- All award types
- Financial Assistance
- Landscape Architecture
- Trades
- Equity
- Scholarship
- New Students
- Gender Diverse
- Merit
- Creative Industries
- Masters Scholarship
- School Leavers
- Building Construction
- Nursing
- Progression
- Postgraduate Scholarship
- Youth Guarantee
- External Scholarships
- Disability
- Partner Scholarships
- Environmental and Animal Sciences
- Building & Construction | Architecture
- School of Community Studies
- Engineering
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec -
Open 26th July 2023 | Closed for 2024 *scholarship will remain open until funding has been exhausted
The Scholarship panel hope to review applications at the end of every month. And the scholarship will close when funding has been exhausted.
Eligibility for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Scholarships
Please read the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Scholarship Regulations for more information.
Selection Bases
The Selection Committee will review all eligible applications and make award recommendations based on a combination of:
- responses to the scholarship questions;
- Unitec and Te Pūkenga priority group goals – namely to achieve parity for Māori, Pacific and Under 25 students, and enhance the success of Disabled and Neurodiverse learners, first in family to pursue tertiary education, sole parents, and ākonga with low prior achievement; and
- preference may be given to ākonga who demonstrate that financial support will have an impact on their ability to pursue their studies.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec Institute of Technology -
Te Pou Angitū – to encourage Māori students thinking about studying at Unitec for the first time, to pursue their goals and study with Unitec.
Te Pou Aupiki – to encourage Māori students who are completing or have already completed their programme at Unitec, to continue to a new, higher level programme of study
Te Pou Hiranga - to support high achieving Māori students in 240 credit or more undergraduate diploma or bachelor degree level programmes, who are motivated to make a positive difference in society, with financial and mentoring support.
Click on the above links for application forms or for more information about each Karihipi, or contact the Scholarships Team.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec -
Links to individual scholarships information pages
Please go to the respective pages below for scholarship details and information on how to apply. You may apply for any of the three scholarships you are eligible to be considered for. Each scholarship has different regulations. Please take the time to read through the regulations to find out if you are eligible to be considered for more than one of the scholarship programmes.
1. Unitec Vocational Pathway Scholarship
This scholarship assists school leavers who have completed at least one vocational pathway programme at Unitec and then choose to commence study at Unitec in a certificate, diploma or degree level programme.
2. Unitec Kura Kaupapa and Rumaki Reo Scholarship
This scholarship supports and engages Kura Kaupapa and Rumaki Reo graduates into tertiary studies at Unitec. It also helps with connecting recipients with Unitec’s Māori community.
This scholarship supports Māori ākonga new to Unitec pursue their education goals with Unitec. School Leavers may be given selection preference.
4. Pacific Success Scholarship
This scholarship supports Pacific ākonga new to Unitec pursue their education goals with Unitec. School Leavers may be given selection preference.
This scholarship is to encourage disabled and neuro diverse ākonga to pursue their studies at Unitec.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec Institute of Technology -
Unitec Pacific Success Scholarships - this scholarship, is to encourage Pacific students thinking about studying at Unitec for the first time, to pursue their goals and study with Unitec.
Unitec Pacific Progression Scholarships - this scholarship, is to encourage Pacific students who have successfully completed their programme of study at Unitec, to continue their higher education in a new, higher level programme of study.
Unitec Pacific Academic Excellence Scholarships - this scholarship is for high achieving Pacific learners in 240 credit or more undergraduate diploma or bachelor degree level programmes, who are motivated to make a positive difference in society.
Click on the above links for application forms or for more information about each scholarship, or contact the Scholarships Team.
Application Support is available for ākonga through ourAccess4Success team or Careers Team. Please book an appointment early and prior to the application deadline if you would like to discuss or seek support with your application: email Access4Success team or book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec -
Financial hardship has been identified by disabled and neurodivergent learners as a barrier to pursuing higher education. The financial and additional support that this scholarship offers is intended to help lessen this barrier by helping to support students with education related costs. Disabled and neurodivergent students in level 3 to 8 programmes are encouraged to apply.
2025 Applications for new and continuing students are now open
Round 1: Opens 23 August 2024 | Closes 13th January 2025
To apply, you must
- be a domestic student, i.e. a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident
- be enrolled, full-time or part-time, in an undergraduate certificate, diploma or degree, or a postgraduate certificate or diploma (Level 3 to 8) programme that takes at least one semester of full-time study to complete
- have a verified disability (provide documentation or be registered with Access4Success), which for the purpose of this scholarship, includes:
- physical
- psychological
- mental health disorder including anxiety, depression
- neurological, including specific learning disabilities, ADHD and Autism
- long term (6 months or more) injury or long-term medical illness/condition/impairment that impacts on the ability to learn
- intellectual
- traumatic brain injury
Please read the 2025 Āheinga Equity Scholarship Regulations for more information on requirements, the application questions, and selection processes.
Selection Bases
A selection committee will review all eligible applications and make award recommendations based on:
- responses to application questions; and
- preference may be given to students who are:
- in their second or third year of study at Unitec and have passed a minimum of 50% of their courses in their most recent semester of study;
- first-time applicants who have not received the Āheinga Equity Scholarship before;
- able to demonstrate that financial support will have an impact on their ability to pursue their studies
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team
Ally Network ally@unitec.ac.nz - Unitec Institute of Technology -
Unitec is committed to providing an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity, by identifying and addressing barriers that diverse students face when engaged in tertiary study. This scholarship is intended to address some of the unique barriers diverse gender students encounter.
Applications for 2024 are now closed
Opened 9th May 2024 | Closed 6th June 2024
Eligibility for Diverse Gender Scholarship
To be eligible for the Scholarship, an applicant must:
- identify as outside the gender binary. This can include but is not limited to transgender, intersex, gender fluid, gender queer, gender questioning
- be a domestic student, i.e., a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident
- have applied or already be enrolled, full-time (or part-time by exception), in an undergraduate certificate, diploma or degree, or a postgraduate certificate or diploma (Level 3 to 8) programme, that takes at least one semester of full-time study to complete
*For the purposes of this scholarship Diverse Gender includes tangata ira tane, FtM, MtF, transsexual, fa'afafine, transgender, whakawahine, transmen, transwomen, akava'ine, leiti, intersex, genderqueer and gender-neutral people.
Please read the Diverse Gender Scholarship Regulations for more information.
Selection Bases
The Selection Committee will review all eligible applications and make award recommendations based on a combination of:
- responses to the scholarship questions;
- feedback from Referee identified on the application;
- Unitec priority group goals – namely to achieve parity for Māori, Pacific and Under 25 students, and enhance the success of Disabled and Neurodiverse learners, sole parents, and ākonga with carers responsibilities; and
Preference is given to students who:
- demonstrate that financial support will have an impact on their ability to pursue their studies
- are first-time applicants who have not received the Diverse Gender Scholarship before
Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT) involves polytechnics, industry training organisations, support organisations, and industry all working together to stand behind you, support you and connect you right into the heart of building, construction and infrastructure trades and, for the first time, health and wellbeing jobs. The Government is making your journey a little easier with free full tuition training for those who qualify.
These scholarships cover the tuition fees for various trades programmes and help you progress towards an apprenticeship and into a job.
Selection criteria
- Be of Māori or Pacific descent
- Be aged 16 - 40 at the time of course start date
- Be enrolled in an eligible programme at Unitec
- Complete work-ready workshops during the course (MPTT scholarship only)
- Demonstrate a desire to succeed in the trades industry
- Be committed to completing the programme
If there are more applicants than places available, those with a good academic record or with relevant work experience will be given preference for selection.
Eligible trades programmes
- New Zealand Certificate in Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying (Level 3)
- New Zealand Certificate Automotive Engineering (Level 3)
- New Zealand Certificate in Electrical Pre-Trade (Level 3)
- New Zealand Certificate Mechanical Engineering (Level 3)
- New Zealand Certificate in Construction Trade Skills – Carpentry pathway (Level 3)
- New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 4)
How to apply
Step 1
To apply for an MPTT scholarship, you need to be enrolled in an eligible programme first.
