How to apply

Apply online for Student Loans and Allowances through StudyLink.

We suggest you apply at least 6 weeks before the beginning of semester, so fees and payments can be sorted before classes start.

First-time students

Returning to study

How StudyLink can help you

StudyLink provide student loans and allowances.

Student Loans
These can help with paying for your course fees (the compulsory fees charged by your education provider), study materials (e.g. books, computer, travel) and living costs (e.g. rent and childcare), but you will have to pay it back. Learn more about Student Loans.

Student Allowance
This is a weekly payment that can help with your living expenses (e.g. rent and childcare) while you are studying, and if you are eligible you do not have to pay the money back. Learn more about Student Allowances.

Learn more and contact StudyLink:

Support on campus

You can book an appointment with a Unitec Student Support Advisor anytime for one-on-one support with your StudyLink application.

At the beginning of each semester, our Student Support Advisors run drop-in sessions to get you started applying for a Student Loan or Student Allowance.

Mt Albert campus - Outside Student Central, Building 180 (Te Puna)
Drop-in Time
Tuesday 18 February
Thursday 20 February
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Tuesday 25 February
Thursday 27 February
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Tuesday 4 March
Thursday 6 March
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Tuesday 11 March
Thursday 13 March
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Waitākere Campus - Building 510, Room 1013

APPOINTMENT ONLY - please book with a Student Support Advisor
No drop-in session, so please book a face-to-face appointment 


For more information, please contact

Please note: Staff assisting are Unitec staff. If you would like to contact StudyLink, please call 0800 88 99 00

For Fees Free support, call 0800 301 601 or email - on campus see Student Central for support with Fees Free

About loans and allowances

Student loan and allowance limits

How much you can get depends on your age, income and course type. There is a limit to how long you can get a Student Allowance and Student Loan for in your lifetime. The definition, for each, of lifetime limit can be found on the StudyLink website. If you are unable to get an extension for either, make an appointment with our Student Support Advisors who can help you explore other options.

Attending class if StudyLink has not paid fees yet

You can attend class if StudyLink is still processing your student loan. However, you are expected to keep a track of the proceedings of your loan application with StudyLink.

Changes in enrolment

It is important to let Studylink know if there are any changes in your enrolment. This could be adding or dropping classes, or withdrawing from your studies. Not informing Studylink could result in owing money for your programme fees or having to pay back some of the Student Allowance you received.

Statement of Satisfactory Progress

If you have previously received a student allowance or student loan StudyLink might contact you to complete a statement of satisfactory progress (provide a copy of your grades).  This happens when the Ministry of Education is unable to confirm the results of your previous study.
Steps to provide a statement of satisfactory progress to StudyLink:
  1. Log in to Unitec Student Portal to obtain a copy of your grades. Learn how to find your grades in the  Unitec Student Portal.
  2. Take a screenshot of your grades making sure you include:
If instead StudyLink has sent you a statement of satisfactory progress (SSP) form, please email or take it to Student Central on campus.


Programmes not covered under the StudyLink 

Micro-credential courses, Liaison Interpreting Theory and Practice, and Liaison Interpreting Contexts (Social Systems, Culture, and Ethics), are not covered by Studylink for loans and allowances.