New students
Our technology team give all new students login details up to 90 days before classes start.
You will receive an email from Unitec with your new Unitec student email, username and password.
How to find the email in your inbox
- The email will be from:
- The subject line will be: Unitec Student Login Communication
Returning students
If you have studied with Unitec within the past five years, you can use the Unitec student email and password that you previously used.
If you have forgotten these details, contact our IT Help Desk or Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero), and they will reset your password and help you access your account.
Unitec username
Your username is made with part of your name and a number, for example, ‘smithj01’.
Your Unitec username is the first part of your Unitec student email address, for example, ‘’
Forgot password
If you have forgotten your password, ontact our IT Help Desk or Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero) and they will reset your password and help you access your account.
Change password
If you know your password, you can change it:
- Login to Student Portal (with your Unitec email address ‘’ and password)
- In your Student Portal, click on the person icon (top right)
- Click on ‘Change password’
- Enter your current password in the ‘Old password’ field
- Enter your new password in the ‘New password’ field
- Re-enter the new password in the ‘Confirm new password’ field
- Click the Submit button.