Apply for an eligible programme »
Step 2
Once enrolled in an eligible programme, complete the scholarship application form and attend an interview.
Approximately 100+ scholarships are provided annually. The 2024 scholarship's offering is subject to TEC funding.
Dan Zhao - (dzhao@unitec.ac.nz) or call +64 9 815 4321 ext 7373 - The School of Bridgepoint -
To be eligible, you must:
- Be a refugee, protected person, or person who has been sponsored by a refugee or protected person
- Be a New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident (including pending decision)
- Be able to achieve Level 3 (or higher) at one of the Language Studies Placement Tests.
The Language Studies placement tests are held throughout the year.
Call us at 0800 10 95 10 or come into Student Central at Mt Albert and we can arrange a test - view our campus maps webpage.
This grant will cover your English language course fees only.
The Unitec Study Grant is available for current students who are experiencing financial difficulty and finding it hard to come up with the additional costs needed for essential course-related costs/materials. This could include photocopying and printing costs, textbooks, travel costs to practicums, or specialised equipment for your course. Students can apply for materials and expenses up to $500.
Grants are not available for tuition fees, day-to-day travel, or living costs. International students are not eligible for this grant. Students studying short courses (less than 16 weeks) are ineligible for this funding.
How to apply
- Complete the online Student Financial Assistance Form
- Make an appointment with a Student Support Advisor
You will be required to provide:
- Bank statements for the four weeks leading up to the application
- Verification you've already accessed StudyLink Student Loan course-related costs
- Written quotes for course materials*
*For written quotes please email studentsupport@unitec.ac.nz for a list of our preferred vendors.
How to make an appointment
If you would like to book an appointment with our Student Support Advisors, please visit Student Support Advisors page to find out how.
Applications for 2025 employment are now open.
The Whai Ake Māori mentoring programme aims to provide a strong support system for tauira Māori in tertiary education. The programme is designed to support tauira to engage with their culture throughout their journey at Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka and to enhance their leadership capabilities.
We want all tauira Māori who meet the eligibility criteria and who can demonstrate a commitment to the Whai Ake programme to consider applying.
Eligibility for Whai Ake Maori Mentoring Opportunity - Tuakana (Mentors)
To apply, you must:
- be a domestic student, i.e. New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident;
- be a current full-time tauira Māori enrolled in a diploma, degree or postgrad level Unitec programme
- have completed at least two semesters of study at Unitec in a certificate, diploma or degree
- be enrolled as a New Zealand Māori student
Please read the Whai Ake Tuakana Job Description for more information
Selection Criteria
As part of our shortlisting process we might give preference to applicants who:
- are aged between 18-25 years
- have previously completed Whai Ake as a Teina
- have been a Whai Ake Tuakana in previous years
All shorlisted applicants will be invited to attend an interview.
Need help or have more questions? Email the Whai ake i te Ara Tika Academic Co-ordinator Jonyne Mariu-Komene jkomene@unitec.ac.nz.
Still want more info? Find out more at Whai Ake.
Open 4th February 2025 | Close 5th March 2025
We want all tauira Māori who are new to tertiary education or new to Unitec to apply along with tauira who have studied with Unitec in the past.
Eligibility for Whai Ake Māori Scholarship - Teina
To be eligible, you must:
- be a domestic student, i.e. a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident
- have enrolled, full-time or part-time, in a Semester 1 undergraduate certificate, diploma or degree, or a postgraduate certificate or diploma (Level 3 to 8) that takes at least one semester of fulltime study to complete
- be enrolled as a New Zealand Māori.
Please read the Scholarship Regulations for full details.
Selection Criteria
As part of our shortlisting process, we will give preference to tauira who are new to Unitec and aged between 18 - 25 years. However, your responses to the application questions and in interview, are important to our final decisions.
Need help or have more questions? Email the Whai ake i te Ara Tika Academic Co-ordinator Jonyne Mariu-Komene jkomene@unitec.ac.nz.
Still want more info? Find out more at Whai Ake Scholarship.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec and MIT -
Te Pūkenga recognises that financial support is essential for our ākonga in managing their study goals. The scholarship provides financial support and the opportunity to participate in industry work placement opportunities.
Open 27th January 2025 | Closed 30 April 2025
To be eligible, you must:
- be Māori or Pacific descent, or
- be a woman (assigned female at birth and/or self-identify as female); and
- be a domestic student, i.e., a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident; and
- be in your first or second year of your Bachelor or Diploma level programme; and
- have applied/ or be enrolled at MIT or Unitec in one of the programmes listed below
Eligible Unitec programmes:
- New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Electrical) (Level 6)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical) (Level 7)
Eligible MIT Programmes:
- New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Electrical) (Level 6)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical) (Level 7)
Please read the regulations for further information:
- Unitec Regulations for Advanced Energy Technology Scholarship
- MIT Regulations for Advanced Energy Technology Scholarship
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec -
Opened 16 August 2024 | Closed 6 September 2024
Eligibility for The Anna Smith Nursing Scholarship
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Archiland -
Unitec recognises that financial support is an important consideration for our ākonga in managing their study goals. The scholarship provides both financial support and industry mentoring opportunities provided by the Sponsor.
Applications for 2024 are now closed.
Open 28 May 2024 | Closed 11 June 2024
To apply, you must:
- be fluent in Mandarin
- be enrolled full-time in one of the below Level 6 and above programmes
- New Zealand Diploma in Architectural Technology
- New Zealand Diploma in Construction (Construction Management)
- New Zealand Diploma in Construction (Quantity Surveying)
- New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Civil)
- New Zealand Diploma in Interior Design (Commercial)
- New Zealand Diploma in Surveying
- Bachelor of Architectural Studies
- Bachelor of Construction (Construction Economics)
- Bachelor of Construction (Construction Management)
- Bachelor of Construction (Property Development)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil)
- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
- Master of Architecture (Professional)
- Master of Architecture
- Master of Landscape Architecture
- have completed a minimum of 120 credits (equivalent of 1 year of full-time study) in one of the above programmes at Unitec
- have a GPA of 3.0 (a C+ average) or above in your most recent semester of study.
Please read the Archiland Architecture and Construction Community Impact Scholarship Regulations for more information.
Application Details
Please have the following information ready before you start the application as you cannot save and return to it:
Short Answers (approx 150 words) to the following questions:
- why are you studying your particular Diploma, Bachelor or Master’s Degree and what are you hoping to do with your degree after you complete it?
- what and/or who motivates you to succeed in your study?
- how do you give back to whānau/fanau, community and the Unitec whānau/community?
- In what ways can the Architecture and Building industry impact Aotearoa’s communities and what personal values do you hope to take with you into the industry?
- how will this scholarship help support you with your studies?
Selection Criteria
The selection committee review all eligible applications and will make award recommendations based on a combination of:
- responses to the scholarship questions;
- GPA scores; and
- Unitec priority group goals - namely to achieve parity for Māori, Pacific and Under 25 students, and enhance the success of Disabled and Neurodiverse learners, sole parents, and ākonga with carers responsibilities.
Applications for the Bold Innovators Scholarship 2023 are closed.
The award includes a $5,000 scholarship, a $500 weekly stipend (payable for up to 14 weeks), negotiated access to Unitec’s facilities (for example, the library, workshops, studios) and professional mentoring.
Only New Zealand and Australian citizens and residents are eligible for this scholarship.
For more information, download the Bold Innovators Scholarship brochure.
The Fred Tschopp Senior Scholarship is made possible by a generous Endowment made by its Founder Fred Jr. and the New Zealand and California Tschopp Family.
The award commemorates the life and achievements of Fred Tschopp Senior, a Swiss-American certified landscape architect who pioneered modern, innovative landscape architecture in New Zealand during the years 1929-1932. Fred Tschopp Snr. is thought to be the first trained and registered landscape architect who practised in this country. He is recognised in refereed publications as New Zealand's first modern practitioner.
