Dr Jocelyn Williams

BA, MMgt, PhD Massey, DipTchg ACEProfessional memberships
PRINZ (PR Institute of New Zealand)
ANZCA (Australian & New Zealand Communication Association)
Past President of ANZCA, 2008 - 2009
Armed with a BA, I completed a year's teacher training and launched into education - first stop, teaching 12 - 18 year olds at James Cook High School. There's always been something about making a difference with others - helping turn on the lights - that really motivates me. Highlights at Unitec include being Programme Director of the Bachelor of International Communication, leading it through to its re-accreditation as the Bachelor of Communication, and being Head of Department for Communication Studies. I've relished contributing to Unitec's evolution through this leadership work, as well as continuing to teach and research. I've collected a Master of Management and a PhD (2010) during this time.
In 2014-2015 I was project lead for a media production project involving Unitec colleagues and students, and seven community-based groups, to co-create a series of programmes for broadcast on Sky TV. You can view "The Living Community" series at http://www.unitec.ac.nz/about-us/telling-stories-through-the-living-community.
I also teach postgraduate "Communicating in Organisations", supervise research students and manage Communication internships.
Williams, J. E. (2016). Mapping community media impact: Iterative cycles, continuous review. Communication Research and Practice (Vol. epub).
Lee, A., (Producer), Clarke, S., (Director), Ingram, M., (Director), Williams, J.E., (Chief Investigator), & Bridgman, G., (Researcher) (2015). The Living Community - Violence Free Waitakere: Banishing Bullying (Documentary). New Zealand, Face TV, Sky Channel 83.
Lee, A., (Producer), Clarke, S., (Director), Williams, J.E., (Chief Investigator), & Ingram, M., (Researcher) (2015). Reflections on The Living Community (Documentary). New Zealand, Face TV: Sky Channel 83.
Lee, A., (Producer), Clarke, S., (Director), Ingram, M., (Director), Williams, J.E., (Chief Investigator), Donaghey, S., (Researcher), & Berman, S., (Researcher) (2015). The Living Community - Help me tell my story: More than a war (Documentary). New Zealand, Face TV: Sky Channel 83.
Lee, A., (Producer), Clarke, S., (Director), Ingram, M., (Director), & Williams, J.E., (Chief Investigator) (2015). The Living Community - High Tech Youth Studio, and Avondale Community Action (Documentary). New Zealand, Face TV: Sky Channel 83.
Lee, A., (Producer), Clarke, S., (Director), Ingram, M., (Director), & Williams, J.E., (Chief Investigator) (2015). The Living Community - CUE Haven (Documentary). New Zealand, Face TV: Sky Channel 83.
Lee, A., (Producer), Ingram, M., (Director), Williams, J.E., (Chief Investigator), & Williams, M., (Writer) (2015). The Living Community - The Rosebank Art Walk (Documentary). New Zealand, Face TV: Sky Channel 83.
Rickard, S., & Williams, J. E. (2015). Who are middle adult consumers? A glimpse of middle adults as consumers and as students of life-long learning about digital communication technologies. Australia and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference:Rethinking Communication, Space and Identity, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Williams, J. E. (2015). Communities creating content:"Let's work together and do something which is going to outlast us!". Australia and New Zealand Communication Association Conference: Rethinking Communication, Space and Identity, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Williams, J. E. (2014). New Zealand online: What's happened to our Digital Strategy? Communication issues in Aotearoa New Zealand: A collection of research essays, Auckland, New Zealand: Epress Unitec.
Williams, J.E., Bhat, R., Bridgman, G., Donaghey, S., Saifoloi, M., Williams, M., and Woodruffe, P. (2014). Linking the spaces between: An interdisciplinary media content production project for community engagement. Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference: The digital and the social: communication for inclusion and exchange, Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre, Swinburne University, Melbourne, 9-11 July.
Williams, J.E. (2013). Social cohesion and free home internet in New Zealand. In A. Abdelaal (Ed.), Social and economic effects of community wireless networks and infrastructures. Hershey, Philadelphia: IGI Global, doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2997-4.ch008.
