Student support services

Our student support services are here to help you achieve your academic and personal aspirations.

Success & achievement

The Student Learning & Achievement team provides academic support, while our Subject Librarians help you navigate the library.

The Careers Development team can assist in mapping out your career pathway, whereas our Access4Success team supports students with impairments.

Our Information Technology (IT) team provides IT Support.

Student voice

The Student Council (Te Kaunihera Akonga o Wairaka), Student Advocates, and our Student Support Advisors, are all here to offer support and advice, not only for academic study but life as well.

In class, you have the support of your elected Class Rep, who ensures both positive and negative feedback is passed on to the institution.

Pastoral support

Our dedicated Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae and Pacific Centre are a support network for you and your whānau/fanau.

There’s also the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Service, a place for students to connect on a spiritual level.

Student spaces

Our student hubs, Te Puna at Mt Albert and Learning Commons at Waitākere, give you the space you need to be social or to pull out your books and comfortably bury yourself in your studies.

We also provide a smoke-free environment across both of our campuses, and we're committed to providing a positive, healthy learning environment for all students.


Join or create a student club with the support of our Clubs and Sports team. Explore our beautiful country with our Experience NZ team.

Or, connect with our ALLY Network, a group of staff and students who value diversity and support building an inclusive working and learning environment for all staff and students.

Help on campus

Our Student Central (Te Pae Kōrero) can answer any questions you may have when on campus. Our team of advisors can connect you to a wide range of student support services available.

International support

In addition to the above, International Students can also seek support and guidance from our International Student Advisors.

Your Lecturers

Of course, your Lecturer is also here to support you during your studies, and can help you connect with the right people on campus.

For a full list of our Student Services

A number of our support services include self-help tools or host a number of online resources to support you in your studies.


Each semester starts with an Orientation programme, designed to make you more familiar with where you’ll be studying, who you’ll be studying with, and what to expect from your course.

For more information, visit our Welcome page

Connect with us on social media

Stay connected and keep up to date with what’s going on around campus.

See all of our social media channels