The Fred Tschopp Senior Scholarship is a Fees Award given to an entry level student who satisfies the following criteria through the presentation of a portfolio and a two page written statement of your research proposal and the way that the research work will ‘honour the legacy of Fred Tschopp Snr.’. This will be presented to the Tschopp Scholarship panel. (Or submitted via email)
The successful student will be selected on the basis that their design portfolio and research statement demonstrates:
- The potential for their research to contribute new knowledge to the discipline of landscape architecture through design research
- The potential to make a challenging, exciting and significant difference to our world, cities and landscapes
- The potential to honour the legacy of Fred Tschopp Snr., as characterized by his creative and innovative expansion of the traditional boundaries of the Profession of Landscape Architecture as represented in his "Pioneering work in Rotorua".
More information on the landscape career of Fred Tschopp.
Application for the scholarship closes on October of the year prior to study so please get your application in to the Academic Administration Team academicadministration@unitec.ac.nz as soon as possible.
To apply for the scholarship, please email your portfolio to the Academic Administration team.
The scholarship is open to both Domestic and International students
Applications for this scholarship have now closed.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - The Kate Edger Foundation -
Applications for 2025 have now closed
Opened 20 September 2024 | Closed 4 November 2024
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants for the Macandrew Award in Performing Arts must:
- identify as a female;
- reside in West Auckland;
- be a New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Resident
- Enrolled full time in the third year of the Performing and Screen Arts Programme
Recipient Selection Criteria
- the applicant’s academic record; (for the purpose of this award, academic merit will be assessed from the GPA or GPE obtained over the applicant’s first two years of graded study in the Performing and Screen Arts Programme at Unitec)
- the applicant’s referee’s report
- the applicant’s need for financial assistance
- the applicant’s aspirations for the future
- any special circumstances, e.g. family responsibilities, personal disability, considered relevant
Eligibility criteria
Please refer to the Masters Scholarship Guidelines for full details.
The scholarship is open to both Domestic and International students
2025 Applications
Applications close on 31 January 2025.
Eligibility criteria
Please refer to the Master Scholarship Guidelines for details.
The scholarship is open to both Domestic and International students.
2025 Applications
Applications close on 31 January 2025
Eligibility criteria
Please read the Masters Scholarship Guidelines for full details and eligibility criteria.
The scholarship is open to both Domestic and International students.
2025 Applications
Applications close on 31 January 2025.
Eligibility criteria
Please read the Masters Scholarship Guidelines for full details.
The scholarship is open to both Domestic and International students.
2025 Applications
Applications close on 31 January 2025.
Eligibility criteria
Please read the Masters Scholarship Guidelines for full details.
2025 Applications
Applications close on 31 January 2025.
Eligibility criteria
Please read the Masters Scholarship Guidelines for full details.
2025 Applications
Applications close on 31 January 2025.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Maynard Marks – Property and Building Consultancy -
Applications for 2024 will open early March
Open 16th February 2023 | Closes 28th March 2023
Supporting emerging talent is key to ensuring the quality of our built environment continues to address and solve the challenges presented to the construction industry. The delivery of successful building projects is dependent on hard work, innovation, and best practice solutions. It also involves the successful collaboration of multiple disciplines.
To apply you must:
- Be currently enrolled fulltime in their first or second year of one of the below programmes:
- Bachelor of Construction (Construction Economics)
- Bachelor of Construction (Construction Management)
- Bachelor of Construction (Property Development)
- New Zealand Diploma in Architectural Technology
- New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Civil)
- Be a New Zealand citizen or holder of a New Zealand Permanent Resident visa
- Have not completed a tertiary level degree or diploma at Unitec or any other Tertiary Education Provider.
Please read the 2023 Maynard Marks - Property and Building Consultancy Excellence Scholarship Regulations for more information.
Selection Criteria
The following will be taken into account for all eligible applicants:
- Motivation to succeed in their chosen course and pursue a career in the building industry, as demonstrated in the Scholarship application.
- Demonstrated understanding of the value of the community in relation to the building industry.
- Personal achievements, showing extra-curricular excellence such as community activities and/or others, as demonstrated in the Scholarship application.
- Priority may also be given to:
- First in family to pursue higher education
- Students who would experience significant hardship due to the cost of living while studying.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - New Zealand Chinese Building Industry Association -
Applications for 2024 are now closed.
Open 21 May 2024 | Closed 11 June 2024
Eligibility Criteria for NZCBIA Scholarship (in partnership with Kohler)
To be eligible for the Scholarship, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
- Be currently enrolled fulltime (minimum of 60 credits) in their first or second year in one of the below programmes:
Be as a first year student in:
- NZ Diploma in Interior Design (Residential); or
- NZ Diploma in Interior Design (Commercial); or
- New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Civil); or
- New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Electrical); or
- New Zealand Diploma in Surveying; or
- New Zealand Diploma in Architecture Technology; or
- New Zealand Diploma in Construction; or
- Master of Landscape Architecture; or
- Master of Architecture (Professional)
Be a first or second year student in:
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil); or
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical); or
- Bachelor of Construction (Construction Management); or
- Bachelor of Construction (Construction Economics); or
- Bachelor of Construction (Property Development); or
- Bachelor of Applied Technology – Electrotechnology; or
- Bachelor of Architecture Studies; or
- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
- Completed at least one semester (60 credits) in one of the above programmes.
- Achieved an average grade of B- or above for their previous semester’s study.
- Be intending to pursue a career in the building industry, as demonstrated in the Scholarship Application.
As part of the scholarship application an academic referee’s contact details are required.
Please read the NZCBIA Excellence Scholarship Regulations for full details
Selection bases
Preference will be given to:
- Academic merit; as demonstrated in their previous semester(s) study.
- Learners that have a motivation to pursue a career in the building industry, as demonstrated in the Scholarship application.
- Personal achievements, showing extra-curricular excellence such as community activities and otherwise, as demonstrated in the scholarship application.
Application Details
Please have the following information ready before you start the application as you cannot save and return to it:
Short Answers (approx 150 words) to the following questions:
- Why are you interested in your programme of study? What motivates you to succeed in your studies?
- What are your future career aspirations? How do you plan on becoming a leader within your industry?
- Please list any extracurricular activities you're currently involved in or any other personal achievements you would like to highlight to the selection committee.
- How will this Scholarship help support you in your studies?
Find out more about New Zealand Chinese Building Industry Association.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Okareka Charitable Trust -
Students who will be completing their final year of their degree in 2025 are encouraged to apply for this scholarship. The Okareka Charitable Trust especially welcomes applications from students in Building & Construction, Computing & Information Technology, Engineering, Business, and Healthcare programmes.
Key dates
Round 1: Opened 20 August 2024 | Closed 3 October 2024
Round 2: Opened 4 October 2024 | Closed 14th March 2025
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible, you must:
- be a domestic student, i.e. a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident
- be completing the final semester or year of one of the below programmes:
- Healthcare
- Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Imaging)
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Engineering
- NZ Diploma in Engineering (Electrical)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical)
- Automotive Engineering
- Bachelor of Applied Technology – Transport Management
- Land Surveying
- NZ Diploma in Surveying
- Environmental and Animal Sciences
- Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing
- NZ Diploma in Veterinary Nursing
- NZ Certificate in Animal Technology (Veterinary Nursing Assistant)
- Construction
- Bachelor of Construction (Construction Management)
New Zealand Diploma in Construction (Quantity Surveying)
- Computing
- Graduate Diploma in Computing
- Business
- Bachelor of Accounting
- Healthcare
- have a GPA of 4.0 or above in your most recent semester of study, and passed all previous papers in your programme of study
- be facing financial challenges or difficult circumstances
The value of the scholarship varies dependent on the cost and length of programme for which the scholarship is awarded.
Please read the Okareka Charitable Trust Scholarship Regulations for more information on requirements.
