Dr Helen Gremillion
Ph.D., Stanford University, Department of Anthropology
M.A., University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology
B.A., Boston University, University Professors Program
Professional and Industry Experience
- 2004 - 2008, Peg Zeglin Brand Chair and Associate Professor of Gender Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington (U.S.A.)
- 2005 - 2008, Director of Graduate Studies, Gender Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington
- 1998 - 2004, Peg Zeglin Brand Chair and Assistant Professor of Gender Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington
- 1996 - 1998, Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Stanford University. Program in Cultures, Ideas, and Values
- 1995 - 1998, Consultant, Narrative Therapy Training Workshops, San Francisco, CA.
Areas of Research Interest
- Feminist theories and gender studies
- Narrative therapy
- Constructionist theories of the body and of sexualities
- Gender and science
- Consumer culture
- Medical anthropology
- Feminist ethnographies
- How conventional therapies for eating disorders can unwittingly recreate the cultural conditions of the problem.
Smith, L., Beaumont, S., Addington, L., Gremillion, H., Burke, R., Kelsey, F., Nelis, M., & Smith, R. (2023). Researching the safety of rainbow students in New Zealand's biggest tertiary education institution. Nineteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, U.S.A.
Gremillion, H. (2023). Trans-forming gender and sex: Transgender experience and transgender medicine. Nineteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, U.S.A.
Beaumont, S., Addington, L., Smith, L., Gremillion, H., Burke, R., Kelsey, F., Nelis, M., & Smith, R. (2022). How safe and inclusive are Te Pūkenga campuses for rainbow ākonga? ITP Research Symposium 2022, Te Rau o te Huia, Invercargill, New Zealand.
Gremillion, H. (2022). Transgender expression as productive disruption. Te Manawa Reka Curiosity Symposium entitled Disruption: Research that addresses and celebrates change, Mokoia Campus, Toi-Ohomai Institute of Technology and TePukenga.
Berry, T., Low, J., Wallis, S., Birchmore, R., Gremillion, H., Prado-Ramirez, G., Blanchon, D., Baling, M., Doyle, E., Tang, T., & Hernandez, G. (2022). Assessing the impact of mechanical ventilation on indoor air quality in homes, in sub-tropical New Zealand. MIT-Unitec Research Symposium 2022, online.
Gremillion, H., Hallie, J., & Tominiko, F. (2021). The scope of Talanoa research methodology: The place of research methods that are not rooted in Pasifika traditions. E. Papoutsaki and M. Shannon, Unitec Research Symposium Proceedings 2020.
Pizzini, N., Gremillion, H., & Newman, T. (2021). Walking a tightrope: A balancing act by school counsellors. New Zealand Journal of Counselling (Vol. 41(1)).
Gremillion, H. (2020). Indigenous methodologies within postgraduate curricula: Querying appropriate applications of a Kaupapa Maori approach. 2nd Sydney - International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), online.
Hernandez, G., Low, J., Wallis, S., Birchmore, R., Ramirez-Prado, G., de Groot, C., Gremillion, H., Lee-Morgan, J., Blanchon, D., Baling, M., Doyle, E., & Berry, T. (2020). The development of a transdisciplinary team to investigate indoor air quality issues in New Zealand. Unitec Research Symposium, Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Gremillion, H., Tominiko, F., & Hallie, J. (2020). Teaching and supervising Talanoa research methodology. Unitec Research Symposium, Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Gremillion, H., Tominiko, F., & Hallie, J. (2020). The scope of Talanoa research methodology within a postgraduate curriculum. 9th Biennial International Indigenous Research Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Gremillion, H., & Powell, C. (2019). Evaluating efforts to promote diverse sexuality and gender inclusivity at a tertiary institution. Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Hughes, C. R., McNabb, D., Gremillion, H., & Bridgman, G. (2018). Access to social work education: Correlations between applicant performance on selection tasks, demographics and success as a student. Social Work, Education and Social Development (SWSD) conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Powell, C., & Gremillion, H. (2018). The experiences of diverse-gender tertiary students: Structural discrimination and microaggressions. Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development (Vol. 4(2)).
Pizzini, N., & Gremillion, H. (2017). Counsellor clients as insider experts in a school community. Unitec ePress Occasional and Discussion Paper Series (Vol. 8).
Hughes, C., Gremillion, H., Bridgman, G., Ashley, P., & McNabb, D. (2017). Student selection process effectiveness: Correlations between task performance and undergraduate success. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work (Vol. 29(4)).
Pizzini, N., & Gremillion, H. (2017). Narrative Community Work in Schools. Recent Research and Innovations in Practice: A Mini-Conference for Counsellors, Auckland University Tamaki Campus.
Gremillion, H. (2017). Research engaging Maori: A bicultural, blended approach. ARMS 2017: Funding Research, Drawing on the Power of Collaboration, Wellington, New Zealand.
Hughes, C., McNabb, D., Ashley, P., & Gremillion, H. (2016). What to do about student selection for social work programmes? Social Work in Changing Times: Towards Better Outcomes, Massey University, Palmerston North.
Gremillion, H. (2016). Professional development for established academic staff: The Effectiveness of a writing programme. International Network of Research Management Societies 2016 Congress, Melbourne.
Connor, H., Gremillion, H., & Meima, Y. (2016). Couples work in cultural context: Te Ao Maori and poststructuralist practices informing counsellor training in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Family Process (Vol. 55(2)).
Gremillion, H., Snell, D., Crosthwaite, J., Finch, B.T., Paterson, J., & Tavinor, G. (2016). What does organizational diversity in New Zealand tertiary sector research ethics committees teach us about balancing consultative and governance approaches to ethics review? [online]. New Zealand Journal of Sociology (Vol. 31(4)).
