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Updates from Unitec

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Unitec creative students pushing the limits

Unitec’s annual celebration of graduates in the Schools of Architecture and Creative Industries has opened.

Supporting learner success in the world of AI

Unitec is the host of Tertiary Education Commission’s third-annual Tūwhitia symposium (21-22 November 2024).

Giving learners a head start to the Internet of Things future

One NZ has signed on as the first industry partner of Unitec’s new Internet of Things (IoT) Impact Lab.

Unitec strengthens creative partnerships in China

Unitec’s Head of School of Creative Industries, Associate Professor Vanessa Byrnes, has returned from a successful trip to China presenting a paper at the 70th anniversary of the Beijing Dance...

Unitec recognised as one of Auckland’s top art schools

Our School of Creative Industries has continued its run of success at the annual Eden Arts Art Schools Award, receiving three out of the top five awards at this year's...

Last minute Super Mario-theme change helps win research excellence award

Student Central and Ask Me Manager Jeffrey Wu has won Unitec’s annual 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) postgraduate challenge – the first time that a staff member has taken out the coveted...

Hackathon winners using AI to help businesses reduce carbon footprint

Unitec student team Sustainable Data Miners won first place in a recent generative artificial intelligence (AI) Hackathon hosted by Unitec’s School of Computing, Electrical and Applied Technology, in collaboration with...

Longstanding Shandong partnership celebrated

More than twenty years of successful partnership between Shandong Province in China and Unitec was celebrated with the visit of two key educational organisations last week.

“My qualification isn’t my trauma”

Turning a fight for treatment into advocacy for others

From a life of addiction to becoming a beacon of hope for others

Jessica Apanui on becoming the support she once so badly needed.
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