Applications are closed
Open July 2023 | Close 21 August 2023
Eligibility Criteria
- New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
- At least 18 years old at the date of applying
- Have been a resident in New Zealand for at least 12 of the previous 24 months
- Not an immediate relative of an Education New Zealand staff member or selection panel member
- Medically fit to travel (successful applicants will need to agree to complete any routine medical checks performed at the border, such as COVID-19 tests)
- Able to attend the full duration of your proposed programme overseas
- Eligible for an entry visa into your host country
- Have not previously received a Prime Minister's Group Scholarship
- The host country region or regions you intend to visit during your programme must be safe for travel (rated either "exercise normal safety and security precautions" or "exercise increased caution" on New Zealand's SafeTravel advisory scale) - noting that travel advisories may change at any time.
- Be enrolled in a programme relevant to the scholarship at a Te Pūkenga campus.
Applicable subjects/ career fields
- Art
- Business
- Entrepreneurship
- Finance
- Graphic design
- IT/Computer science
- Photography
For more information please visit the Te Pūkenga website
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec Institute of Technology -
Unitec recognises that financial support is an important consideration for ākonga/learners considering study. The scholarship provides both financial support and mentoring opportunities in the first year of study.
Scholarship recipients are expected to be involved and participate in the Unitec Māori Community.
2025 Applications for new student scholarships will open
Round 1: Opens 23rd August 2024 | Closes 13th January 2025
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible, you must:
- be a domestic student, i.e. a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident
- be enrolling for the first time at Unitec in Semester 1, 2025
- be enrolled as a Māori student
- be starting in a programme from Level 3 to 8 (certificate, diploma, undergraduate degree, postgraduate certificate or diploma) that takes at least one semester of full-time study to complete.
Please read the 2025 Te Pou Angitū Scholarship Regulations for more information on requirements, the application questions and selection processes.
Included in the application is a section for ākonga to provide their Whakapapa utilising this Pepehā Template.
Selection Bases
A selection committee will review all eligible applications and make award recommendations based on:
- responses to the scholarship application questions; and
- preference may be given to learners who demonstrate that financial support will have an impact on their ability to begin their tertiary studies at Unitec.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec Institute of Technology -
Unitec recognises that financial support is an important consideration for our ākonga in managing their next steps. The scholarship provides both financial support and mentoring opportunities in the first year of the new programme of study.
Scholarship recipients are expected to be involved in the Unitec Māori Community.
2025 applications will open
Round 1: Opens 23rd August 2024 | Closes 13th January 2025
To be eligible, you must:
- be a domestic student, i.e., a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident;
- be enrolled as a Māori student;
- have completed a Level 3-8 programme at Unitec and are beginning a new programme of study at Unitec in semester 1, 2025;
- be enrolled in a Level 4-8 programme (diploma, undergraduate degree, postgraduate certificate or diploma) that takes at least one semester of full-time study to complete; and
- have a GPA of 3.5 (which is a B minus average) or above, in your most recent semester of study.
Please read the 2025 Te Pou Aupiki Scholarship Regulations for more information on requirements, the application questions and selection processes.
A section for ākonga to include their Whakapapa is included in the scholarship application. It follows this Pepehā Template.
Selection Bases
A selection committee will review all eligible applications and make award recommendations based on:
- responses to the application questions; and
- preference may be given to learners who demonstrate that financial support will have an impact on their ability to continue their studies.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec -
Unitec recognises that financial support is an important consideration for our ākonga in managing their study goals. The scholarship provides both financial support and mentoring opportunities.
2025 applications will open
Round 1: Opens 23rd August 2024 | Closes 13th January 2025
To apply, you must:
- be a domestic student, i.e., a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident;
- be enrolled as a Māori student;
- have completed and passed a minimum of 60 credits within your current undergraduate diploma or bachelor level programme at Unitec;
- be continuing in your current programme of study as a full-time (or pre-approved part-time) student; and
- have a GPA of 6.0 (which equates to a B+ average) or above, in your most recent semester of study for graded courses, or all PASS grades for Pass/Fail courses.
Please read the 2025 Te Pou Hiranga Scholarships Regulations for more information.
Selection Bases
The Selection Committee will review all eligible applications and will make award recommendations based on a combination of:
- responses to the scholarship questions; and
- may give preference to learners who demonstrate that financial support will have an impact on their ability to continue their studies.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec Institute of Technology -
Opens 30 Aug 2024 | Closed 3 October 2024
Eligibility criteria for Unitec Kura Kaupapa and Rumaki Reo Scholarships
To be eligible for the Scholarship, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
- be a domestic student, i.e., a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident
- have exited from Kura Kaupapa and Rumaki Reo within the last 24 months
- be starting in a programme from Level 3 to 8 (certificate, diploma, undergraduate degree, postgraduate certificate or diploma) that takes at least one semester of full-time study to complete
Selection Bases:
- responses to the scholarship application questions
- Preference may be given to:
- Students residing in Tāmaki Makaurau
- Students who demonstrate that financial support will have an impact on their ability to study at Unitec.
Please read the 2025 Kura Kaupapa and Rumaki Reo Scholarship regulations for more details.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec -
Unitec recognises that financial support is an important consideration for our ākonga in managing their study goals. The scholarship provides both financial support and mentoring opportunities.
2025 applications will open
Round 1: Opens 23 August 2024 | Closed 13th January 2025
To apply, you must:
- be a domestic student, i.e. a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident;
- be enrolled as a Pacific student;
- have completed and passed a minimum of 60 credits within your current undergraduate diploma or bachelor level programme at Unitec;
- be continuing in your current programme of study as a full-time (or pre-approved part-time) student;
- have at least one semester of study left to complete your current programme; and
- have a GPA of 6.0 (which equates to a B+ average) or above in your most recent semester of study for graded courses, or all PASS grades for Pass/Fail courses.
Please read the 2025 Unitec Pacific Academic Excellence Scholarship Regulations for more information.
Selection Bases
The Selection Committee will review all eligible applications and will make award recommendations based on a combination of:
- GPA scores;
- responses to the scholarship questions; and
- may give preference to learners who demonstrate that financial support will have an impact on their ability to continue their studies.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec Institute of Technology -
Unitec recognises that financial support is an important consideration for our ākonga in managing their next steps. The scholarship provides both financial support and mentoring opportunities in the first year of the new programme of study.
Pacific Learners who have done well in their studies and want to progress to a new programme, are encouraged to apply.
2025 applications will open
Round 1: Opens 23rd August 2024 | Closes 13th January 2025
To apply, you must:
- be a domestic student, i.e., a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident;
- be enrolled as a Pacific student;
- be completing or have completed a Level 3-8 programme at Unitec and are beginning a new programme of study at Unitec in semester 1, 2025;
- be enrolling in a Level 4-8 programme (certificate, diploma, undergraduate degree, postgraduate certificate or diploma) that takes at least one semester of full-time study to complete; and
- have a GPA of 3.5 (which is a B minus average) or above in your most recent semester of study.
Please read the 2025 Unitec Pacific Progression Scholarship Regulations for more information.
Selection Bases
The following will be taken into account for all eligible applicants:
- GPA scores;
- responses to the scholarship questions; and
- may give preference to learners who demonstrate that financial support will have an impact on their ability to continue their studies.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec Institute of Technology -
Unitec recognises that financial support is an important consideration for ākonga considering study. The scholarship provides both financial support and mentoring opportunities in the first semester of study.
Scholarship recipients are expected to be involved and participate in the Unitec Pacific Community.
2025 applications for new student scholarships will open:
Round 1: Opens 23rd August 2024 | Closes 13th January 2025
Eligibility Criteria
To apply, you must:
- be a domestic student, i.e. New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident
- be enrolling for the first time at Unitec in Semester 1 2025
- be enrolled as a Pacific student
- be starting a programme from Level 3 to 8 (certificate, diploma, undergraduate degree, postgraduate certificate or diploma) that takes at least one semester of full-time study to complete.