Williams, J.E. (2012). Social media and sociability among late adopter internet users: Community stories. Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference, "Communicating Change and Changing Communication in the 21st Century", Adelaide, 4-6 July.
Williams, J.E. (2011). In their own words: A case for digital storytelling. In L. Stillman, T. Denison & R. French (Eds.). CIRN Community Informatics Conference - To measure or not to measure: That is the question. Monash Centre, Prato, Italy.
Craig, B., and Williams, J. (2011). Research informing practice: Toward effective engagement in community ICT in New Zealand. Journal of Community Informatics Special Issue: Research in Action: Linking Communities and Universities (Vol. 7 (3)).
Williams, J. (2010). Researching community informatics. Department of Communication Studies staff and students, Unitec New Zealand, Auckland.
Williams, J. (2010). Resources in unexpected places: Social cohesion and community internet. L. Stillman & R. Gomez (eds), Vision and Reality in Community Informatics. CIRN-DIAC Conference Proceedings.
Williams, J. (2010). The role of opinion leaders in community internet: Connecting people, creating cohesion. Media, Democracy and Change: Australian and New Zealand Communication Association 2010 conference, Old Parliament House, Canberra, Australia. 7 - 9 July.
Williams, J. (2010). Resources in unexpected places: Social cohesion and successful community internet. Vision and Reality in Community Informatics: Community Informatics Research Network annual conference, Centre for Community Networking Research, Monash University, Prato, Italy.
Williams, J. (2009). Connecting people: Investigating a relationship between internet access and social cohesion in local community settings. (Vol. Doctor of Philosophy thesis).
Williams, J., and Ward, P. (2009). Classroom 2.0: Is convenience the primary value in digital learning? Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference: Communication, Creativity and Global Citizenship, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 8 - 10 July.
Williams, J. (2009). ANZCA News. Media International Australia (Vol. 132).
Williams, J. (2009). ANZCA News. Media International Australia (Vol. 131).
Williams, J. (2009). ANZCA News. Media International Australia (Vol. 130).
Williams, J. (2008). ANZCA News. Media International Australia (MIA) (Vol. 129).
Williams, J., and Thompson, P. (2008). Submission to the Ministry for Culture and Heritage on Digital Strategy 2.0. Digital Strategy 2.0, Retrieved September, 2010, from http://www.med.govt.nz/templates/StandardSummary____44667.aspx.
Williams, J. (2008). The place-orientated process of sustainable community internet. Association of Internet Researchers Annual Conference (IR 9.0): Rethinking community, rethinking place, 16 - 19 October, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Williams, J., and Thompson, P. (2008). Digital strategy 2.0: Political software or visionary upgrade? Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference: Power and Place. Duxton Hotel, Wellington, 9 - 11 July.
Williams, J. (2007). The digital native, the digital naive, and the digital divide - tired metaphors that have had their day? New Zealand Communication Association 19th National Annual Conference, 5 - 7 December, Napier, NZ.
Williams, J. (2007). Sustainability and community ICT: Issues overcome by participation. Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference: Communication, Civics, Industry, Melbourne Law School, 5 - 7 July, Melbourne.
Williams, J.E. (2007). Sustainability and community ICT: Issues overcome by participation. Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference: Communication, Civics, Industry, Melbourne Law School.
Williams, J. (2006). The paradox of connection: What pulls the plug on household ICTs? Australian and New Zealand Communication Association annual conference: Empowerment, creativity and innovation - Challenging media and communications in the 21st century (ed. C. Anyanwu, online), Discipline of Media, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Adelaide, 5 - 7 July.
Williams, J.E. (2006). The paradox of connection: What pulls the plug on household ICTs? In C. Anyanwu (Ed.). Australian and New Zealand Communication Association annual conference: Empowerment, creativity and innovation - Challenging media and communications in the 21st century, University of Adelaide, Australia.
Williams, J.E., Sligo, F.X., and Wallace, C. (2006). Free internet as an agent of community transformation. Journal of Community Informatics (Vol. 2 (1)).
Williams, J.E. (2005). Household life and social use of the internet. Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference - Communication at Work: Showcasing Communication Scholarship, In C. Mills & Matheson, D., (Eds), Refereed Proceedings, ISBN 0-473-10194-7, available at http://www.anzca.net/conferences/past-conferences/2005-conf/2005-conf-p2.html, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ.