Hughes, C., McNabb, D., Ashley, P., McKechnie, R., & Gremillion, H. (2016). Selection of social work students: A literature review of selection criteria and process effectiveness. Advances in social work & welfare education (Vol. 18(2)).
Tolich, M., Bathurst, R., Deckert, A., Flanagan, P., Gremillion, H., & Grimshaw, M. (2015). One size does not fit all: Organisational diversity in New Zealand tertiary sector ethics committees. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online (Vol. 10(2)).
Gremillion, H. (2015). Teaching deconstructivist ideas surrounding sexual identities: Productive risks and effective pedagogy. Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand Annual Conference, Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Gremillion, H. (2015). Narrative therapy as cultural studies practice. Auckland University Anthropology Department, Auckland, NZ, 22 October.
Tolich, M., Bathurst, R., Deckert, A., Flanagan, P., Gremillion, H., & Grimshaw, M. (2015). One size does not fit all: Organizational diversity in New Zealand tertiary sector ethics committees. Ethics in Practice Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Gremillion, H., Tolich, M., & Bathurst, R. (2015). Lay members of New Zealand research ethics committees: Who and what do they represent? Research Ethics (Vol. 11(2)).
Woolson-Neville, D., & Gremillion, H. (2015). Experiencing women's advocacy: Connections with and departures from a feminist socio-political movement to end violence against women. Unitec ePress Research Report Series (Vol. 2).
Hughes, C. R., and Gremillion, H. (2014). The meanings of gender and the home space for recipients of palliative care, and some implications for social workers in the field. Social Dialogue, Retrieved from http://www.social-dialogue.com/ (Vol. 3(8)).
Gremillion, H., Tolich, M., and Bathurst, R. (2014). Lay members of New Zealand research ethics committees: Are they empowered, and who or what do they represent? Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines conference, University of Waikato, Hamilton, 26-28 November.
Gremillion, H. (2013). The analytic and institutional space of transdisciplinary gender studies. The 5th Christina Conference on Gender Studies. Feminist Thought: Politics of Concepts, University of Helsinki, 23-25 May.
Cottle, M., Hughes, C., and Gremillion, H. (2013). A community approach to palliative care: Embracing indigenous concepts and practices in a hospice setting. Journal of systemic therapies (Vol. 32 (1)).
Gremillion, H. (2013). Special section: Community approaches to problems: Beyond individual and family solutions. Journal of systemic therapies, http://guilfordjournals.com/toc/jsyt/32/1 (Vol. 32 (1)).
Gremillion, H. (2013). Developing a collaborative methodology for research with community groups. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1177083X.2013.848215 (Vol. 8(1-2)).
Gremillion, H. (2012). Paradigm clash: Ethics committees and contemporary ethnographic practices. Contemporary ethnography across the disciplines, University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ, 21-23 November.
Gremillion, H., Cheshire, A., and Lewis, D. (2012). Scaffolding a Community of Competent Practitioners: Positioning and Agency in a Training Program for Narrative Counseling. Family Process (Vol. 51(1)).
Gremillion, H., Cheshire, A., and Lewis, D. (2011). Scoffolding a Community of Competent Practitioners: Positioning and Agency in a Training Programme for Narrative Counselling. Inaugural New Zealand Association of Counsellors' Counselor Education Conference, Weltec campus, Wellington, 5-6 December.
Gremillion, H. (2011). Review of Abject Relations, by M. Warin, and The Anorexic Self, by P. Saukko. (Includes contribution to theory development.). Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Vol. 37(1)).
Gremillion, H. (2011). Feminism and the Mythopoetic Men's Movement: Some Shared Concepts of Gender. Women's Studies Journal of Aotearoa New Zealand (Vol. 25(2)).
Gremillion, H. (2010). Deconstructing Concepts of Gender within Feminist and Men's Movements in Aotearoa.New Zealand. Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines Hui, University of Waikato, 17-19 November.
Gremillion, H. (2010). "Others" Within and Without: Biomedicine and its Alterities in Euro/American and African Contexts. Bodies and Bodiliness in Africa, Sponsored by the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Moshi, Tanzania, 7-9 June.
Gremillion, H. (2009). Complexities of Power and Meaning: A Reflection on Parts IV and V. Malson, H., and Burns, M. (Eds), Critical Feminist Approaches to Eating Dis/Orders.
Gremillion, H. (2009). Gendered Communities: Conflict and Dialogue between Feminist and Men's Movements in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Re-Thinking Community in Contemporary Anthropology: Annual Meeting of the Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand, Picton, 13-15 December.
Gremillion, H. (2009). Comment on 'Brokering Authenticity: Borderline Personality Disorder and the Ethics of Care in an American Eating Disorder Clinic' by Rebecca J. Lester. Current Anthropology (Vol. 50(3)).
Gremillion, H. (2008). The race and class politics of Anorexia Nervosa: Unravelling white, middle-class standards in representations of eating problems. Moss, P., and Teghtsoonian, K. (Ed), Contesting illness: Processes and practices.
Gremillion, H. (2007). Eating disorders. Malti-Douglas, F. (Ed), Encyclopedia of sex and gender.
Gremillion, H. (2006). Review of Feeding Desire: Fatness, Beauty and Sexuality Among a Saharan People, by R. Popenoe. (Includes contribution to theory development.). American Ethnologist (Vol. 33(2)).
Gremillion, H. (2005). The cultural politics of body size. Annual Review of Anthropology, 34, 13-32.
Gremillion, H. (2004). Unpacking essentialisms in therapy: Lessons for feminist approaches from narrative work. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 17 (4), 173-200.
Gremillion, H. (2003). Feeding anorexia: Gender and power at a treatment center. Durham, NC, USA: Duke University Press.
Gremillion, H. (2002). In fitness and in health: Crafting bodies in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 27, 381-414.