Please read the 2025 Unitec Pacific Success Scholarship Regulations for more information.
Selection bases
A selection committee will review all eligible applications and make award recommendations based on responses to the scholarship application questions. In combination with that, preference may be given to:
- learners who demonstrate that financial support will have an impact on their ability to begin their tertiary studies at Unitec; and
- recent School leavers
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Unitec Institute of Technology -
Opens 30 August 2024 | Closed 3 October 2024.
Eligibility criteria for Unitec Vocational Pathway Scholarships.
To be eligible for the Scholarship, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
- be a domestic student, i.e., a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident
- have exited secondary school or kura within the last 24 months
- have completed at least one vocational pathway programme through the Unitec Pathways College during secondary school or kura
- be starting in a programme from Level 3 to 8 (certificate, diploma, undergraduate degree, postgraduate certificate or diploma) that takes at least one semester of full-time study to complete
Selection Bases:
- responses to the scholarship application questions
- Preference may be given to:
- Students residing in Tāmaki Makaurau
- Students who demonstrate that financial support will have an impact on their ability to study at Unitec.
Please read the 2025 Vocational Pathway Scholarship Regulations for more details.
For help completing a scholarship application - book an appointment with our careers team - Woods Glass NZ -
Applications for 2024 have now closed.
Open 9th April 2024 | Closed 13th May 2024
To apply, you must:
- be a domestic student, i.e., a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident;
- have completed a minimum of 120 credits (equivalent of 1 year of full-time study) in one of the Unitec Diploma level programmes listed below, or a minimum of 240 credits (equivalent of 2 years of full-time study) in the listed Bachelor level programmes at Unitec listed below;
- have a GPA of 3.0 or above in your most recent semester of study;
- be enrolled full-time at Unitec in one of the Level 6 and above programmes listed here:
- NZ Diploma in Construction (Quantity Surveying);
- NZ Diploma in Construction (Construction Management);
- NZ Diploma in Architectural Technology;
- Bachelor of Construction (Construction Economics);
- Bachelor of Construction (Construction Management);
- Bachelor of Architectural Studies
Please read the Woods Glass NZ Construction Scholarship Regulations for more information.
These scholarships are designed to grow our Māori nursing and midwifery workforce at Auckland DHB to ensure that we are meeting our obligation to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and enable equitable workforce participation for Māori. This endeavor recognizes that Māori caring for Māori is crucial to culturally responsive and competent care as well as helping eliminate health inequities experienced by our indigenous Māori population. Provision of scholarships to Māori is aimed at eliminating financial barriers to tertiary education and enabling potential in our communities.
Open and Close Dates
Opening dates for the scholarship - October / December each year
Please read the A+ Trust - ADHB Health Workforce Scholarships Programme 2019-2025 document for more information.
Applicant Guidelines
A+ Trust in partnership with Auckland DHB are pleased to provide undergraduate scholarships to nursing students in their region from 2019-2025. Applicants will need to complete this form thoroughly and legibly and provide any supportive documentation as required. This form is to be used for undergraduate registered nursing scholarships only.
Who is eligible to apply for this scholarship?
- Scholarships will only be available to students enrolled in the following tertiary education institutions: Massey University Albany, Auckland University of Technology, UNITEC, University of Auckland and Manukau Institute of Technology, WINTEC (for Midwifery students only).
- You will be a New Zealand Citizen or New Zealand permanent resident to be eligible for any of the scholarships.
- You will not be able to hold a scholarship within this programme and at the same time hold another scholarship from another DHB.
- You will be of New Zealand Maori ethnicity and can describe your whakapapa
- You will be of indigenous Pacific island ethnicity (for midwifery and enrolled nurse scholarships only)
- Maori applicants will be eligible for midwifery, registered nursing and enrolled nursing scholarships
- Pacific applicants will be eligible for midwifery and enrolled nursing scholarships
- Those wishing to study at the postgraduate level are not eligible for these scholarships.
- Students who are not Māori or Pacific island descent.
Applications for 2025 open in July
Open 1 July 2024 | Close 31 August 2024
Application Criteria
Women who are:
- New Zealand citizens
- At least 25 years old on 1 September 2024
- Enrolled in an NZQA -approved education programme, undertaken in NZ
- Have a proven record of academic achievement
- Able to use the scholarship in the 2025 academic year
Applicants will be notified of the trustees’ decision in late October or November 2024. Payment will be made on receipt of evidence of acceptance into your programme of study.
How to apply
For more information and to download an application form, please go to the webpage Betty Loughhead Soroptimist Scholarship Trust
Applications closed for 2022
Flame Stoppers Ltd is New Zealand’s leading provider of Passive Fire Protection. We are committed to positive change in the construction industry and are proud to give back to the industry and local communities. Care is at the heart of what we do and we’re passionate about making a difference.
We would like to encourage & mentor high achieving Māori & Pasifika Quantity Surveyors to become leaders in the industry and also their communities.
We believe by supporting high achieving Māori & Pasifika Quantity Surveyors we will not only bring positive change to the industry, but also to the Māori & Pasifika communities.
Award Conditions and Application Form
You must be:
- of Māori or Pacific descent
- a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
- a member of the New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NZQIS)
- enrolled in the Bachelor of Construction (Construction Economics) – Unitec
- enrolling into the second year of the degree in 2022
Selection criteria
- Academic achievement as demonstrated in course results to date
- Motivation to achieve in their study and in the industry
- Openness and willingness to learn
Please read the Award Conditions and Application Form for more information.
More Information
NZIQS are administering the Scholarship applications on behalf of Flame Stoppers Ltd.
Applications for 2023 are closed
Open 1 July 2023 | Closes 1 October 2023
The value of this award is $10,000, which can be spread over three years depending on your study plans. Note, no more than $5,000 will be allocated in any one year.
To be eligible, you must:
- be a student over the age of 18 years who identifies as female
- be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
- be in your second, or subsequent year of full time tertiary study (including Honours and Masters students)
- have enrolled, or been accepted into a full time degree majoring in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) at an approved NZQA accredited tertiary provider in New Zealand for the next academic year. Note: the STEM disciplines GCSB are interested in include computer science, cyber security, technology, mathematics, computer engineering, and data science
Applicants should demonstrate
- proven leadership qualities and/or experience
- voluntary work (including coaching and mentoring)
- commitment to pursuing a STEM career
- clear understanding of the importance of STEM for New Zealand
- academic achievement and excellence.
Successful scholarship winners will be notified in November 2023.
For more information and to complete an application form, visit the GCSB website.
Click to download a Women in STEM brochure.
kā Pūtea Scholarships are not available to first year students who are eligible for the Fees Free initiative.
Applications for 2023 are now closed
Open 6 February 2022 | Closes 7 April 2023
There are 58 Undergraduate Targeted Scholarships available for individuals studying a Certificate to level 7 and 24 Postgraduate Scholarships.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible, you must:
- be enrolled as a Māori student
- be a registered Ngāi Tahu member
- have evidence of previous years’ study i.e. academic transcript
- have an outline of Ngā Tahu/ Papatipu Rūnanga involvement
- have a Statement of support for your application i.e. a letter from a Ngāi Tahu member or Ngāi Tahu associated group who can attest to your suitability for a Kā Pūtea Scholarship.
Application Criteria
- Prepared essay (no more than 1,000 words
- Undergraduate question: Please explain how you plan to use the skills and knowledge obtained from your tertiary studies to show evidence of reciprocity to Ngāi Tahu iwi, whānau and hapū.
- Postgraduate question: Select ONE of the below seven key areas and provide an essay discussing how your qualification(s) will impact the advancement of Ngāi Tahu in your chosen area.
- Mahinga kai
- Whakapapa
- Whenua/Taiao
- Mahi Toi
- Hauora
- Mātauranga
- NB: Supporting documentation must be verified copies of originals
The Kate EdgerFoundation is pleased to announce, in conjunction with the NZ Contemporary Art Trust, that applications for the 2025 NZ Contemporary Art Award are now open. The Award is intended to foster greater understanding of and engagement with contemporary art in New Zealand and to encourage awareness of the benefits of art to society.