Williams, J.E., Sligo, F.X., and Wallace, C. (2004). What a difference IT makes? The internet in the everyday lives of new user families. Paper presented at the "Making a Difference" annual conference of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA), University of Sydney, July 7-9.
Sligo, F.X., and Williams, J.E. (2002). Beyond the digital divide: Re-assessing knowledge gaps. ANZCA Annual Conference: Communication Reconstructed for the 21st Century, Bond University, Queensland.
Williams, J.E. (2001). The process of knowledge acquisition through interpersonal communication in the "Parents As First Teachers" programme. Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University.
Williams, J.E., Comrie, M.A., and Sligo, F.X. (2001). Walking the path with new parents: Information provider interaction to foster change. National Social Policy Conference: Competing Visions, 4-6 July, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney (Vol. SPRC Report 1/02).
Williams, J. E. (2005). Ethics give you an edge. The Western Leader (10 February), pp. 21.
Williams, J., Sligo, F., & Wallace, C. (2005). Free internet as an agent of community transformation. Journal of Community Informatics, 2 (1), online. Retrieved Dec 18, 2005, from http://www.ci-journal.net/viewarticle.php?=77&layout=html
Williams, J. (2005). Goodness is important. Western Leader (10 February), 21.
Williams, J. (2005). Household life and social use of the Internet. In C. Mills & D. Matheson (Eds.), Communication at work: Showcasing communication scholarship: Publication of the Annual Meeting of the Australia New Zealand Communication Association 2005 (on-line ed.): The Australian and New Zealand Communication Association. Paper presented at the ANZCA 2005 Conference 'Communication at work', 4-7 July, Christchurch. Retrieved Dec 18, 2005, from http://www.mang.canterbury.ac.nz/ANZCA/FullPapers.shtml
Thompson, P. A., Williams, J., Mason, D., Beamer, L., Yeardly-Davern, C., Harrison, J., Henson, D., Mead, D., Monteiro, S., Rolland, D., Woodfield, P., Pereira, M. J., & Frederick, H. (2005). Mechanisms for setting broadcasting funding levels in OECD countries (Report to the Ministry for Culture and Heritage).
Williams, J. E., Sligo, F. X., & Wallace, C. M. (2004). What a difference I.T. makes? The internet in the everyday lives of new user families. In A. Dunn (Ed.), ANZCA04: Making a difference. Sydney, Australia: University of Sydney. Paper presented at the Australian & New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2004, 7-9 July, Sydney, Australia. http://conferences.arts.usyd.edu.au/viewabstract.php?id=109&cf=3
Williams, J. E., Sligo, F. X., & Wallace, C. M. (2004). Everywhere, with everyone: The implications of internet presence in novice user settings. Paper presented at the Association of Internet Researchers Conference: Internet Research 5.0, 19-22 September, Brighton, UK.
Williams, J. E. (2004). From here to there and back: A qualitative researcher's tale. Presented to the New Zealand Communication Association 16th Annual Conference: Canterbury Tales: Walking the talk, 6-8 December, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Tripp, A., Williams, J. E., & Jacobs, G. (2004). A picture of New Zealand community and cultural identity in cyberspace. The New Zealand Edge. Available: http://www.nzedge.com/intro/cyber-identity.html [2004, 29 November].
Williams, J., Sligo, F., & Wallace, C. (2003). Connecting communities in New Zealand: Assessing outcomes for novice ICT users. Presented to the Internet Research 4.0 Broadening the Band Conference, 18-19 October, Toronto.
Williams, J. (2003). Computers in homes: A technological revolution for families. In C. Hatcher, T. Flew, & J. Jacobs (Eds.), Designing communication for diversity (pp. 15 p.c.). Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology. Paper presented at the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference, 9-11 July, Brisbane. http://www.bgsb.qut.edu.au/conferences/ANZCA03/proceed.html
Williams, J. (2002). In search of 'real' community via the Internet, The art of communication (pp. 1-9). Nelson: New Zealand Communication Association Inc. Paper presented at the New Zealand Communication Association 14th National Annual Conference, 9-11 December, Nelson.
