balancing act of learning advising'.

Brown, T., Newton, J., Malthus, C., and Riddiford, N. (2006). Colloquium: Resourcing language training for the workplace: The role of authentic materials. CLESOL 2006 Conference 'Origins and connections: Linking theory, research and practice'.

Major, G., Malthus, C., and Holmes, J. (2006). English on the ward: Using authentic nursing data with EAL nursing students. CLESOL 2006 'Origins and connections: Linking theory, research and practice' Conference.

Malthus, C., and Lu, H. (2006). Double act: A collaborative approach to developing on-the-job communication skills in English as an additional language Bachelor of Nursing Students. 2nd Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium.

Malthus, C., Holmes, J., & Major, G. (2005). Completing the circle: Research-based classroom practice with EAL nursing students. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 11 (1), 65-89.

Malthus, C. (2005). Updating the IELTS writing module: Putting research into practice. In J. Major & J. Howard (Eds.), CLESOL 2004: Refereed conference proceeding of the 9th Community Languages and English for Speakers of other Languages Conference (CD Rom ed.). Christchurch: CLESOL. Paper presented at the CLESOL 2004, 27-30 September 2004, Christchurch.

Malthus, C. (2004). Updating the IELTS writing module: Putting research into practice. Presented to the Ninth National Conference for Community Languages and ESOL: Language, community, diversity: Hearing every voice, 24-27 September, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Malthus, C. M. (2003). Book review: Advising and supporting teachers, by M. Randall with B. Thornton. TESOLANZ Journal, 11, 89-91.

Malthus, C. M. (2002). Book review: Assessing Language for Specific Purposes, by D. Douglas. TESOLANZ Journal, 10, 129-131.

Malthus, C. (2002). Our place: What one institution does to meet the needs of English as an additional language students. In J. Stewart (Ed.), Face it - the issues and initiatives redefining our core business (pp. 75-81). Wellington: ALAANZ. Paper presented at the Association of Learning Advisors of Aotearoa New Zealand, 12-14 November, Wellington.

Malthus, C. (2002). Session chair: Plagiarism, Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium 'Developing a Voice' , 5 December, Auckland.

Malthus, C. (2002). Book review: Fraser, H. (2000) Learn to Speak Clearly in English. Available:

Malthus, C. (2001). The New IELTS Speaking Test: What's Changed? TESOLANZ Newsletter, 10 (2), 18-19.

Malthus, C. (2001). What Do First Year Students Make of Assessment Criteria? Presented to the 14th International Conference on the First Year Experience in conjunction with the 5th Pacific Rim First Year in Higher Education Conference, 11 July, Honolulu, USA.

Malthus, C. (2001). Changes to IELTS - The New Speaking Module. Presented to the BAYTESOL English Language Teaching Expo, 12 May, Napier.

Malthus, C. (2000). What Do Students Make of Criteria? Presented to the Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium, 8 December, Hamilton.

Gunn-Lewis, J., & Malthus, C. (2000). Dialogue with Adult Overseas Students: Reflections on Experiences of Teaching and Learning. New Zealand Journal of Adult Learning, 28 (1), 50-67.

Malthus, C., & Whiley, J. (1998). You can't Have Pudding Until You've Eaten Your Greens. Suggestions for Lightening the Heavy Diet of English for Academic Purposes. Presented to the Sixth National Conference on Community Languages and English for Speakers of Other Languages, Palmerston North.