2025 Applications
Closing date: 4th November 2024
Eligibility criteria
To apply you must be:
a New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident
intending to enrol full time in the third year or above of a Bachelor’s or Postgraduate Degree in Fine Arts, Visual Arts or Design and Contemporary Art
The Award is available for a student who will be enrolled in 2025 in the third year or above of a degree or post-graduate degree in an Arts-related area at a NZQA-accredited tertiary institute in the Auckland or Northland region.
One Award of $5000 is available to contribute towards the payment of academic fees.
Application forms are available on their website
2025 Application dates
Close 29 April 2025
Eligibility Criteria
To apply, you must be:
- a women;
- a New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident
- enrolled full time in the third year or above of a Bachelor’s or Postgraduate Degree in Fine Arts, Visual Arts or Design and Contemporary Art
Each applicant for these awards must submit their application on the current prescribed application form, together with the following:
- a certified copy or statutory declaration of her academic record (this can be in the form of a certified digital document from the tertiary institution);
- a certified copy of evidence of status as a New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident;
- confirmation that a confidential report has been sought from one referee
For more information and application forms, visit the Kate Edger Educational Foundation
2025 Applications
Closed: 17 February 2025
The purpose of the Foundation Award is to assist women who have completed a full-time foundation level course (totalling 120 points at tertiary level) into the next step in their tertiary studies.
These awards help cover the course costs for those women now enrolled in full-time study for their first degree or diploma, at an approved institution in the Auckland area.
Unitec is an approved institution for this higher level study.
For more information and application forms, visit the Kate Edger Foundation website.
2025 Applications
Closing date: 28 January 2025
Applicants for a Master’s Degree Award must be:
a) women;
b) New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents;
c) enrolled or preparing to enrol full time for a Master’s Degree at an approved institute in the Auckland region.
In making these awards, the selection committee shall give consideration to:
a) applicant’s academic record;
b) applicant’s referees’ reports;
c) applicant’s need for financial assistance;
d) applicant’s aspirations for the future;
e) any special circumstances e.g. family responsibilities, personal disability, considered
Each applicant for these awards must submit her application on the current prescribed
application form, together with:
a) a certified copy or statutory declaration of her academic record (this can be in the form of a
certified digital document from the tertiary institution);
b) a certified copy of evidence of status as a New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident;
c) confirmation that confidential references have been sought from two referees.
For more information, visit the Kate Edger Foundation website.
Click here for full criteria and application form
Applications for 2025 are now open
Closing date: 18 November 2024
Applicants for the Postgraduate Diploma Awards must be:
a) women;
b) New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents;
c) enrolled or planning to enrol full time for a Postgraduate Diploma, for the following academic year, at an approved institute in the Auckland region
In making these awards, the selection committee shall give consideration to:
a) the applicant’s academic record;
b) the applicant’s referee’s report;
c) the applicant’s need for financial assistance;
d) the applicant’s aspirations for the future;
e) any special circumstances, e.g. family responsibilities, personal disability, considered
Each applicant for these awards must submit her application on the current prescribed
application form, together with:
a) a certified copy or statutory declaration of her academic record (this can be in the form of a certified digital document from the tertiary institution);
b) a certified copy of evidence of status as a New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident;
c) confirmation that a confidential report has been sought from one referee.
For more information, visit the Kate Edger Foundation website.
2025 Applications
Closed: 17 February 2025
To assist a woman to carry out study for a Bachelor's or Master's degree or Postgraduate Diploma with a required practicum component at an approved institute in the Auckland region. Up to four awards will be made for a year of study that requires a student to undertake a practicum which is usually unpaid and involves travel or residence away from home.
This award is administered by the Kate Edger Foundation.
Applicants for the Practicum Award must be:
a) women;
b) New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents;
c) enrolled or preparing to enrol full time for their 3rd or 4th year of a Bachelor’s Degree or for a Postgraduate Diploma or Master’s Degree at an approved institute in the Auckland region.
In making this award, the selection committee shall give consideration to:
a) the applicant’s academic records;
b) the applicant’s referee’s report;
c) the applicant’s need for financial assistance;
d) the financial impact of the practicum requirements;
e) the applicant’s aspirations for the future;
f) any special circumstances, e.g. family responsibilities, personal disability, considered
Each applicant for this award must submit her application on the current prescribed
application form, together with:
a) a certified copy or statutory declaration of her academic record (this can be in the form of a
certified digital document from the tertiary institution);
b) a certified copy of evidence of status as a New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident;
c) confirmation that a confidential reference has been sought from one referee;
d) a copy of the practicum requirements for the course signed by a staff member. This should
give length and possible location of the practicum.
For more information and application forms, visit the Kate Edger Foundation website.
Click here for full criteria and application form
Applications for 17th March 2025 have now closed
Open August 2024 | Closes 17 March 2025, 14 July 2025
The Tressa Thomas award is offered through the Kate Edger Foundation and applications are open now.
Application Criteria
- Women
- New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents
- Enrolled or preparing to enrol full time, in a Certificate, Diploma, or Degree
The attached document contains the full criteria. To apply complete the attached application form and post or email to the Kate Edger Trust.
For more information and application forms, visit the Kate Edger Foundation website.
Click here for full criteria and application form ››
Closing dates: 17 March 2025, 14 July 2025
Applications for 2025 are now Open
Open 1 June | Closes 1 August 2024
Keystone Trust offers students a hand-up into property-related tertiary studies. They have a limited number of scholarships each year for school leavers and tertiary students already studying property and construction-related degrees. Keystone look for motivated students from backgrounds where financial hardship may prevent them from following their tertiary goals. As well as financial support, they also provide mentoring as part of the Keystone Partner Scholarships.
Students from the following programmes are encouraged to apply:
- Bachelor of Construction
- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
- Bachelor of Architecture
- Bachelor of Engineering
Find out more about the Keystone Key Partner Scholarships. Each of the Key Partner scholarships have their own criteria. Information and application processes are online for school leavers and tertiary students.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible, you must:
- be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand
- have successfully completed at least one year of course work by the end of 2024
Each Scholarship includes:
- One year's financial assistance of $5,500 towards course costs/ accommodation/ travel costs/ living/ tuition costs
- the experience of being directly supported and mentored by a Key Scholarship Partner company team member
- site visits
- industry networking opportunities
- student workshops
- access to an engaged alumni
- plus all the benefits of being a part of the wider Keystone Whanau, family
Open and Close Dates
Applications are typically open from December to March each year.
All applications are to be submitted via the Māori Education Trust website www.maorieducation.org.nz
For more information, please email info@maorieducation.org.nz or phone 04 586 7971.
Unitec will put a link here to the current tertiary scholarships programme when it becomes available.
To return to a current scholarship application, log in to the scholarship portal from this link https://metscholarshipportal.tribal-ebs.com/
Eligibility criteria
Please refer to the Master Scholarship Guidelines for details.
The scholarship is open to both Domestic and International students.
2025 Applications
Applications close on 31 January 2025
Key dates for 2024
The next awards cycle will open online in July 2024.
Awards and applications
The Team at New Horizons for Women: Hine Kahukura are streamlining their processes. The intention is to remove barriers to access so that more women have the opportunity to be considered for awards.
Previously, Unitec featured their Second-chance Education Study Awards, which were for Foundation/Diploma Study Awards and Degree Study Awards. These second chance awards were for women who were engaging in tertiary education for the first time.
Looking ahead, it will be great to see what awards are offered that Unitec can promote to students. In the meantime, for more information please go to the New Horizons for Women's website. Their Facebook page also lists great opportunities as they come up, including internship opportunities and scholarships for women from other organisations.
Unitec will include a link to the application portal here, when applications open.