Williams, J., & Sligo, F. X. (2002). Information poverty and social inclusion. In C. Brennan (Ed.), Social diversity and the politics of exclusion (pp. 286-292). Palmerston North: Massey University. Paper presented at the Sociological Association of Aotearoa (New Zealand) Conference, 26-28 November 2001, Auckland.
Steiner, P., Williams, J., & Gedye, R. (2002). The entrepreneurial woman and the art of networking, The art of communication (pp. 30-37). Nelson: New Zealand Communication Association Inc. Paper presented at the New Zealand Communication Association 14th National Annual Conference, 9-11 December, Nelson.
Tripp, A., Williams, J., & Jacobs, G. (2002). A picture of New Zealand community and cultural identity in cyberspace, The art of communication (pp. 44-52). Nelson: New Zealand Communication Association Inc. Paper presented at the New Zealand Communication Association 14th National Annual Conference, 9-11 December, Nelson.
Sligo, F., & Williams, J. (2002). Beyond the digital divide: Re-thinking information poverty. In M. R. Power (Ed.), Communication reconstructed for the 21st century . Gold Coast, Australia: Bond University. Paper presented at the Australia and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference, 10-12 July, Coolangatta. http:www.bond.edu.au/hss/communication/ANZCA/journtp.htm
Williams, J. (2001). Knowledge Acquisition in a Parenting Information Programme: Interpersonal Communication in 'Parents As First Teachers', Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association 'Transdisciplinarity' (pp. 225-238), 1-3 July, Perth.
Williams, J. (2001). The Process of Knowledge Acquisition Through Interpersonal Communication in the 'Parents As First Teachers' Programme. Unpublished Master of Management thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North.
Williams, J., Comrie, M., & Sligo, F. (2001). Walking the Path with New Parents: Information Provider Interaction to Foster Change. In T. Eardley & B. Bradbury (Eds.), National Social Policy Conference 'Competing Visions' (pp. 20 p.c.). Sydney: University of New South Wales, 4-6 July. http://www.sprc.unsw.edu.au/nspc2001/papers/Paper75.doc
Williams, J., & Sligo, F. (2001). Information Poverty and Social Inclusion. Presented to the Sociological Association of Aotearoa (New Zealand) Annual Conference, 27 November, Palmerston North.
Sligo, F., & Williams, J. (2001). Spectacular, Participatory, Controversial or Consensual? Divergent Perceptions of the Public and Public Discourse From Philosophy and Communication Studies. In L. Green & R. Giblett (Eds.), Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association 'Transdisciplinarity' (pp. 199-209). Perth: Australian and New Zealand Communication Association, 1-3 July, Perth.
Sligo, F., & Williams, J. (2001). Investigating Information Poverty and Its Implications for Community Development. Presented to the Competing Visions - National Social Policy Conference 2001, 6 July, Sydney, Australia.
Sligo, F., & Williams, J. (2000). Public Policy by Public Relations? Selling the New Zealand Code of Social and Family Responsibility. Presented to the The Fourth International Research Symposium on Public Management, 10 April, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Williams, J., & Sligo, F. (1999). Social Responsibility: A New Zealand Government's Definition. In S. Shaver & P. Saunders (Eds.), Social Policy for the 21st Century: Justice and Responsibility (Vol. 1, pp. 239-253). Sydney: Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales. Paper presented at the National Social Policy Conference, 21-23 July, Sydney.
Sligo, F., & Williams, J. (1999). What Does Discussion Do? Perspectives on Public Opinion and the Formation of Polarised Viewpoints. Australian Journal of Communication, 26 (3), 37-48.
Williams, J. (1998). The New Highway of the Mind. The eXchange, Official Publication of the New Zealand Communication Incorporated, 9 (2), 6-12.
Williams, J., & Sligo, F. (1998). The Code of Social and Family Responsibility: Participation and Perceptions. Presented to the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference, Hamilton.
Williams, J., & Sligo, F. (1998). The Code of Social and Family Responsibility: Voyaging Across the Knowledge Gap. Presented to the Tenth New Zealand Communication Annual Conference, Auckland.