Forms for students
Forms for students You can download or complete forms online including exam scripts, assignment cover sheet, official transcript, letter of confirmation and more. You can also ask our friendly staff in person at one of our Student Centrals (Te Pae Kōrero) or Ask Me desks to do this for you. If you have any problems downloading these forms, please try using a different web browser. Academic Complaint We endeavour to ensure that student complaints are resolved fairly, promptly and through an easy-to-follow process. You will be kept informed at each step of the process.
If you have any problems downloading these forms, please try using a different web browser.
Extensions and Assessment Concessions (AC)
You may be able to apply for an extension of an Assessment Concession (formerly Affected Performance Consideration (APC) if the unexpected happens or things don’t go to plan.
Learn about these options and how to apply
Application for Alternative Examination Arrangements
Use this form if you would like to apply for alternative exam arrangements. If you require support with your exams like a reader/writer, extra time, or a separate room, complete this form. Email this form to the Access4Success team or visit them in person to return it. The form must be submitted at least 2 weeks before the date of the exam.
Please note you will be asked to verify your disability.
Application for Alternative Examination Arrangements Form »
Cross credits
If you have already completed some tertiary study, you may be able to use those credits towards your study at Unitec.
Learn if you are eligible to apply for cross credits and how to apply.
Learn more about cross credits »
Application to Graduate with outstanding Debt
Use this form if you are due to graduate but you have outstanding debt on your student account. By completing this form, the graduation team can review your application to assess whether you can still graduate where there is outstanding debt owing to Unitec that is not associated with the Course and/or Programme in which you are graduating from.
Application to Graduate with Outstanding Debt Online Form »
Application to Study Five (5) Courses in one semester
Please complete this form in full if you wish to apply to enrol in 5 courses in one semester, to explain your circumstances and reasons why you want to complete 5 courses in one semester.
Please submit this with your Change of Enrolment request. This is a requirement under Unitec’s Admissions and Enrolment Procedure.
A copy of this form will be sent to your email address after submitting it. Please save the form and attach it to your aligned Change of Enrolment request.
Application to Study Five Courses in One Semester »
Application for Third Time Enrolment
Please complete this form where the below policy statement applies to your enrolment.
Subject to section 10.1 of this Clause, where a student wishes to enrol into a course that they have previously failed twice, the student must request approval by completing and submitting this form.
A copy of this form will be sent to your email address after submitting it. Please save the form and attach it to your aligned Change of Enrolment request. This application cannot be used for fourth or subsequent enrolment requests. Any such requests must be discussed with the relevant Head of School in the first instance.
Application for Third Time Enrolment Online Form »
Assignment Cover Sheet
Please attach the Assignment Cover Sheet to your assignments.
Notice of Appeal
We have a process and form to appeal a decision made about either:
- a Formal Complaint
- an academic complaint or academic integrity review
- a Student Disciplinary Investigation
- Postgraduate Research & Scholarships
Learn about the process and how to submit a Notice of Appeal Form »
Formal Complaints and Assessment or Grade Reconsiderations
When informal resolution fails you may make a formal complaint within 21 days of the incident.
Visit the complaints page for more information on how to make a formal complaint.
Request for Official Academic Record (Transcript) & Replacement Certificate (Testamur)
The Transcript reflects your Unitec records at the time of processing. Any unofficial results for the current semester will not appear if they have not been confirmed by your School. Before ordering, please check your Student Portal (MyPortal) to see current semester results.
Do not use this form to apply for graduation or if you have not yet been awarded the certificate (testamur). Use this form for replacement certificates if your original one has been damaged or misplaced. Apply to graduate via our Apply to Graduate page.
If you've misplaced, damaged or would like an additional official academic record (transcript) or a replacement certificate (testamur), students and graduates can request a transcript or replacement certificate by completing the online form link below.
Please note
- The Transcript reflects your Unitec records at the time of processing. Any unofficial results will not appear if they have not been ratified by your School. Before ordering, please check your student portal (MyPortal) to see current semester results are visible.
- If you studied prior to the year 2000, records are sometimes incomplete. We may not be able to provide a replacement testamur (certificate) or a complete official academic record (transcript). Requests for older qualification testamurs (certificates) and transcripts may take longer than standard processing times. Please email us before ordering an older transcript or replacement certificate (testamur).
- Processing of Official Academic Records (Transcript) – please allow 5 working days from receipt of the payment plus courier delivery time. If an archive search is required, the processing time will be longer.
- Processing of Replacement Certificate (Testamur) – please allow around 2-3 weeks (or more) from receipt of payment plus courier delivery time. If an archive search is required, the processing time will be longer. Please note that processing historic records may take longer, around 20-30 days.
Request for Official Academic Record or Replacement Certificate »
Request for Exam Script
You can request to view any of your exam scripts after they have been marked at no additional cost. You cannot take away a copy or a photo of your exam script.
Request for Exam Script Online Form »
Request for Letter of Confirmation
If you need a letter to confirm your completion of courses or programmes - for example for an Immigration Visa - please complete the Request for Letter of Confirmation form and submit your request online.
Request for Letter of Confirmation »
Request for Recount
If you think you've found an error in the addition of the marks on your exam script, you can apply to have your exam script recounted. It will cost $25 (incl GST) per exam script recounted. A lecturer will check the marking has been correctly added up. If you would like to apply for a recount on a recent exam script, complete the online form below. Payment is made via the online form as well.
Please note this is not a re-marking of your exam script; it is a recount of the marks. You must apply for a recount within 15 days of receiving your result notification.
Request for Recount Online Form »
Please note that only use this form to request a recount of an exam paper. If you have concerns about the marks in other types of assessment or a test, talk to your lecturer or your Programme coordinator.
Student Financial Assistance
For those students applying for financial assistance, you'll need to fill out the online Student Financial Assistance form.
Please note for your application to be considered you must make an appointment with a Student Support Advisor.
Student Financial Assistance Form»
Student Name Badge
For those students studying Nursing and Medical Imaging who require a student name badge should fill out the online request form below.
Please note for other programmes needing a name badge, please see your lecturer