Contact Details: enquiries@newhorizonsforwomen.org.nz
Unitec students who are studying in an allied health pathway, at any level,or studying to build their understanding of Te Ao Māori, are encouraged to apply for these scholarships. For an overview of the different scholarships offered, please go to the Ngā Pou Mana Scholarships page.
Applications for 2023 are closed.
Open: 6th October 2023 | Close: 19th October 2023
You must be of Māori descent and be able to provide some details of your whakapapa
for Category 2 - Ngā Pou Mana Kete Aronui mō te tauira: You must be studying in an allied health pathway at any level (certificate, diploma, degree, postgraduate, masters, PhD or doctorate)
for Cateogry 3 - Ngā Pou Mana Mātauranga Māori: you must be a member of Ngā Pou Mana and entering into study or are in study to build your understanding of Te Ao Māori.
Note: Medical, Pharmacy and Nursing students and professionals cannot apply for Ngā Pou Mana awards.
The application form is available to download when applications are open.
2025 applications are now closed.
Closed 1 September (VET)
The Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship applications close early September for vocational education and training for the following Academic year.
The Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Scholarship Fund Board usually award:
- Three Vocational Education and Training (VET) Scholarships, valued at $10,000 each
- Three Undergraduate scholarships, valued at up to $30,000 each at $10,000 per annum for a maximum of three years
- One Master scholarship valued up to $20,000: $10,000 per year of full-time study for up to two years
To be eligible for these scholarships, you must be
- of Māori descent
- enrolling in or already enrolled to continue tertiary study (Certificate and Diplomas (VET only), Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Doctoral Degree)
- able to describe ngā āhuatanga (characteristics) you possess that are similar to those of the 28th (Māori) Battalion soldiers.
Application Criteria
- confirmation of enrolment at a tertiary institution
- written confirmation of your whakapapa by a kaumātua or Māori leader
- endorsement of your academic achievement and suitability to study or for VET applicants participating in 'hands-on' eligible programmes only, endorsement of your portfolio of work
- a statement that demonstrates your language capabilities and experiences in the use of Te Reo Māori
- statements about ngā āhuatanga (characteristics) you demonstrate that are similar to the 28th (Māori) Battalion soldiers.
For more information please visit the Ministry of Education website.
NERF Scholarships & Grants
The Foundation offers multiple scholarships and grants. To see a full range of the scholarships and grants offered click here.
Key dates
Applications for the NERF Undergraduate Study Scholarship reopen 15th January 2024 and close 12th February 2024.
There are other open and close dates for the different scholarship opportunities - please be sure to check details for their range of scholarships in the Scholarships & Grants Available list.
Undergraduate Study Scholarship
Scholarship value: Up to $2,000.
How to apply
Unitec will add a link to the application form here when applications open.
Important to-dos
- Make sure you use the latest version of the application form! Applications on outdated forms will not be considered.
- Read Zoë Tipa's guest editorial in Kai Tiaki Nursing Research The significance of kaupapa Māori research methodology (PDF, 419KB) for information that may be useful to you when considering applying for scholarships and grants.
You must be a:
- Bachelor of Nursing student who has successfully completed year two of your programme;
- Current NZNO financial member with priority given to those who have not received a grant in the previous two years. Know someone who would like to apply but isn’t a current member? Contact our membership team on 0800 28 38 48 option 2, email membership@nzno.org.nz or click here to fill the form out online.
Applicants must demonstrate:
- academic achievement
- contribution to Nursing (for example support offered to fellow students, going the extra mile for patients)
- contribution to the community (for example involvement in activities outside of nursing - may include family commitments, volunteerism, cultural commitments)
- inclusion of up to two referees who will write a letter of support for the applicant and be available for contact via phone.
Have any questions?
Email grants@nzno.org.nz with any specific questions you may have.
2023 Applications have closed.
The Award
This grant is offered annually to one person.
Eligibility Criteria
1. To be eligible, you must be enrolled full-time in an accredited New Zealand Tertiary Education Institution and be studying for a certificate, diploma, degree or traineeship in any of the following areas:
- Business – including any business related courses from any institution
- Finance – including actuarial, statistics, accounting and general finance courses
- Medicine – including medical and health sciences, surgery and medical research
- Healthcare – including health and fitness-related specialties, sport sciences, health services assistance and international health
- Specialist healthcare – including nursing, optometry, dentistry and pharmacy
2. Only citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand can apply.
3. You must have reached 18 years of age to enter.
See full Terms and Conditions
The challenge
To apply for the OneChoice Futures Grant, you will need to write an essay (maximum 700 words) on why you want to work in your selected industry and the difference you hope to make in your particular field of study.
One Choice are looking for submissions that reflect a desire to improve the quality of people’s lives. It doesn’t have to be great prose, just honest and from the heart, so start thinking about the OneChoice reasons you have chosen the career path you have and then put them into words.
How to apply
All applicants must email the following documentation to grants@onechoice.co.nz:
- Proof of Identification;
- Proof of enrolment, including course name, tertiary institution name and enrolment status;
- Your response (max word count 700 words); and
- Contact details (including residential address).
Selection process
The winner of the grant will be selected and awarded by a panel of judges from the OneChoice Insurance team on the basis of the entry that best grasps the challenge.
Open to full-time and part-time students. The Scholarships are a contribution toward tuition fees only. Accomodation costs, course related costs and study leave are not covered by the Scholarships.
Key dates for 2023 Applications
Open December 2022 | Closes extended to 10 February 2023 at 11:59pm
Applications for the Pacific Health Scholarships 2023 are closed.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible, you must:
- be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
- be of indigenous Pacific Islands descent
- be studying nursing, midwifery, and allied health-related programmes
For more information on requirements please refer to the Te Whatu Ora Website.
Selection Bases
An assessment panel marks completed Scholarship applications according to the following criteria:
- Financial need
- Community connectedness
- Commitment to improving health outcomes for Pacific people
- Understanding Pacific health
- Leadership potential
Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB) is a global independent construction, property and management consultancy, with a team of 500 people across Australia and New Zealand. Please visit www.rlb.com for further information about Rider Levett Bucknall.
Second and third year BCONS (Construction Economics) and second year NZDC (Quantity Surveying) students are encouraged to apply.
Applications for 2024 are now open
Open 10 May 2024 | Closes 5th June 2024
Scholarship Regulations and Application Form
Applicants must be:
- New Zealand citizens
- Studying at Unitec Institute of Technology | Te Pūkenga Auckland campus
- In their second or third year (or fourth year if studying part-time) of the BCons (Property Economics) OR in their second year of the NZDC (Quantity Surveying)
Application Criteria
- Each applicant will need two referees to provide a confidential statement about their abilities
- Completed application forms should be sent to Jane Indries: jane.indries@nz.rlb.com.
Selection Criteria
The basis of selection will be for students with:
- Academic success as demonstrated in course results to date (please provide copies with application)
- Leadership qualities and/or commitment to the community or sporting activities
- Openness and willingness to learn
- Ability to learn from their experiences
- A high level of determination
- A strong interest in estimating software and control management systems
Award Details
Top Achiever Award value: $15000 each (over two years)
Number Available: 2
Award Value: $5000
Number Available: 9(The number and value of specific Scholarships may vary)
Eligibility criteria
Please refer to the Master Scholarship Guidelines for details.
The scholarship is open to both Domestic and International students.
2025 Applications
Applications close on 31 January 2025
Applications for 2024 are closed
Open 1 June 2023 | Closes 7 July 2023
Application criteria
Young women from refugee backgrounds:
- Aged 18 – 25 years
- A permanent resident or citizen of New Zealand
- Already studying at a New Zealand university or tertiary institution
- In financial and/or personal hardship
Documents required
- an INZ immigration document that confirms your refugee-background status
- and proof of your NZ Permanent residency or citizenship
- your school or tertiary academic records for 2021 and 2022
- your results for semester 1, 2023
- an academic reference, preferably written by a lecturer or tutor
- a character reference, written by a respected person in the community
For more information about this scholarship, visit the Sir Robert Jones Refugee Daughters Scholarship webpage.
Closes 31st October 2024
Application criteria
To be eligible, you must be enrolled full-time in an accredited New Zealand Tertiary Education Institution and be studying for a certificate, diploma, degree or traineeship in evidence-based animal care that aligns with SPCA’s organisational position in any of the following areas:
- Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary Science
- Veterinary & Life Sciences
- Animal Care
- Veterinary Nursing
- Animal Studies
- Animal Sciences
- Animal Nutrition
- Veterinary Technology; or
- Any other courses leading to similar careers as an animal carer or pet health specialist (subject to approval)
- Only citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand can apply
- You must be 18 years of age or over to apply.
- Employees of SPCA, Hollard, PetSure, SPCA Pet Insurance, or Greenstone Financial Services NZ Limited, and their immediate family members including a spouse, de-facto spouse, parent, guardian, child or sibling, are ineligible to apply.
How to apply
All applicants must email the following documentation to grants@spcapetinsurance.co.nz
- Proof of Identification
- Proof of enrolment, including course name, tertiary institution name, and enrolment status
- To apply for the Grant, you must write an essay (maximum 500 words) on why you want to work in your selected industry and the difference you hope to make in your particular field of study.
- Contact details (including residential address).
For more information, please go to the webpage SPCA Pet Insurance . The SPCA Pet Insurance Future Animal Carer's Grant will be awarded in 2025.
Applications for 2024 Te Huawhiti Career Changer scholarships are closed
Open 19 September 2023 | Closes 17 October 2023
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible, you must:
- be a domestic student, i.e. a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident
- be enrolled or intending to enrol in one of the approved initial teacher education qualifications listed on the Teachnz website
- be changing your career or profession to teaching. You must have at least 12 years of work experience or equivalent experience (either paid or unpaid) since leaving school.
- be an unqualified teacher currently working in a centre or school (such as a Teacher Aide) have a Limited Authority to Teach or a kaiārahi I te reo
- have not previously received a TeachNZ scholarship
- must have at least seven years work experience or equivalent experience (either paid and unpaid) since leaving school
For more information and to apply, please visit the Teachnz website.
Applications for 2024 Te Waka Whakarei Career Changer Scholarships are closed
Open 19 September 2023 | Closes 17 October 2023
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible, you must:
- be a domestic student, i.e. a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident
- be enrolled or intending to enrol in one of the approved initial teacher education qualifications listed on our website
- be an unqualified teacher currently working in a centre or school (such as a Teacher Aide) have a Limited Authority to Teach or a kaiārahi I te reo
- be changing your career or profession to teaching
- be changing career or profession to teaching
- have at least 12 years work experience or equivalent experience
For more information and to apply, please visit the Teachnz website.
Close by Thursday 13 February 2025
Northland Regional Council’s Tū i te ora Scholarship recognises and supports students to undertake study, research or training that relates to council’s environmental and regulatory functions – providing a springboard for future environmental leaders and champions, whilst contributing to council’s vision ‘Tiakina te taiao, tuia te here tangata – Nurture the environment, bring together the people’.
The scholarship aims to:
- Build Māori capacity within Te Taitokerau and assist students to pursue further education.
- Encourage greater uptake of tertiary education aimed at protecting the environment.
- Develop connections between tertiary students and council.
- Provide support to students experiencing financial hardship and difficulties.
- Encourage mātauranga Māori research and education.
Scholarship value
There are six scholarships available – each includes $4,000 to assist with study costs plus paid work experience with Northland Regional Council from mid-November 2025 to mid-February 2026.
Three scholarship packages are dedicated to Māori (who whakapapa to Te Taitokerau).
Eligibility criteria
The scholarship is available to students who:
- Are a NZ citizen or permanent resident
- Reside in, have family that reside in or have whakapapa (a genealogical connection) to Te Taitokerau (according to Northland Regional Council’s operational boundaries).
- Are studying at an undergraduate or higher qualification level
- Are enrolled (or intend to enrol) in a recognised tertiary course of study that relates to council’s environmental and regulatory functions. Applicants must be enrolled (or intend to enrol) for semester one of 2025.
- Have not previously received the Tū i te ora Scholarship.
- Are not employed by Northland Regional Council in a full-time, part-time or fixed-term role.
- Can commit to the summer work experience (mid-November 2025 to mid-February 2026).
Council’s environmental and regulatory functions include these areas:
- Biodiversity
- Biosecurity
- Climate change
- Environmental planning and policy
- Environmental science and data analysis
- Flood and natural hazard engineering and management
- Geographic information system (GIS)
- Land management
- Water management
Selection criteria
When assessing applications, the panel may take into consideration any/all of the following:
- Academic merit
- Whakapapa to Te Taitokerau
- Community involvement
- Financial need
- Relevance of studies (to council’s environmental and regulatory functions).
Short-listed applicants are required to attend an interview with Northland Regional Council representatives. Interviews may be facilitated in-person at council’s Whangārei office or virtually, depending on each applicant’s circumstances.
Successful applicants will be advised of the result of their application via phone call and unsuccessful applicants will be advised via email.
How to apply
Applications must be submitted online by Thursday 13 February 2025.
To apply, visit: scholarships.nrc.govt.nz
For more information:
P 0800 002 004
E scholarships@nrc.govt.nz
W scholarships.nrc.govt.nz
Applications for 2024 are closed
Open 9 October 2023 | Closes 7 November 2023
In 2024, the Tulī Takes Flight scholarships Fund Board will award:
- Four Vocational Scholarships valued from $10,000 - $15,000 each year
- Two Academic undergraduate scholarships valued at $10,000 each year
- Two Academic postgraduate scholarships valued at $15,000 each year
- Seven Career changer scholarships valued at $30,000 each year
To be eligible for these scholarships, you must be
- of Pacific descent
- a domestic student, i.e. a New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident
- have lived in New Zealand for the last three years at the time of the closing date of the application
- you must be accepted into the course of study, for the scholarship you are applying for before the course starts
For more information, additional requirements specific to each scholarship, and the online application form, please visit the Tulī Takes Flight scholarships page on the Ministry of Education website.
Open and Close dates
Open 7 February 2023 | Closes 12 March 2023 (11:59 pm)
Applications for 2023 are now closed.
If you would like to be put on the mailing list for when applications reopen, or, if you have any questions relating to these scholarships, please email Health.Scholarships@waitematadhb.govt.nz.
The Programme supports Māori and Pacific students from the Waitematā region (North Shore City, Waitakere City, and Rodney District) to undertake health-specific tertiary study with an accredited New Zealand education provider. In return for support with your tuition fees, networking opportunities, and an employment offer upon successfully completing your training. Scholarship recipients must agree to work with the DHB for at least 2 years post-graduation.
Eligibility Criteria
The Scholarships are available to people enrolled in New Zealand undergraduate health science degrees.
The main eligibility criteria for scholarship applicants are:
- New Zealand Citizenship and/ or permanent residency
- Māori or Pacific ethnicity
- Evidence of community involvement
- A commitment to working for Waitematā District upon graduation for a minimum of two years
Application process
Each applicant is required to
- Upload a CV and Cover letter, as well as answer screening questions.
For more information and an online application form, visit the WDHB website.
The two scholarships listed below are both funded by the Zonta Club of South Auckland. Both awards have been set up to assist in financing a student to undertake a course of study towards a professional or vocational qualification of any sort.
Applications are currently open
2024 applications close 30 August 2024
You must be female and living in South Auckland and meet all other requirements, including age requirements, set out in the relevant award regulations.
Information Sheet for the Young Woman's Study Award - value, up to $1,000: Purpose - to assist in financing an under 25 years of age female student's first post-secondary course.
Information Sheet for the Study Award - value, up to $5,000: Purpose - to assist in financing study for a woman aged between 25 to 45 who is hoping to begin or to complete a course of study which she was unable to undertake immediately after leaving school.